Momentum Trades Icon
Investing | Financial | Community
Premium Discord Trading Hub for Stocks, Options, Forex, and Crypto! Get daily trade signals, expert insights, and educational content from top analysts. Achieve your trading goals with us!
Momentum Trades Discord Server Banner
Momentum Trades Discord Server Banner
Momentum Trades Icon
Investing | Financial | Community
Premium Discord Trading Hub for Stocks, Options, Forex, and Crypto! Get daily trade signals, expert insights, and educational content from top analysts. Achieve your trading goals with us!
CS1.6 Android Official Icon
Gaming | Social
all what u need to know about xash3d dedicated server useing [ termux -exagear - mobox ].. * Mods u can talk about - zp - ze - csdm - gungame - deathrun - furien And any other mods - plugins ...
[ZC] Zombie Plague Classic 5.0.5 Icon
Gaming | PC
Server link: IP: Welcome to [ZC] Zombie Classic 5.0.5 Discord server dedicated to CS 1.6 Zombie Plague Classic Mode! Step into the thrilling world of Counter-Strike 1.6 and immerse yourself in the heart-pounding action of Zombie Plague Classic Mode. This server was created with one mission in mind: to relive the old classic vibe of CS 1.6 Zombie Plague. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the game, this server is your ultimate hub for everything related to CS 1.6 Zombie Plague. Join fellow enthusiasts, share tips and strategies, reminisce about epic battles, or simply connect with like-minded players who share your passion for this classic game mode. Get ready to face off against hordes of undead as a human, or spread the infection as a zombie - the choice is yours! So grab your weapons, brace yourself for the onslaught, and let's dive into the adrenaline-fueled chaos of CS 1.6 Zombie Plague Classic Mode together!🎮 Icon
Gaming | Hobbies
Hello ip: He is looking for players If you want to be part of the staff+vip message in private on discord
[TG] Icon
******* CS 1.6 ANDROID - [TG] Zombie Plague Advance 1.6.1 FREE VIP - Official Discord Server *******
IceEyes | Community Icon
Gaming | Tournaments
[TR] CS 1.6 Android icin kurulan bir klan sunucusuyduk şimdi ise cs 1.6 android/pc topluluk sunucusu olmaya karar verdik bu sunucuda sık sık vs lere katılabilir ve eğlenebilir ve sohbet edebilirsiniz [ENG] We were a clan server established for CS 1.6 Android, now we decided to become a CS 1.6 Android/PC community server, you can often join etc. on this server, have fun and chat.
XecT Icon
Gaming | Social
Bu sunucu cso zp ve zombi meat 6.2 nin discord sunucusudur buradaki amacımız sadece eğlenmektir cso sunucusunun diğer sunuculardan farkı yeni tarz yeni model silahlardır ancak eski telefonlar bu tarz yeni modelleri kaldıramaz
Awesome Cars Icon
Community | Gaming
We are well known internationally Counter-Strike 1.6 server, leader in so-called "Vehicle War" mode of the game with more than 20 000 players worldwide. IP:
Thunder's Island Icon
Gaming | eSports
Serve Iniciante para encontrar amigos que joguem online com você, jogos como League of Legends, Counter-Strike: GO, Minecraft, Among Us, Fortnite, entre outos jogos. Você pode divulgar seu trabalho, e ser apoiado pelas pessoal no server, se você tiver dificuldades de fazer um server no Discord, o Thunder's Island pode-lhe servir de host, contendo vários bots que podem postar memes e tocar musica.
CS 1.6 Jailbreak Türk - DaViDoFF Icon
Gaming | Community
cs 1.6 jailbreak türkiye sunucusu, davidoff gaming jailbreak. farklılık severlere
Gaming | Community Hola a todos somos D|H ZOMBIE ESCAPE somos una ,comunidad muy unidad que esperas bro? para escapar con notros <33
VictoryArmy Icon
Entertainment | Gaming
VictoryArmy Zombie Escape Counter - Strike 1.6 IP- COME SERVER ENJOY Owners: PioneerCS KISAMAVILARK Snowflake
Team-MMG Icon
Gaming | PC
We are just CS1.6 lovers, we play CS1.6 online since 2009. Team-MMG was founded by wbyokomo on late 2009, that time we focus on playing classic CS1.6 with minimal modification. Later we move to Zombie Plague Mod 4.3, that time (2009~2011) we are the best Zombie Plague Server in Malaysia. In 2013 we rebrand our team to Noob4Dead because we active playing and hosting Left 4 Dead 2 versus server. But that not so long, in 2014 we just stop hosting any game server because of funding and less player issue. Since Covid-19 pandemic on 2020 we make a comeback and host our new ZP server. Till now we have 5 CS1.6 servers (Multimod, Zombie Plague, Zombie Escape, Klassik Kombat, Boss-Battle). Server IP 🇲🇾 : Multi-Mod -- Zombie-Escape -- Zombie-Plague -- Klassik-Kombat -- Boss-Battle --
Da Hood Icon
Anime | Gaming
[18+ Adults Only] Welcome to our server! Be part of a growing discord community of like-minded individuals. Chat about anime, gaming, and much more in a chill, calming atmosphere! Come, have fun, and be a part of our community today!
Da Hood Discord Server Banner
Da Hood Icon
Anime | Gaming
[18+ Adults Only] Welcome to our server! Be part of a growing discord community of like-minded individuals. Chat about anime, gaming, and much more in a chill, calming atmosphere! Come, have fun, and be a part of our community today!
CS:2 Türkiye Icon
Gaming | Tabletop
**Merhaba,** **Yeni Açılan CS:2 Türkiye Sunucumuza Gelmeye Ne Dersin?** **Yetkili Alımları Aktiftir..**
Community that aims to play CS 1.6 Zombie Mod as the old days back then in 2007-2008 with some cool features preserving vanilla gameplay
PowerSiderS Community Icon
Gaming | Anime
Welcome To PowerSiderS CS Community, The best server of CS1.6 Android Mods & Servers Here you can find free mods zm & ze for termux, cfg, files CS Edition and more.... 💓
Comunidad CS1999.NET Icon
Gaming | Community
En CS1999.NET, nos enorgullece ofrecer servicios de hospedaje de alto rendimiento y confiabilidad a precios accesibles. Como apasionados jugadores, comprendemos lo importante que es contar con servidores de calidad. Nuestra experiencia operando estos servidores no solo pro viene de nuestra dedicación profesional, sino también de nuestra auténtica pasión por los juegos. Estamos comprometidos a brindarte una experiencia de juego inigualable porque jugamos y disfrutamos los mismos juegos que tú.