Introduction of Cute Pandaz Club

Cute Pandaz Club is a collection of 8,888 2D generated Cute Pandaz NFTs created to provide holders genuine utility and access to the metaverse.

After launch, each holder will automatically be whitelisted for future launches from the 'Launch pad NFT Hub,' featuring NFT projects from professional artists who venture into the NFT space.

Cute Pandaz Club was created by team of professionals. Good News is, it’s easy to get whitelisted for Cute Pandaz Club, as you first have to join its Discord server and earn the ‘Level-3’ through staying active, engaging in conversations, and reaching level 3. This is only the start, as from here, you have to either create art, interact with tweets, or randomly get selected from reacting to announcements.

However, Cute Pandaz Club’ is hosting giveaway to give everyone a fair chance to skip all whitelist requirements and get a guaranteed spot. Now is the perfect time to participate in the giveaways.

Cute Pandaz Club Mint Schedule: Whitelist Mint Date: 20th May 22, Mint Price: 50 Matic Pre-Sale Mint Date: 23rd May 22, Mint Price: 75 Matic Public Sale Mint Date: 3rd June 22, Mint Price 100 Matic

Cute Pandaz Club | Official Links

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