ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Investing | Trading
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 41,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Investing | Trading
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 41,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
Academy Gaming Icon
Gaming | Community | Social
Academy Gaming is a relaxed gaming community for games like MW3, Destiny 2, Helldivers 2, Mordhau, CS2, and more! Come join to hang out, meet new people, and play some games. We have game roles for many different games and have monthly giveaways of steam games, Discord Nitro, and other prizes.
TSF.gg Premier Gaming Icon
Gaming | Community | Tournaments
✨ One of the longest-lived gaming communities in the world (since 1997). We play numerous multiplayer games (PC or Cross-Platform); create a channel for any game. 🥇 Whether you're looking for your next competitive group, are strictly casual, or are somewhere in between, TSF welcomes you to our server, whether you want to game for the next 25 minutes, or the next 25 years! Battlefield 2042, BF2042, BF, Call of Duty Black Ops 6, MW3 MWIII, CoD, Warzone, DMZ, Rainbow Six Siege, Rainbow 6, R6, R6S, The Division 2, TD2, World of Warships, WoWS Rocket League, Helldivers 2, Delta Force
Helldivers II: Alianza Hispana Icon
Gaming | Social
¡Saludos, Helldivers! Esta es la comunidad hispanohablante no oficial dedicada a Helldivers 2, un lugar donde podrás encontrar compañeros de juego, compartir estrategias, y mantenerte al día con las últimas noticias y actualizaciones del juego. Nos esforzamos por crear un ambiente amigable y respetuoso para todos. Asegúrate de leer y seguir nuestras normas para contribuir a una comunidad positiva y divertida. Encuentra: 🔔 Noticias, parches y órdenes supremas traducidas 🎮 Encuentra jugadores apasionados como tú 🎨 Comparte tu arte y videos épicos
Super Earth Command DE Icon
Military | Community
🌍 Ruf an alle Helldivers! 🌍 Die Supererde braucht dich! In unserem ultimativen Helldivers 2-Discord findest du: ⚔ Squads für jede Mission – Kein Matchmaking-Frust mehr! 🎖 Tipps & Loadouts – Werde zum ultimativen Supererden-Krieger! 🔥 Events & Turniere – Zeig, dass du der beste Helldiver bist! 📢 Live-News & Updates – Bleib immer auf dem neuesten Stand! 💬 Memes & Chaos – Demokratie mit einer Prise Spaß! ✉ Tritt jetzt bei und kämpfe für die Supererde! DEATH TO THE ENEMIES OF MANAGED DEMOCRACY! 🔗 https://discord.gg/GZFzPnVBdb
Truth Icon
Gaming | Beliefs
Are you looking for a chill Christian community, or do you have questions about the bible? ✝️ Truth is a Christian gaming community and online ministry dedicated to sharing the gospel in an interpersonal way. We want members, whether they agree with our faith or not, to enjoy a community where they feel welcomed and loved. We believe that Jesus is who he claimed to be, God in the flesh (John 8:58, John 10:38, Matthew 10:40, Mark 2:23-28) and that he gave his life on the cross because he loves every single person that has and ever will live, including you.
Helldivers Command Centre Icon
Gaming | Community
Welcome to Helldivers 2 Command Center! Join our vibrant community of Helldivers as we take the fight to alien threats and defend Super Earth together. This is the ultimate hub for players to connect, strategize, and embark on thrilling missions. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a new recruit, you'll find a place here to team up, share tips, and make new friends. What We Offer: - Cooperative Gameplay: Team up with fellow Helldivers to tackle challenging missions and achieve victory. - Rank Progression: Earn unique titles and roles as you level up, from Cadet to Super Private and beyond. - Mission Planning: Coordinate with others to plan and execute successful operations. - Tips and Strategies: Share and discover the best tactics to dominate the battlefield. - Events and Contests: Participate in regular community events and contests to showcase your skills. - Friendly Community: Meet like-minded players and forge lasting friendships. Join us in the fight for freedom and glory.
