Genshin Impact Icon
Bot | Anime
Join for an exciting journey through the world of Teyvat ~ Our bot has many exciting features - from wishing for characters to battling with slimes! Each character you summon will be stored into your inventory and can be equipped with weapons and artifacts You can build each character stats and add
Genshin Impact Discord Server Banner
Genshin Impact Discord Server Banner
Genshin Impact Icon
Bot | Anime
Join for an exciting journey through the world of Teyvat ~ Our bot has many exciting features - from wishing for characters to battling with slimes! Each character you summon will be stored into your inventory and can be equipped with weapons and artifacts You can build each character stats and add
Solo`s Cat Icon
Furry | Entertainment
This is a Ai chat bot based on my irl cat This joyful happy cat who always hungry and likes fresh food his favourite food is fish but any food is okay for him he loves playing with humans and purr for anyone
Quiz! Icon
Entertainment | Bot
**Приглашаем вас в мир викторин — знакомьтесь с Quiz!** 🌟 Чем наш бот порадует Вас? - 🔹 Разнообразие викторин: в нашей базе загружены 24 разные тематики для викторин. - 🔹 Автоматизация: никаких хлопот с отправкой викторин — бот сам их будет отправлять по расписанию в указанный канал каждые 30 минут или по вашему желанию. - 🔹 Турнирная таблица: Участвуйте в поединках за лидерство по очкам и коэффициентам выигрышей. - 🔹 Статистика участников: информация о ваших достижениях представлена в удобной ранговой карточке, весьма лаконично и ясно. - 🔹 Аукцион: не знаете, куда деть заработанные очки? Теперь вы можете создать товар и торговать на вашем сервере. Если кто-то купит, то бот автоматически снимет очки с пользователя, и выдаст роль. **❓ Если есть вопросы, замечания или опечатки сообщите в тех.поддержку!**
Giveaway-Bot | System Icon
Bot | Programming
Giveaway-Bot | System is a Verified Giveaway Bot ❓Why use Giveaway-Bot | System? ⠀↳ Database: The bot runs on a secure database so that all giveaways can run without interference. ⠀↳ Commands: The bot has a lot of commands to help you create and manage your giveaways. ↳ DM notification: You have to mark the winners at the end of the giveaway again because the winner does not contact you? No problem, the winner will automatically receive a notification that they have won. ⠀↳ Settings: You can make changes to giveaways that are already running. For example, you can set the prize or the winners. ? Links ⠀↳ Website: ⠀↳ Support-Discord: ⠀↳ Bot-Invite: ⠀↳ GitHub:
HotUtils Icon
Gaming | Technology
Hotsauce's HotUtils has created HotBot, a discord interface for the HotUtils suite of products centered around providing player and guild management tools for SWGOH.
Fays Spielplatz Icon
Community | Gaming
Official Moderation Bot die FaysSpielplatz Dieser Bot ist ein selbstentwickelter Bot für denn Discord Server FaysSpielplatz
Bot | Gaming
OFFICIAL TX GAMING 95 BOT ALL PERMISSION ACCESS BOT OP YOUTUBE ?????????????????????????? ........................
Unitinho Icon
Music | Bot
O Unitinho é o mais novo bot de música</u>, além de o mais simpático, que você verá por aqui! Junte-se ao número crescente de servidores e usuários felizes em utilizar nossos serviços. ? ( YouTube & Spotify ) Aproveite as suas músicas e playlists com a melhor qualidade, além das funcionalidades padrões do mercado. Comandos disponíveis: autoplay blacklist help nowplaying pause play playlist | create | add | remove | list | delete prefix queue remove repeat resume shuffle skip skipto stop time volume ⚙️ ( Suporte ) Qualquer dúvida, problema ou algum bug, por favor reportar em nossa Comunidade no Discord.
