Genshin Impact Icon
Bot | Anime
Join for an exciting journey through the world of Teyvat ~ Our bot has many exciting features - from wishing for characters to battling with slimes! Each character you summon will be stored into your inventory and can be equipped with weapons and artifacts You can build each character stats and add
Genshin Impact Discord Server Banner
Genshin Impact Discord Server Banner
Genshin Impact Icon
Bot | Anime
Join for an exciting journey through the world of Teyvat ~ Our bot has many exciting features - from wishing for characters to battling with slimes! Each character you summon will be stored into your inventory and can be equipped with weapons and artifacts You can build each character stats and add
VIP Support Icon
Bot | Community
VIP server podderzhki dlya podderzhki botov. Mnogofunktsional'nyy VIP-bot s upravleniyem serverom, instrumentami administrirovaniya, razlichnymi utilitami, razvlecheniyami i mnogimi drugimi komandami.
Ullmina Icon
Bot | Support
Ullmina is a unique bot in all discord but with basic commands and easy to interact with the user, it has commands that help entertain the user and help him, what differentiates Ullmina is that it is a unique and easy-to-use bot to accompany
JoshieBot Icon
Bot | Entertainment
Server, Role, and User Info. Moderation. Games and Information. Cute cat pictures. Inspiration and Pokemon. Stocks and Crypto. Dictionary and Translator. Utility and Roles. AutoMod options and toxicity control. AI-powered text generation. Suggestions and Polls. Coin flips and Message Management. It's all here. Invite JoshieBot today.
Rocket-Bot Icon
Bot | Gaming
Discord sunucuları için yönetim ve moderasyon botu. Tüm komutlar eğik çizgi {/} ile çalışır Moderasyon komutları, bilgi komutları, Middleman servisi, uyarı sistemi, log sistemi, reaksiyon rol, Otomod ve daha birçok sistemi barındırır. Otomod ve ayarlar: /log Sunucu için log kanalları ayarla. Kanal seçilmez ise ilgili log sistemi kapatılır. ┝ mm ❯ [kanal] Middleman log kanalını ayarla. ┝ otomod ❯ [kanal] Otomod log kanalı ayarla. ┝ ihlal ❯ [kanal] İhlal log kanalı ayarla. ┝ genel ❯ [kanal] Genel log kanalı ayarla. ┝ mesaj ❯ [kanal] Mesaj log kanalı ayarla. ┗ girişçıkış ❯ [kanal] Giriş-çıkış log kanalı ayarla. /otomod Sunucu oto moderasyon ayarları. ┝ maxline ❯ [kategori] [satırsınırı] Kategori altındaki kanallara satır sınırı koy. ┝ kayıt ❯ [aç/kapat] [kanal] [rol] [süre] Kayıt sistemini aç yada kapat. ┝ antilink ❯ [aç/kapat] Sunucuda paylaşılan tüm linkleri engelle. ┝ antidavetlink ❯ [aç/kapat] Sunucuda paylaşılan discord davet linklerini engelle. ┗ antispamcaps ❯ [aç/kapat] Büyük h
Spectrum Icon
Get the ultimative Spectrum experience. We have a lot of cool and fun commands ready for you to use in your server! Invite our bot now! Welcome to the Spectrum Bot. We have a lot of commands for you to use for free. We made sure to add all commands needed for a discord server! Support is always available for anyone that needs help. Our commands types are: Moderation, Games, Fun, Information and Image. What are you waiting for? Add the bot to your server now!