Helldivers 2 en Español Icon
Community | Gaming
La comunidad hispanohablante más grande de Helldivers 2. Aquí encontrarás un espacio seguro donde poder encontrar otros jugadores con los que jugar y compartir experiencias únicas. Contamos con más de 4700 miembros y un Staff totalmente comprometido. Así como diferentes canales en los que podrás interactuar y recibir una experiencia única junto con otros jugadores.
GameCoopItalia Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Server Dedicato a chi parla in lingua italiana e a limiti di età 18+ Giochi Trattati: 1: Dark and Darker 2: Dying Light 2 - Stay Human 3: Day Z 4: Fallout76 5: Helldivers 2 6: Isonzo 7: No Man's Sky 8: Project Zomboid 9: Sea of Thieves 2023 edition 10: Star Citizen 11: State of Decay 2 - Jaggernaut Edition 12: Vein 13: World War Z 14: Space Engineers
Helldivers [PT-BR] Icon
Community | Gaming
Servidor publico para a comunidade brasileira de Helldivers 1 e 2. Com intuito de melhorar o LFG Brasileiro e auxiliar nos problemas de comunicações enfrentados em sessões de partida rápida ou na falta de companheiros de equipe.
Helldivers 2 Romania Icon
Gaming | PC
Bine ai venit în HELL DIVERS ROMANIA! 🇷🇴 Suntem încântați să te avem alături de noi în această experiență captivantă și plină de acțiune, unde fiecare dintre noi joacă un rol esențial în eliberarea planetelor de sub tirania inamicilor! Îți dorim o călătorie plăcută și lipsită de incidente în misiunile noastre periculoase. Dacă întâmpini dificultăți în a accesa canalele noastre sau nu ai primit încă rolul de @Helldiver , te rugăm să nu eziti să ne trimiți un mesaj privat și vom rezolva rapid situația pentru tine! Pentru a-ți facilita căutarea unui echipaj compatibil, îți recomandăm să explorezi canalul ⁠🌟𝙧𝙤𝙡𝙪𝙧𝙞 , unde poți seta nivelul tău de experiență în joc și fronturile preferate pe care dorești să le abordezi. Mai târziu, poți naviga către ⁠🎮𝙡𝙛𝙜-𝙜𝙖𝙢𝙚 pentru a găsi parteneri de luptă și camarazi de încredere! Împreună, vom lupta cu curaj și determinare pentru a face față provocărilor întâmpinate și pentru a aduce pacea și libertatea pe fiecare planetă pe care
Dutch HellDive Core HellDivers 2 Icon
Gaming | Just Chatting
Welkom bij Dutch HellDive Core! wij zijn een nieuwe Nederlands sprekende Discord voor HellDivers 2 de discord is niet vol gespammed met allemaal kanalen het is lekker overzichtelijk. kom gezellig bij ons laten we samen groeien en met jouw zijn we er een stapje dichterbij om een grote server te maken
Helldivers 2 CZ/SK Icon
Gaming | Social
Najvacsi CZ/SK server na helldivers 2. Pripoj sa do nepretrzitej strielacky v coop spolocne s ostatnymi hracmi.
Penny Stocks ZTRADEZ Icon
Financial | Trading | Crypto
🔪Sharpen Your Trading Edge with Our FREE Penny Stock Discord Server! Join our thriving Discord server and refine your trading strategies across a wide spectrum of styles: 🟡Penny Stock Swing/Day Trades 🟡Equity Swings Swing/Day Trades
Penny Stocks ZTRADEZ Discord Server Banner
Penny Stocks ZTRADEZ Icon
Financial | Trading | Crypto
🔪Sharpen Your Trading Edge with Our FREE Penny Stock Discord Server! Join our thriving Discord server and refine your trading strategies across a wide spectrum of styles: 🟡Penny Stock Swing/Day Trades 🟡Equity Swings Swing/Day Trades
Doomsday Preventon Squad Icon
Gaming | PC
Started for Helldivers 2, the Doomsday Prevention Squad has: *Squad Voice Channels *LFG Channel *Memes / ridiculousness *More active evening / late night. *Will expand to cover other games the population plays Invite link is here: https://discord.gg/q6hn7UyXqm
aewsome Icon
Gaming | Social
A server where you can play steam games with people and have fun, no age requirement or anything, yeah just be cool.
