As we are fast approaching a milestone of 500 members at GameHub community we are going to implement a new leveling up system!

Although the server is doing incredibly well we have decided to make the change based on the social side of things to promote more engagement with members across the server so we can continue to fulfill our goals of helping community members make new friends, find people to game with and so on.

The new system will level you up based on interaction throughout the server and will look as follows:

Lvl 1 - Noob Gamers,

Lvl 5 - Epic Gamers,

Lvl 10 - Heroic Gamers,

Lvl 15 - Elite Gamers,

Lvl 20 - Expert Gamers,

Lvl 30 - Master Gamers,

Lvl 40 - Legendary Gamers,

Lvl 50 - Godly Gamers

And so on.. We are of course are open to suggestions on what you, the community members think of this change. Let us know of any changes you'd like to see with the new system by commenting in #suggestions and we will take this on board.

Thank you once again to every single one of you who have made this server work and help it where it is today, you guys are incredible! Happy New year to you all.