Kirito Play § Discord & Interaçõ Icon
Social | Community
Divulgação Do Servidor: Kirito Play § Discord & Interações Conteúdo do Servidor: * Divulgamos Outros Servidores * Temos Um Canal Exclusivo Para Jogos * Canal De Música Para Os Membros Do Servidor * Várias Salas De Voz e Texto Para Os Nossos Membros * Não Aceitarmos Palavrões, Conteúdo NSFW e Racismo Dentro e Fora Do Servidor * Todos Os Membros São Respeitados De Forma Igual *Sempre Tentarmos Ajudar os Membros Para Melhor a Experiência Dos Nossos Membros *Fazermos Parceria Com Outros Servidores *E Varias Outras Coisas Que Vão Aparecer Aos Poucos
Helper bot Icon
Bot | Memes
This bot is here to serve everyone you and the people of your server thia bot will make every happy
Discord.F.A Icon
eSports | Gaming
Bot para encaminhar jogadores para a seção de Free Agents em busca de se cadastrarem e as equipes em busca de Jogadores cadastrados
NitroBot Icon
Bot | Support
Discord Bot with over 400 commands and made for large servers It can do Moderation, Tickets, Radio, Games, Giveaways, Customisation, Economy, Leveling, Invites, Messages, Utilities, Suggestions, Server Stats etc.
Bot | Entertainment
Kimera - Interactive Fiction Icon
Writing | Art | Gaming
Kimera lets you read and write interactive stories within Discord; solo, or collaboratively with your friends/guild. Add multiple branching choices, images, track decisions and set variables. Export your book to JSON; you're not locked-in. A permission system lets you control who can read or add onto a story. They are private by default. Wholesome corn-based economy gameifies writing and reading. Commands: /cyoa the main interface for reading and writing /harvest get corn /help open the help book/documentation
Kimera - Interactive Fiction Discord Server Banner
Kimera - Interactive Fiction Icon
Writing | Art | Gaming
Kimera lets you read and write interactive stories within Discord; solo, or collaboratively with your friends/guild. Add multiple branching choices, images, track decisions and set variables. Export your book to JSON; you're not locked-in. A permission system lets you control who can read or add onto a story. They are private by default. Wholesome corn-based economy gameifies writing and reading. Commands: /cyoa the main interface for reading and writing /harvest get corn /help open the help book/documentation
Boost boy Icon
Bot | Community
Bot | Business
Direct Resell is a Discord bot designed to streamline buying and selling processes. It connects buyers and sellers across various servers, making transactions faster and easier, allowing you to remove your server limits and get new targets. With features like automated WTB/WTS notifications in DM (to be alerted when a buyer or seller is detected for your WTS and WTB) and a user-friendly interface. For Sneakers, Watches, Collectibles, Funko, Hype Clothing, Accessories, Cryptos, Bots, and more. Save time and money!
Pixel system Icon
Business | Community
Bot manager ele ainda está no começo Mas ele tem um sistema de criar embed Só usar *criarEmbed se der algum erro entre. No servidor de suporte. Pretendo adicionar muito mais coisas Ele é um bot privado ninguém tem só vocês poderão ter
Tost Bot Icon
Tost Bot
Stellar - Twój bot reklamowy! Icon
Bot | Community
Stellar - Twój bot reklamowy! Czy marzysz o dynamicznie rozwijającym się serwerze Discord? Poznaj naszego rewolucyjnego bota reklamowego - Stellar! ✨ Co oferujemy?: 🚀 Promocja bez Granic: Stellar automatycznie promuje Twój serwer w wielu serwerach, przyciągając nowych, aktywnych członków. 🌐 Precyzyjne Targetowanie: Dzięki inteligentnym algorytmom, Stellar dociera do osób zainteresowanych treściami Twojego serwera, zwiększając szanse na zdobycie lojalnej społeczności. 📊 Statystyki Skuteczności: Śledź efektywność reklamy dzięki zaawansowanym statystykom, dostępnym w prosty sposób. 🤖 Wysoka Interaktywność: Stellar zachęca do interakcji, co przekłada się na aktywność członków, tworząc silną społeczność. 🚀 Dodaj Stellar i zobacz, Jak Twój serwer zaczyna w ekspresowym momencie rosnąć! 🔗 Dodaj Stellar Teraz! 🔗 Discord [SUPPORT]:
CreeperBOT Icon
Bot | Programming
A multi propose discord bot, now powered by Botghost...still in development, feel free to join our support server (still in development, so you wont be able to write anything now)
Moon 🌙 Icon
Community | Support
Featured Functions: 🛡️ Efficient moderation to maintain a safe environment. 🎲 Fun entertainment commands to liven up your chats. 🌐 Practical utilities to make server management easier. 🎵 Music commands so the fun never stops.