awesome Icon
Gaming | Social
a server where you can meet people and play steam games, (helldivers, dead by daylight, lethalcompany), no requirements, just have fun
Helldivers II - Español Icon
Gaming | Community
Tenemos que poner de nuestra parte y servir con honor, fervor y coraje a nuestros ideales, a nuestro estilo de vida, únete y reparte democracia con tus hermanos y hermanas de guerra. - Ministerio de la verdad
The Bellmorons Icon
YouTuber | Gaming
The Bellmorons The group of idiots that went on stupid trips and almost blew themselves up, finally have gotten their own discord! Keep up with what's going on and meet up with fellow fans, all around just have a good time. In the meanwhile, play some games or chat with others! Hope to see you there!
Helldivers 2 Latinoamérica Icon
Gaming | Community
En este espacio podrás encontrar a los miembros de tu futuro escuadrón para que puedan repartir democracia en toda la galaxia!! Sientete libre de entrar a los canales de audio !! Nos vemos en el frente de batalla!!
XtremeZone Romania Icon
Gaming | Social
Va asteptam pe serverul nostru de discord si pe serverul de pallword XtremeZone Romania
Lethal’s abyss Icon
A gaming server for the finals Xdefiant and helldivers 2 with event and friend people and LFG groups
Division Sector-4 Icon
Community | Gaming
Division Sector-4 is a military division of the Helldivers Crops and based in Sector-4 of Super Earth. It's objective is to select critically endangered objectives after ⁠major-orders have been announced, present it to a vote and to issue a deployment order for the whole division. Being part of this formation, it's members will have a higher impact on the events taking place in the galactic theater of war and steer the course of human democratic history by defending the ballots of SUPER EARTH.
Helldivers 2 Latam Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Server comunitario para jugar, divertirse, avanzar en las ordenes de Super Tierra liberando la galaxia y llevando democracia gestionada a los enemigos en helldivers 2
PumaGamerYT Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Servidor de la comunidad de PumaGamer182 en el que se juega a Helldivers 2 entre otros juegos. Únete y disfruta, por la libertad!
The White Clover Icon
Gaming | Memes
Faisant office de discord officiel du clan/guilde The White Clover majoritairement basé sur Helldivers 2, cet endroit est un recueil de paix où vous pourrez vous amuser en jouant à ce qui vous plaira avec les autres membres ou bien seul si vous êtes du genre loup solitaire, vous pourrez notamment aussi parler, débattre, partager vos vies comme vos talents ou bien vos passions, tout est aménagé ici afin que vous vous sentiez comme chez vous ! Nous acceptons tout profil et serons ravi de vous accueillir dans nos rangs afin de faire briller notre blason pour la Super-Terre !
Secret Society Icon
Community | Entertainment | Gaming
No one is safe.
Secret Society Discord Server Banner
Secret Society Icon
Community | Entertainment | Gaming
No one is safe.
Gaming | Playstation
Attention, Helldivers! Sweet Liberty, also known as Liberty Company, is a formidable battalion of Helldivers dedicated to the noble cause of combating the scourge of autocracy and tyranny. We were forged in the crucible of the PS Network, but now we extend our ranks to all warriors, regardless of origin, who share our unyielding commitment to freedom. Our directive is clear: we engage the enemy with valor, never retreating from the fiercest battles. We stand resolute until the mission is accomplished or we fall in the line of duty. Join us, fight with honor, and let the guiding light of Super Earth lead us to victory!
