Public Discord Bots tagged with Detective Conan

Maki Icon
Entertainment | Music
The only bot you'll ever need! - (Voice) Levels - Music - Moderation - Logs - Invite Tracking - Reaction Roles - 20+ Languages - Dashboard
Maki Discord Server Banner
Maki Discord Server Banner
Maki Icon
Entertainment | Music
The only bot you'll ever need! - (Voice) Levels - Music - Moderation - Logs - Invite Tracking - Reaction Roles - 20+ Languages - Dashboard
Kudo Shinichi Icon
Entertainment | Bot
Hello everyone, I'm Kudo Shinichi, and the Admin of BOT is Vietnamese. Kudo Shinichi specializes in Automation. In addition, the BOT has a different frequency function, please experience it. Note: This BOT is Fun! Nothing other than the target. If anyone abuses the BOT, please contact @Deleted User f0bd3b64 # 9340. Thank you.