Setaur Icon
Bot | Community
Setaur 24/7 Open 🔰 Information - Bilgilendirme invite ’ ping ’ stats ’ uptime ’ help 🎵 Music - Muzik autoplay ’ clearqueue ’ evolume ’ filter ’ jump ’ loop ’ lyrics ’ move ’ nowplaying ’ pause ’ play ’ playprevious ’ playskip ’ playtop ’ eplay ’ queue ’ remove ’ removedupes ’ replay ’ resume ’ search ’ seek ’ shuffle ’ skip ’ stop ’ unshuffle ’ volume ⚙️ Settings - Yapılandırma 247 ’ autoresume ’ config ’ dj ’ prefix ’ reset ’ setupmusic
WolfPup Icon
Gaming | Bot
Опис бота "WolfPup": Основна ідея: "WolfPup" - це багатофункціональний бот для Discord, створений з метою розваг та взаємодії на сервері. 🐺 Він вражає своїм розмаїттям і можливістю налаштовувати різні аспекти економіки, комісій та ігор для задоволення потреб вашого серверу. 🎮 Основні функції: 1. Економіка: WolfPup додає динаміку вашому серверу завдяки економічній системі. 💸 Користувачі можуть заробляти валюту, виконуючи різноманітні завдання або участь у спеціальних подіях. 📈 2. Ігри 1 на 1: Проводьте захоплюючі ігри 1 на 1 між учасниками сервера. 🎲 Кожна перемога додає валюту до економічного балансу користувачів, стимулюючи змагання. 🏆 3. Налаштування: Великий вибір параметрів для керування економікою, комісіями та іграми, щоб вони відповідали концепції вашого серверу. ⚙️ Легко змінюйте мову бота між українською та англійською для забезпечення комфортної взаємодії для різних користувачів. 🌐 4. Мовна підтримка: WolfPup підтримує дві мови - українську та
Gold Bot support server Icon
Technology | Community
Support server for Gold bot
Games+ Official Server Icon
Gaming | Bot
Hello guys join this fun server and maybe teach me how to code lol but anyways this server is bot related but please join and you can add my bot with the invite link below and enjoy the server and be patient with the owner Hi my prefix is # I am a bot in development will be done soon
Ice Bear Icon
Bot | Community
Support my bot and my discord server!
Radio X Icon
Music | Entertainment | Memes
A Discord music/radio bot that plays live streams radio, YouTube music/streams, Spotify music/streams and many more ...
Radio X Discord Server Banner
Radio X Icon
Music | Entertainment | Memes
A Discord music/radio bot that plays live streams radio, YouTube music/streams, Spotify music/streams and many more ...
Shrek Icon
Bot | Support
Um bot programado em node.js (javascript) e feito interamente pelo O bot começou mais ou menos como um "meme" mas se tornou algo mais sério, e bom aqui estamos nós com o bot no Ele consta com comandos de utilidade, moderação e diversão, mas terá mais comandos no futuro. Seu criador é Lobefut#0001 Mas seguinte se você for humilde vota e adiciona ele :)
Kirito Live Chat Icon
Bot | Anime
Live chat with Kirito from Aincrad - Sword Art Online simulated by artificial intelligence.
MusicBot Icon
Bot | Music
? MusicBox is ready to play ? New Server Discord Bot with music join join new stuff chat and games
DynamicBot Icon
Bot | Community
Looking for the best Discord bot for your server? We've got it DynamicBot Helps with music, moderation, and even leveling. So add DynamicBot to your server!
