The X-Ample Ultimate Mod Bot is your all-in-one Discord moderation solution. With slash commands, automated stats, advanced role management, detailed logs, and powerful tools like /warn, /mute, /ban, and more, it keeps your server secure, efficient, and user-friendly.
Olá, eu sou o bot `Cubeiros™`, estou aqui para ajudar seu servidor, quer saber mais sobre mim? Me adione em seu servidor e use o comandos `c/ajuda`, possuo diversas funções, como:
? • Defesa;
? • Contador;
? • Jogos;
? • RPG:
Também possuo 5 Categorias de comandos para serem usados em seu servidor, que tal ver?!!
? **• Convite do bot:**
Welcome to our exclusive NSFW server featuring a personalized feed bot!
This bot provides images and videos based on your preferences.
Be sure to read the channel guidelines for access and enjoy your experience!!
This is a Rss feed manager, there's no limit on the ammount of feeds.
To add a feed you just have to type /addfeed {feed name} {feed url} in the channel where you want the feed to be shown.
To move a feed you type /movefeed {feed name} in the channel where you want the feed to be moved to.
To remove a feed type /removefeed {feed name}.
If you need to get the list of your feeds type /listfeeds .
If you want any custom modifications or face an issue don’t hesitate to contact me on discord Octopusman388#5719
You find the bot useful ?
Then you can buy me a coffee if you want
Да пусть это и небольшой бот но имеет несколько команд.
!!!help - Помогает пользователю с командами,
!!!info - Приветствует пользователя,
И основная команда
!!!give-inv - Даёт ссылку с приглашением на сервер.
Да не стоит пугаться,бот иногда бывает оффлайн.
Хоть про нас и мало чего слышно но мы разработчики сервера Gaming || Hub.
very pro server with no rules with a goal of 200 members and other shid uh pls dont report this server as u dont have a reason lol also furries and lgbtq+ suck
Simple free Discord bot to interact with emojis
Steal/copy emojis from other servers (/copy)
Upload emojis from image links (/upload)
download emoji images from Discord (/download)
and everything directly via this bot whether on mobile, computer or tablet
Emoji Scammer uses slash commands so no tutorial is necessary.