Community | Cooking
Iceland is a place, that exists, I have proof of it, empirical proof, I can provide such proof in dms, just join and pixel for the truth , the vision & the ice of the land : a man can dream of Iceland, PIXEL PIXEL PIXEL, you know? I NEED people to COME ALONG and throw themselves into the pixel addiction, like an high precision rocket throws itself into the bunker of the enemy, you know? I was supposed to make this link a few weeks prior to today, but due to an unforseen events (I forgot about it) I rescheduled this task, and I was already on the way to go , but the description limit says 1k characters, and why not go for it? have you ever thought of something completely impractical, completely useless.. but that you wanted to do? you probably did, guessing by our stock genetics, we are all related in unexpected ways, either way, that's what I am doing now, hmm, yup, just 100 more, and I can finally get Iceland some new members, make that damn art link too, wish me luck I guess, goodbye