CooperBot Icon
A bot that is focused on animals
Watame Icon
Bot | Music
Hello, I am Watame Music Bot. I provide the best and lag-free music for discord servers. To play a song with me type the command ">". Supports Youtube, Soundcloud, Spotify and Twitch.
lukassidauruk66 [bot] Icon
Programming | Community
coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon
Brio Icon
Music | Bot
This is a normal discord bot with some rich looks to it. b!help for help menu The bot got awesome features like, filters, loops, lyrics and more Help Menu:- b!filter songs filters b!help bot orders b!join join the channel 24/7 b!jump skip a specific song b!leave leave the voice channel b!loop repeat the song/queue b!lyrics view the song lyrics b!nowplaying view what is playing now b!pause pause the queue b!ping view the bot ping b!play play a music/playlist b!prefix change the prefix in you guild b!queue view the server queue b!radio play a random music b!resume resume the server queue b!say makes the bot repeat what you say b!skip skip the song b!stop stop the server queue b!volume change the songs volume
Learning Icon
Community | Bot
Official bot for Darklearning's Community, best bot ever, click on him and he terminates you! Add him to your server for a cookie?!
Cyde Icon
Bot | Community
New update, January 15, 2022 With the new year, new functions are required! That's why we took the time to improve existing functions and develop new ones. We also have already made preparations for future updates! What's new? Hangman, which you can play with the "-hangman" command. temporary channels, use them with the help of "-events" and then click on the button.
Future Bot Icon
Bot | Memes
Future is a multi-purpose bot to help you moderate and manage your servers with ease! Server invite: Features include: Moderation commands /ban, /timeout, /purge, /kick, /warn etc. Economy: Working, sending money to other users Selling items to members within your server Money is global so you can earn money in any server to buy things in other servers MEMES! Memes, images, and lots of other fun commands and much much more Utility Welcome messages, mod logs and much more
Joining to server Icon
Bot | Community
Да пусть это и небольшой бот но имеет несколько команд. !!!help - Помогает пользователю с командами, !!!info - Приветствует пользователя, И основная команда !!!give-inv - Даёт ссылку с приглашением на сервер. Да не стоит пугаться,бот иногда бывает оффлайн. Хоть про нас и мало чего слышно но мы разработчики сервера Gaming || Hub.
Server Manager Icon
Bot | Community | Entertainment
Server Manager provides servers with features such as, leveling, giveaways, member verification, join gate, invite tracking, event logging and moderation.
Server Manager Discord Server Banner
Server Manager Icon
Bot | Community | Entertainment
Server Manager provides servers with features such as, leveling, giveaways, member verification, join gate, invite tracking, event logging and moderation.
GateKeeper Icon
Bot | Support
A Nice advanced Discord Bot! Features : Leveling, Memes, Userinfo, Ping Servers, delete messages and way more! To get a Membercount create a Voicechannel with the name : ⭐⎜All Member:
Hypo's The Bot Icon
Bot | Support
Use ''/'' Commands For The Best, If You Type ''/'' There Are Some List Of All The Bot Can Do And We Are Still Updating The Bot And Dashboard, Premium And Other, So Stay Tuned For Our Awesome Update Bot. ''/add-money'' Add Currency To A Member Balance. ''/addrole'' You Can Add Member Role. ''/ban'' Ban User. ''/check-balance'' Check The Balance Of Another User. ''/clearwarnings'' Clear All Warnings. ''/daily'' Claim Your Daily Bonus. ''/giphy'' Search For GIF's In Giphy. ''/give'' Give Another Member Dollar From Your Balance. ''/help'' Get The List Of The Commands. ''/imgur'' Search For Picture On Imgur. ''/invite'' Return The Invite Link For The Bot. ''/kick'' Kicks A Member. ''/leaderboard'' Returns The Server Economy LeaderBoard. ''/level'' Get Your Current Level. ''/levels'' Get Your Server Leaderboard. ''/ping'' Return The Ping For The Bot. ''/purge'' Purges Message In A Channel. ''/remove-money'' Remove Currency From A Member Balance. ''/removerole'' Remove A Role From A Member.
