Tranquility (18+ SFW) Icon
Social | Gaming | Community
🌟 Join our 18+ SFW community for gaming 🎮, movie nights 🎥, giveaways, and more! Enjoy a chill, friendly community with AI art access 🖼️ and a dedicated Minecraft server.
Tranquility (18+ SFW) Discord Server Banner
Tranquility (18+ SFW) Discord Server Banner
Tranquility (18+ SFW) Icon
Social | Gaming | Community
🌟 Join our 18+ SFW community for gaming 🎮, movie nights 🎥, giveaways, and more! Enjoy a chill, friendly community with AI art access 🖼️ and a dedicated Minecraft server.
Realms of Eluaria Icon
Role-Playing | Writing | Tabletop
Eluaria is a "high fantasy" roleplay setting, based largely on a world with a rich history and vibrant background, rife with potential for adventure and storytelling. We have an amazing interactive map, dedicated and respectful staff, and some pretty amazing writers who have been writing in this world for years. There are both SFW and NSFW sections to cater to all tastes, but require 18+ for entrance.
Odeão de Herodes Icon
Just Chatting | Beliefs
Bem-vindo ao servidor Odeon de Herodes, um servidor social para chat e discussão. A estrutura do servidor, como papéis ou nomes de canais, é baseada em nomes gregos. Aqui encontrarás: - Conversas sobre Videogame, Anime, Manga, Literatura, HQ, Graphic Novel e Visual Novels. - Chat em português e inglês (na maior parte do servidor) - Debates sobre escrita de personagens/storytelling, com liberdade de expressão e sem censura. - Servidor descontraído com poucas regras, mas ainda assim rigoroso em certas áreas. - Fórum: veja as ideias de outras pessoas sobre temas como filosofia ou narração de histórias, ou crie as suas próprias ideias. - Variedade de emojis. - Athenas: um canal de texto para estudar a Grécia Antiga, desde a sua filosofia e política até à sua mitologia. - Não há regras gerais para os debates, cabe aos debatedores decidir quem ganha. Juízes apenas quando realmente necessário.
TaleDrop Icon
Writing | Tournaments
Join a vibrant community of horror enthusiasts where you can collaborate with fellow storytellers to craft dark and twisted narratives! Share your ideas, vote on plot twists, and see your contributions come to life. With regular prompts to spark your creativity, Ready to dive into the darkness? Click below to join us! 👉 Join Taledrop! 👈
Grimmrose Court Icon
Role-Playing | Writing
Grimmrose Court is a new server dedicated to written roleplay and creative writing, building a friendly community for those who love the art of writing and story telling for RP. Members can post and create roleplays, or apply to existing ones. Server admins are experienced roleplayers. This server is 18+ and roleplays are rated by content (ERP or sensitive content) and writing style (how long posts typically are). Welcoming to people new to the roleplay community and those wanting to learn. We offer and are open to all genres of roleplay.
Transformers:Rise from the Ashes Icon
Role-Playing | Social
After eons of war the great war between the Autobots and the Decepticons came to an end:Megatron ended it after learning the true meaning of oppression and the gladiator of Kaon left Cybertron self exiling himself.Optimus Prime sacrificed himself becoming one with Primus to make sure Cybertron would thrive again and with the threat of Unicron gone the Cybertronian race would thrive again.Cybertron was divided between the decepticons and the autobots and two nations were born:the decepticons empire and the Autobot Republic. The two factions worked together to rebuild their planet but it didn't last for long and the tensions began to rise after the council got back on Cybertron with their personal private army and they took control of the new autobot republic and the caste system was quickly restored:atleast in the republic. The decepticons that did not follow Megatron's last order organized themselves into terrorist organizations and the DJD led by Tarn kept hunting the traitors.
Community | Just Chatting
SAAYA your go-to hangout spot for all things chilling and thrilling! Whether you're a die-hard horror and paranormal enthusiast or just looking for a place to connect with others, Saaya has something for everyone.
The No Uh...-Club Icon
Language | Education
Want to speak confidently by avoiding filler words like "uh" and "um"? Simply jump into one of our voice channels and train with us! Our hosts will point out when you use filler words and give you tips on how to express yourself more precisely and confidently instead. This server is for all those who don't just want to chat but want to consciously work on their language in order to forge well-considered and clear sentences.
Writer's Guild Icon
Writing | Community
Are you a creative writer and or worldbuilder looking to find likeminded people? Looking for useful resources to help improve your writing then you have found the right place! - Newly created community that is looking to have a small but active members to help bounce ideas off each other and make friends a long the way. - A small, close-knit community with a hard member limit of 100 members. Definitely give us a chance, we might be small, but that has a charm of it's own!
The Hobbit Hole Icon
Entertainment | Community
The Hobbit Hole is a minecraft bedrock SMP server that operates on story-based elements that are scattered throughout the world for players to discover while exploring. The server featuers donor only roles, chats, and perks; and there is a TON of things planned to be added later on so the longer you stick around the more you'll gain access to!
haunting hour | horror stories Icon
Writing | Social
Just a bunch of people who love reddit stories and horror stories :) ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
Military Worldbuilding Icon
Writing | Art
Military world building is a discord community dedicated to creating, sharing, and showing off world building projects with a strong emphasis on military fiction and other intense combat focused stories. Join our comunity of 100+ authors, artists, game designers, programmers, mucisans, 3d artists, and technical experts!
Curio Icon
Entertainment | Community | Music
Curio is a marketplace for digital collectibles from television shows, graphic novels, movies, artists and more. We are building a space for anybody to join and chat about anything, join events and parties, and get rewarded for that. We'd like to invite anyone interested in the entertainment world to our server as we will be offering many cool opportunities to get in touch with people from this industry. See you there!