
  • Adjustments made to all civilian jobs.
  • Payments were increased/adjusted along with the reputation system for each.
  • Reputation earnt for jobs is a little less random to allow for a more enjoyable progression.
  • Hunting store fixed to allow you to go hunting.


  • Adjustments made to all criminal activities.
  • The entry barrier into criminal activities was greatly reduced, with more criminal jobs available through the tablet. Along with this, payouts for criminal activities were increased to allow for a more enjoyable and less-grind feeling experience where civilian jobs could earn you an increasingly larger amount of money.
  • 3 New drugs/jobs available in the city.
  • Adjustments made to vehicle chopping to better allow for groups to chop the same vehicle.
  • Some vehicles were removed from boosting, such as mowers.

Misc. & Fixes

  • Adjustments made to gruppe6 and the inventory, to help with ground item issues.
  • Items which were dropped due to a full inventory will now visually show the item prop.
  • Weather changes were made so that there will be less rain/storms and more sunshine and roses.
  • Trunk issue fixed where all trunks were using the same max weight, they are now properly sized based on vehicle class.
  • Food & Drink which were not consumable can now be consumed.
  • Fixes made to stashes to better handle items with max stack sizes.
  • /givekeys fixed along with a radial menu option for QoL.
  • Vehicles take slightly more damage and are no longer the same as army grade tanks.
  • Some new garages have appeared closer to some spawn locations for easier access to vehicle when flying in.
  • A fix to prevent getting into a car with a stuck prop sending you into a tornado.
  • A few additional blips were added.
  • Rental blips were set to short range so they no longer always display on the minimap.
  • The rental guy no longer steals $500 from you if you already have a rented vehicle.
  • Can now successfully give cash to people using your third eye.