Welcome to Neurodivergent Haven, You might be wondering a few things. I'm your helpful guide to help you learn more about our server! (◍•ᴗ•◍).
This server was founded September 30th 2024, The maker and creator of this server is name Miyani (Yani for short). A little about me is I have ADHD, I made this server to really connect with an audience that are usually looked upon as special needs, this atmosphere creates a safe, interactive, and amazing social experience. Now you may be questioning "What makes you think we are attracted to this server just because there's neurodivergent people here", I'm gonna answer your question right now.. The reason I'd assume that is because I know you have been looking for people that understand your disorder, someone who can truly relate to you because we all been blacksheeped from people before and we all have been bullied for " Talking too much " or "Being to quiet" or just quite frankly existing.