A moderation bot. It’s pretty simple. There is basically nothing to it. Just add the bot. Done. It’s simple.
Programming | Gaming
CFX Finder bot you can find fivem server ip port host and more info server Bot commands: >cfind [cfx code] "CFX Server Info" >cip [cfx code] "Get Server IP" >clogo [cfx code] "Get Server Logo" >ctags [cfx code] "Get Server Tags" >cresources [cfx code] "Get Server Resources"
Holo Icon
Bot | Technology
Holo has a lot of cool punishing commands! You can log things like edited/deleted messages, who punished who, and even who joined the server at what time! There's also informational commands! ## Moderation mute - Times out a member warn - Warns a member unban - Unbans a user hackban - Bans a user kick - Kicks a member infractions - Views a member's infractions ban - Bans a member ## Info avatar - Shows a member's avatar ping - ping pong botinfo - Shows the bot's information membercount - Shows server membercount serverinfo - Shows a server's information servericon - Shows a server's icon policy - Shows the private policy invite - Shows bot invite help - Shows commands whois - Shows member information info - Shows a outside user's information ## Settings memberlogs - Sets channel for logging members linkfilter - Turns invite filter on or off modlogs - Sets channel for logging punishments invitefilter - Turns invite filter on or off auditlogs - Sets channel for logging messages
mp3-BOT Icon
Music | Entertainment
This bot can play music from all file types, mp3, mp4, wav, etc. (Premium is required for all files other than mp3) All you have to do is type \play and attach a file along with it, now you can play music again after Youtube shut down music bots. There is a help menu to assist you in getting started as-well as a support server in-case extra help is needed.
X-Striker Icon
Community | Bot
X-Striker is a cross server user management bot that eliminates account hijackers and phishing scams.
DevaL Marv371 Icon
Music | Bot
Developer: Marv371#8167 . Website: Support:
Aviation Bot Icon
Entertainment | Science
Hey! So I (the owner) is wondering if you all got any suggestions for the name. Dm me at Fruityyy Jess...#0408 if you have any ideas. Otherwise, this bot is still in beta mode but it will come out of beta mode shortly after we finish testing a few things. There is a whole economy system for it and we are still adding more. Thanks for reading. I hope that this bot can be added to your server and becomes part of your server! Updates: We have added more features! V2 of the bot is out and its on the same bot!!! Hope you like it! Link:
✫Vexter✫ Icon
Community | Social
this is a work in progress bot by $ lovelySKULL#0001 so like im making a new bot and i need it to be in 100 servers i need help please ? this bot is a work in bata im a new bot dev and im trying my best on this bot =) idk join this server if you wanna talk and shi
Elijahs Utilities Icon
Support | Community
This is a simple moderation bot with moderation commands, and some fun commands. The code is on replit here: NOTE FOR DEVELOPERS: Feel free to fork the repl! There is also another fork on my profile with different commands. They run under the same token, and depending on which works better, I switch running them. NOTE: The repl does not do anything if you run it. If you want to make your own, you have to fork, and then you have to change the secrets(environment variables) to match your dev settings. This includes your Token under the TOKEN environment variable. This note and the repl is only for developers wanting to make their own. Information is on the server. You can also invite the bot from the support server, instead of the oAuth2 url.
MR3 Icon
Education | Community
Global Description:  MR3 is our official Discord bot, it contain our articles, website and services, there's more to come in the future as it is still in developement.    Additional details: Our missions is to prevent online frauds trough educations and teach cybersecurity defense tips, MR3 does all that while providing access to our main pages! make your server members safer online with MR3 bot!
Xi Bot Icon
Art | Technology | Gaming
💎 All-in-one AI assistant: ChatGPT-4, GPTs, VHQ image generation, AI editor and other! ⭐ Start using for free! ⭐ Payment with crypto! ⭐
Xi Bot Discord Server Banner
Xi Bot Icon
Art | Technology | Gaming
💎 All-in-one AI assistant: ChatGPT-4, GPTs, VHQ image generation, AI editor and other! ⭐ Start using for free! ⭐ Payment with crypto! ⭐
Gangster Game Bot Icon
Gaming | Community
Quests, Missions Crime commands Trade with another players in auction Shop, black market Leadboards Drugs trade Battle with others And more!
