Stock Masters Trading Icon
Trading | Community | Financial
The best place for stock trading - day trading, swing trading, ETFs, dividends or long term investing!! Join experience team of analysts and start your journey to financial freedom today!
Stock Masters Trading Discord Server Banner
Stock Masters Trading Discord Server Banner
Stock Masters Trading Icon
Trading | Community | Financial
The best place for stock trading - day trading, swing trading, ETFs, dividends or long term investing!! Join experience team of analysts and start your journey to financial freedom today!
Dragon Adventures Fan server Icon
Gaming | Social
A fan made server for the enjoyers of the roblox game Dragon Adventures, compared to some other servers we are more laid back! we're trying to get more enjoyers of this game to join and help build our community!
DreamingDragons Icon
Art | Community
Official DreamingDragons Discord Server. A place for everyone that loves art and a friendly community.
On Violet Wings is a dragon roleplay based in an entirely original world. There are seven species to choose from, with an eighth species with secrets still to he unlocked. We offer an evenly paced plot that everyone has the chance to play an important part in, as a soldier, commoner, a general, perhaps even a prince in a world that once had magic, stripped away by an ancient queen. The plot — a war has fell upon the dragon world with two sides, after the daughter of one of the species leaders fled to another territory with he hybrid hatchlings. Six species are involved in the war, while the other two remain sidelines. Dragons are dying, and the living are beginning to question their royals. They could stop this war with one word, but they won't, why? Despite all the death, there is still hope. There has been rumour of a prophecy, a vision, that soon a being from above will descend to stop the fighting, and the world will go quiet. But perhaps, there is more than one meaning to this.
FOD - Fluff of Dergs Icon
Furry | LGBT
🐉🌸Welcome to Fluff of Dergs🌸🐉 Where you can spread your wings and soar through the heavenly clouds above, traveling along the flowing winds of the limitless sky with others like yourself who’ve taken flight to join us on our journey! So we urge and welcome you with open arms to come be apart of our mythical world, to be apart of our amazing community, and too be apart of our lovely home! 🐉🌸Features🐉🌸 🐉: A friendly, close-knit community built upon trust and care! Where there is a friendship to be made around every corner! 🐉: Professionally trained and balanced staff members who work daily to ensure the wellbeing of the server and the happiness of our community family! 🌸: Active Channels that are full of conversation and full of life! Always allowing a chance for something different! 🌸A variety of roles, sections of the server, and activities to participate in! Letting you explore the vast wonders of our home and to feel apart of it as well!
The Ruins of Ellypsium Icon
Role-Playing | Art
⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽✹☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅ Two moons shine upon the land of Ellypsium, a place of dragons and mythical beasts nearly brought to complete destruction by an ancient god now lost to time. Will you forge your path here? ⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽✹☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅ ➣ SFW, 18+ Space ➣ Friendly and attentive staff ➣LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC friendly, queer run server ➣ High Literacy with low word requirements per-post ➣ A constantly evolving, butterfly-effect overarching plot ➣ A brand new server, and ample opportunity to build personal plot and be a part of the growth of the community and roleplay! ➣ Engaging and interesting quarterly events! Members also have the ability to suggest potential mini-events! ➣ A shop to buy character slots, fun body plans (such as amphithere drakes, and wyrms), and skill upgrades to further your dragons abilities! ➣ An extensive list of F2U Picrews and bases as well as staff to assist you in fully realizing your character! ⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽✹☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅ ᴇꜱᴛ. ᴏᴄᴛ. 2023
thefinnedfolk Icon
Gaming | Community
A glorious little grotto for all of our wonderful finfolk to come and chat as you please! Let this be your little safe haven! While this server is targeted towards those in the mermaid community. Any other type of mythology is very much accepted! come check out the finned folk and maybe stay awhile!
Drago Café Icon
Furry | Community
Hey welcome to Drago Café Here are the some the enjoyable features we provide: - We have multiple bots you can play around with and enjoy - Multiple active chats you should find pleasing - Multiple self assignable roles - Multiple coffee themed levels and roles - Partnership roles and server (dm one of our admins or mods to set up and partnership) - Multiple events including movie night, karaoke, drawing contest, etc - Friendly mods and admins that can help you - Friendly members ... and so much more :) We hope you enjoy your stay get to know us
Scale Union Icon
Furry | Gaming | Community
Scalie related server with a juicy NSFW section and our very own events and giveaways!
Drachenzähmen Leicht Gemacht Icon
Community | Art
Treffpunkt der deutschsprachigen Community von "Drachenzähmen leicht gemacht" und des zugehörigen Fandom-Wikis. Rege Diskussionen, Events, Roleplay, Minecraft, Spieleabende, Fanart und Vieles mehr! :)
The Dragon Den Icon
Entertainment | Political
A fun server focused on gaming, We have TONS of different games you can play and you can look for great people to play with! You can rank up in the server to unlock more perks and even campaign to become a moderator! Or you can vote on other people, in doing so YOU can choose who runs the server!
Dragon Quest Icon
Gaming | Community
A place to discuss the Dragon Quest franchise, whether it be main series games, spin-offs, or fan made content! We also host tournaments for you to vote on your favourite DQ game, piece of music, etc. Changes to the server run by polls to members.
Imperium of Dragonkind Icon
Community | Furry
The Pub | 21+ Icon
Social | Community | Entertainment
Welcome to the pub, have a drink and stay a while! This is a 21+ server with only positive vibes and good people. If you're looking for a drama-free experience, look no further!
The Pub | 21+ Discord Server Banner
The Pub | 21+ Icon
Social | Community | Entertainment
Welcome to the pub, have a drink and stay a while! This is a 21+ server with only positive vibes and good people. If you're looking for a drama-free experience, look no further!
?Dragon Community? Icon
Community | Gaming
Our server has Custom Bots, Friendly Staff Custom Roles & Self-Roles. And a lot of games bots.
The Char Zone's Icon
Community | Art
Char char char chaaaar (Join us to this server!)
Flight of Dragons Icon
Furry | Social
Flight of Dragons is a friendly roost of friends and would love to add more to the list :3 A lovely place for everyone to play games, roleplay, share art, find artists, discuss topics but most importantly meet and make new wonderful friends. With our very own mascot, Techie :>
16dragons Official Icon
YouTuber | Community
Official server of the Youtube channel, 16dragons.
furry_not_irl Icon
Furry | Gaming
Small server for Furries to hang out and have a great time meeting new furs!
Storms Carry Us Home Icon
A realistic dragon roleplay
DuskBreakers Icon
Streaming | YouTuber
Official Discord home of SaucyMailman
Team Azur the Dragon? Icon
Gaming | Furry
Gaming Community of Azur the Dragon
r/DragonCity Icon
Community | Gaming
This server is about discussions and talks about the game Dragon City. It is specifically meant for r/DragonCity subreddit users. New players are also welcome here.
Dragon Icon
Art | Gaming
:DragonCursor: The Dragons Server, aka Ðragon™️ :DragonCursor: :BlueDragonStone: Is a discord that was inspired by a similar dragon to Cynder in 2001 on Return To Castle Wolfenstein. :CynderStone: Read more info about it in our history
Dragon Icon
Gaming | Hobbies
:DragonCursor: The Dragons Server, aka Ðragon™️ :DragonCursor: :BlueDragonStone: Is a discord that was inspired by a similar dragon to Cynder in 2001 on Return To Castle Wolfenstein. :CynderStone: Read more info about it in our history