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Hello and welcome to Great Britain! We are a community server that is welcoming all sorts of humour (Yes even Moderate amounts of Dark Humour), We are welcoming everyone to join us and have a cuppa. We have alot of things to offer such as...
[♔] 🖼️ Memes
[♔] 🗣️ Debates
[♔] 🫂 A Welcoming Community
[♔] 📻 An Active Server
[♔] 📖 Friendly to all religious and even non-religious people
[♔] 👍 A massive amount of custom emojis!
[♔] 🔊 Soundboards
[♔] 🎨 Anime, Art, Music, Movie Nights, Game Nights and more!
[♔] 🍵 TEA!
[♔] 🇬🇧 A Minecraft Server
[♔] 🤝 Partnerships
[♔] 🌐 Ballsdex! Poketwo! and so many more dexes!
[♔] 📢 Politics & Mock Governement Discussions!
and so.. Much.. MORE!
Join Great Britain today!
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