The Senator Division Icon
Community | Gaming
The Senator Division: A Legacy Forged in Fire and Betrayal The 101st Hell Battalion, once a symbol of unwavering valor in the face of the enemies of Super Earth, lay shattered. Not by the relentless onslaught of the alien hordes, but by the poisoned hand of its own General, Mind. A man once revered for his tactical brilliance, Mind had descended into a tyrant, his paranoia and lust for power eroding the very foundations of the Battalion. When a group of senior officers, weary of Mind's erratic commands and the growing number of inexplicable losses, attempted a coup, their rebellion was met with brutal force. Mind, in a fit of rage, unleashed the full might of the Battalion upon his own officers, decimating their ranks and leaving the 101st a hollow shell of its former glory. The Super Earth High Command, more concerned with maintaining order and preserving their own power, chose inaction. Mind, unchecked, continued his reign of terror,
Community | PC
Poco a poco vamos añadiendo más comunidades para juegos y servidores, si te apatece crear una comunidad te daremos herramientas como servidores para crear juegos con tus amigos o más. No dudes en pasarte.
Helldwivers Icon
Gaming | Community
A server for fans of helldivers 2 to hangout and get groups together. We host weekly high difficulty games to earn higher rank roles in the server for fun. we also have space to share art whether its helldivers or other.
Helldivers HQ Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Find your Helldiver Squad at the Helldivers HQ. The more players join, the faster you'll find your firing squad!
ZockerEcke Icon
Gaming | Community
Servus! Wir sind eine (noch) kleine aber wachsende Community, bestehend aus Leuten die leidenschaftlich gern Zocken. Wenn du es satt hast immer alleine zu sein und keiner deiner Freunde On ist, du aber jemanden zum zocken suchst, bist du bei uns genau richtig! Oder willst du dich nur mit anderen Menschen austauschen ? Ganz egal, alle sind bei uns Willkommen! Hol auch gerne deine Freunde und Kollegen zu uns, um den Server zu füllen. Was wir bieten? - verschiedene such Kanäle, für verschiedene Games - einen allgemeinen Chat Kanal, wo alle aufeinander treffen - freie MOD stellen - verschiedene Rollen - simpel aufgebauten Server, ohne viel schnick schnack Also aufgehts, wir sehen uns im Chat! ACHTUNG! Unser Server befindet sich noch in der "work in pregress" Phase. Es kann sich noch einiges ändern in zukunft.
DankBuds Icon
Gaming | Community
DankBuds (LGBT+ Friendly, Queer owned/ran) is LFM **420-friendly** players/homies to squad up and/or virtual sesh with :grin: We're focused on gaming of course, but which game(s) we play most often is up for debate :rofl: We want to extend an invite to you as we begin our quest to steal the "favorite server" spot in your heart :smiling_face_with_3_hearts: We welcome any suggestions/ideas our members may have to help improve entertainment and quality of life in the server. **__Key Features__** - "Join to Create" channel bot for any/all voice chat needs! :loud_sound: - Server Levels awarded based on member activity! :bell: - Various vanity & ping/noti roles! :sparkles: - Color Bot making changing your username color easy as 1-2-3! :lemon: - TicketBot allows you to reach staff w/o needing to add or ping them! :e_mail: - Music bot for any vibes you might want to create - Private (verified) 18+ channels - Drama Free (ie: no vent channel) - Self Promo channel - Pinging everyone is only
NemesisDivers Icon
Gaming | Military
Welcome to NemesisDivers 1) We are a 18+ Chilled gamer group with the only agenda is to game and have fun 2) This is not a place to vent your political/racial agendas so keep them to yourself 3) You are all fcking adults so manage yourself and be respectful 4) 3 Strikes and your out and don't cry about it 5) No elitism antics, be a active supportive member 6) Help grow the server add your friends providing they are 18+