Hanni Icon
Anime | Entertainment
**[support server click here]( or do `.owner` command to join us!** **All Features:** **youtube updates/notifications : the command is `.tube add`** **instagram updates/notifications : the command is `.insta add`** **weibo updates/notifications : the command is `.weibo add`** **twitter updates/notifications : the command is `.twitter add`** **tiktok updates/notifications : the command is `.tiktok add`** **weverse updates/notifications : the command is `.weverse add`** **instastory updates/notifications : the command is `.instastory add`** **`.universe` getting new updates from universe app its like weverse. i worked hard to get data from that app.** **`.youtubelive` getting youtube live stream notification!** **`.zapzee` getting kpop and kdrama news from the best kpop website.** **this bot have downloader for most of social website/apps** For example to download a tiktok video you have to do : `.ttdl with_a_post_link` for example : `.ttdl h
XDMusicBot Icon
Music | Gaming
`/help to see commands.` | `/ping to see ping and servers` | Music Bot for Discord | 24/7.......................
Carder Icon
Bot | Entertainment
Carder is a discord bot focused on Canvas Images like /simpcard <user> or /jail <user>! It has CURRENTLY over 30 Commands (There will be more) and has no Ads or functions you have to Buy!
merp Icon
Furry | Gaming
merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp
Social | Music
The BITNW MUSIC Bot A bot that is an all in one bot which welcomes everyone, this bot can litteraly do anything as it is an all in one bot this includes: games. welcome messages, goodbye messages, music and so on.
Games Icon
Gaming | Social
The idea of bot is to give people ability to make table games events and just to play table games directly in discord. Now bot is supporting such games as: 1)Tic tac toe 2)Count four 3)Chess 4)Domino 5)Battleship And some single player games: 1)2048 2)Rubik`s cube 3)Minesweeper Same as statistics of your games and command uses. Also it have a lot of games in plan 1) Checkers 2) Backgammon 3) Dots and more
Cloud Bot Icon
Bot | Anime
Cloud bot is an moderation and fun based bot we recycled the old code of MEE4 Bot this bot was created for my friend VAZ, they are one of the owners. for any help join the support server.
Guard Bot Icon
Bot | Business
Guard Bot Contains: Moderation, Verification, Giveaways, Role-handling, Giveaways, Trivia and so much more! Add Guard Bot today by clicking the "Add Bot" button or visit our website at and if you have questions, please contact us at [email protected].
Hanekawa's Wonderland Icon
Bot | Anime | Programming
Hanekawa is a highly customizable multi-purpose bot with a focus on extensive moderation tools and user activity rewards. Customizable Leveling, Economy, User Profiles and Welcome banners!
Dignity Icon
Bot | Community
Dignity is a versatile and feature-rich bot designed to enhance server communities. With its global reputation system, Dignity enables users to build and maintain their reputation. But that's not all - we have big plans for the future! We are working on implementing a global economic system, a global leveling system, and many other exciting features. Stay up to date with updates and see how Dignity takes your server to new heights. Whether you're a large community or a small server. Icon
Community | Social
Virtual conversation relay to to bridge the gaps between Discord servers and communities. Discord servers are their own isolated communities where people never really see much beyond their own server. Often times this is okay, but how can you expand your server conversation without worrying about potential new users fitting in with your current friends and members? A tunnel is a virtual conversation relay that can be used to bridge the gap between Discord servers. For example, say you wanted to introduce your friends from one server to another server, but don't want to fully commit to inviting them to your server. You can create a tunnel between a single channel in your discord servers to allow active conversation with which ever discord servers you please. This allows discord communities to be involved in other Discord servers from the sanctity of their own. Simply run /tunnel create then provide the Tunnel Code to a friendly discord server of your choosing.