🍰Pancake•Paradise🥞 was created to have a nice chat with other people and bring people together not to make them hate each other..
🍰Pancake•Paradise🥞 was named by the love for baking, it was originally called Kanria core then ☘☯Եαղօkα•clαա☯☘ then changed to 🍰Pancake•Paradise🥞.
Me and my helper/assistant (mae) created this group together.
50% off all DoorDash orders (no order limit) CANADA ONLY
We are a "Buy For You" Service, you message us exactly what you'd like to order, we place the order for you, and you only pay us half the cost of the order total.
(13+) are welcomed
Custom vc’s
anyways if u were wondering why i made this server . Join and ask me .I’ll wait for u at the empire bye 😘
Movie nights
and more
P.S. 🥦 >>>