Super Earth Headquarters Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Welcome to our vibrant community-run Discord server dedicated to Helldivers, the thrilling cooperative third-person shooter game set in a dystopian future. Within our Discord, we've fostered a tight-knit community of passionate Helldivers enthusiasts who come together to strategize, coordinate missions, share tips and tricks, and forge new friendships amidst the chaos of intergalactic warfare. Upon joining our server, you'll find yourself immersed in a welcoming atmosphere where players of all skill levels gather to engage in lively discussions about their favorite aspects of the game. Whether you're a seasoned veteran with hundreds of hours logged in the field or a fresh recruit eager to learn the ropes, there's a place for you here among fellow fans. Our Discord features a variety of channels tailored to different aspects of the Helldivers experience. From general discussions where you can chat about anything and everything related to the game, to dedicated channels for coordinatin
Australian Helldivers OCE Icon
Gaming | Community
Hello and a warm welcome to all of our new Helldivers! 👋 We're thrilled to have you join the fight ❤️ 🤝 Please, take some time to introduce yourself to the community – share a bit about yourself, your interests, and what brings you here. 📜 Before you dive in, please take a moment to read through our server rules. We want everyone to have a great time here, and following the guidelines helps create a positive environment for everyone. We're excited to have you Helldiver, and we can't wait to get to know you better. See you on the front lines! 🎉
KriticalMush Portugal Gaming Icon
Gaming | Community
Portuguese server but we also speak English and Spanish! Here we all play in peace and fun! Server completely TUGA! Fortnite, Call of Duty, Palworld, Valorant, Helldivers 2, Dead Island 2 and many more games that we can all play together! There must be respect and empathy for others here, without discrimination! A gaming community where there can be any rage at will and always with the main goal of everyone having fun Servidor Português mas falamos em Inglês também e Espanhol! Aqui jogamos todos em paz e divertimento ! Server completamente TUGA! Fortnite, Call of Duty, Palworld, Valorant, Helldivers 2, Dead Island 2 e muitos mais jogos que poderemos todos jogar juntos ! Aqui tem que haver respeito e empatia com o próximo, sem descriminações ! Uma comunidade gamming onde pode haver todo o rage a vontade e sempre com o maior objetivo de todos nos divertirmos
Helldivers 2 latino Icon
Gaming | Community
Para todo Helldiver Latino que no tenga un compañero con el cual repartir democracia y libertad por horas y horas, cree un servidor de discord donde pueden unirse. SALUDOS Y BUENA SUERTE.
Chemical | 18+ Icon
Community | Entertainment | Anime
✧ Chemical | 18+ ✧ Chemical is a 18+ community with the specific goal of allowing adults to feel free in conversation! We do not care where you are from you are always more than welcome into the community :) • 18+ SFW server that's chill and laid back • 50/50 female to male ratio • active/growing community server • exclusive booster perks • exclusive member perks • instant pic and streaming perms upon arrival •  Active VCs And Chat •  Nitro Give Away •  Events weekly • Active staff team with 24/7 support
Chemical | 18+ Discord Server Banner
Chemical | 18+ Icon
Community | Entertainment | Anime
✧ Chemical | 18+ ✧ Chemical is a 18+ community with the specific goal of allowing adults to feel free in conversation! We do not care where you are from you are always more than welcome into the community :) • 18+ SFW server that's chill and laid back • 50/50 female to male ratio • active/growing community server • exclusive booster perks • exclusive member perks • instant pic and streaming perms upon arrival •  Active VCs And Chat •  Nitro Give Away •  Events weekly • Active staff team with 24/7 support
HellDivers 2 Español Icon
Community | Gaming
BUENAS CIUDADANO!!! UNETE A LA CAUSA - DEFIENDE LA LIBERTAD - PROTEGE LA DEMOCRACIA - LUCHA POR SUPERTIERRA Forma parte de la lucha por tu hogar, conociendo a nuevos reclutas igual de comprometidos que tu para liberar a la humanidad de los enemigos de la democracia. Descubre tu escuadron y aniquila tanto a la plaga terminida como a los automatas carentes de sentido existencial: Unete... a los HELLDIVERS! Servidor en crecimiento con staff amable y acogedor donde pasarlo bien disfrutando de buena compañia es imperativo.
