Public Discord Servers tagged with Marauders Rp

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Investing | Financial | Community
Premium Discord Trading Hub for Stocks, Options, Forex, and Crypto! Get daily trade signals, expert insights, and educational content from top analysts. Achieve your trading goals with us!
Desolation Comes Icon
☪ It is 2024, in the time of our Dark Lord Voldemort’s reign. ✧ The lord’s rise to power was a swift and terrifying one, taking down the ministry seemingly overnight and appointing his own government officials and Aurors ☪ The rebellion is doing what It must to save as many muggles and muggle-borns as possible. It’s a hard, thankless job, but the casualties would have been far more staggering if not for them. ✧ Join the rebellion and fight to restore order to the world or protect the ways of your forefathers. ☪ 21+ modern day Marauders AU ✧ Due to dark themes & world state we require all our muses be 20+ as well ☪ All mods are 25+ ✧ Anti JKR ☪ low key group and aim to be a collaborative community ✧ We are a DISCORD BASED Roleplay group.