SAY HI TO @Gilbert ! He's our new friend that will be introducing people and announcing level-ups when they enter the server. He doesn't bite.. Maybe :smile:

New Music Voice Chat: :musical_note: Gilbert will be playing in VC :coffee:Night Cafe Vibes . Feel free to join anytime to study or relax.

NEW ROLES ARE HERE. :french_bread: The roles channel has been reset. We also now have ping roles. You can now select a role in #roles to be ping for announcement, giveaways, events, or dead server.

New Levels added to the server! ⭐️ Look at #level-roles for more information and rewards. XP rate is now 2X!!!

Added new emotes to the server! If you have any other emotes you’d want, send them in the #┇?emotes channel

@Welcomer Role is Now Here! You can also receive the @Welcomer role if you are willing to give new people that join the server a warm welcome! In order to receive the role please DM @AP or one of the mods. Requirements:

  • Give members that join a warm welcome
  • Be active (inactivity will result in it being removed!)

Movies Movies will now be every Saturday around 8-10 PM EST. (Starting the week of 5/23/21) More information can be found at #┇?events

Any concerns or feedback feel free to DM the @AP, the mods, or tex in the #┇?give-feedback channel.

Stay gucci my friends :)))))