69th Thigh High Brigade Icon
Gaming | LGBT
A brigade of Helldivers dedicating to fighting for Super Earth, while making sure no soldier feels left behind. We're in this together, dammit.
Helldiver Command Icon
Gaming | Community
Looking for a discord to help you spread Democracy? Join a new and upcoming server that will help you find players to group and liberate with! Whether it be automatans, or teminids, there's always someone willing to jump in and help you with your mission to spread democracy! Are you new? Perfect! We have experienced players willing to help new blood in learning the game! So join in the server and let's get to work!
Maverick Helldive BLKN Icon
Gaming | YouTube
Balkanski Helldivers 2 discord u razvoju balkanskih Hell Diver-a. Svi igrači koji poseduju, ili planiraju da kupe igricu, su dobrodošli!
Sacred Band of Liberty Icon
Gaming | LGBT
Welcome to the Sacred Band of Liberty, Diver! Where we take the toughest, loyalist, and most fabulous Hell Divers and put them all in a discord server to efficiently spread liberty, freedom, and democracy throughout the galaxy! Fighting back against the evil bugs and automatons that threaten Super Earth and her citizens.
Liberty Lounge Icon
Gaming | Social
Greetings, brave Helldiver! Are you tirelessly battling the alien threats and safeguarding humanity’s freedom across the galaxy? Do you feel the thrill of diving into hostile environments, with only your wits and your squad to rely on? If the answer is a resounding YES, then Liberty Lounge is calling for you! We are the heart of the Helldivers 2 community — a dedicated Discord haven where strategy meets camaraderie, and every mission is an opportunity for glory. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran looking to share your battlefield wisdom or a fresh recruit eager to take your first dive, Liberty Lounge is your home.
Helldivers Español Icon
Gaming | Community
Estas Harto de ser pienso de bicho porque juegas solo? Únete a nuestra comunidad y encuentra otros Helldivers con los que repartir democracia gestionada! Estate a la ultima en las noticias sobre el juego con nuestros canales de eventos, noticias, parches y ayuda. Y eso no es todo pero vamos a que esperas para echar un vistazo?
Helldivers 2 DE/CH/AT Icon
Gaming | Community
Du willst schnell die Helldiver-Kollegen finden, mit denen du zocken willst? Dann bist du hier richtig. Unser Serverteam spart keine Kosten und Mühen, um dir das beste Communityerlebnis zu bieten. - Sehr viele aktive Spieler - Aktivität und Engagement auf dem Server wird belohnt - Kompetentes, aktives Serverteam - Entspannter Umgang, kein Hass. - Alle Altersgruppen sind vertreten - Streamer sind am Start und werden gefördert - Besondere Auszeichnungen und Errungenschaften, die du verdienen kannst - Viele animierte Emojis und GIFs, die es nur bei uns gibt! - Tipps & Tricks - Alle wichtigen Infos über Updates von Helldivers 2 - Tonnenweise Demokratie und Freiheit - Spaß und Zocken! Neugierig? Dann überzeuge dich selbst!
SEAF 5th Army Icon
Gaming | Growth
Welcome to the 5th Army Helldiver! Looking for competitive gaming, laidback, grinding, and some RPG? Join us! (HR, squad organizers needed)
Gaming | Community
We are Helldivers 2 players, aiming to liberate planets as effectively as possible when Joel isn't looking! We mount operations to liberate a planet a week. Each operation is meant to last 2 to 3 hours, with each member following a procedure of ours to x40 the effectiveness of our contributions.
The Drop Pod Legion Icon
Community | Gaming
Welcome to the Drop Pod Legion, brave Helldivers of Super Earth! You've stepped into an elite community where courage, honor, and teamwork form the essence of our mission. In the Drop Pod Legion, we unite to strategize, celebrate victories, and forge unbreakable bonds against relentless enemies. Your arrival strengthens us. Engage in discussions, share daring exploits, and find comrades for your next mission. Together, we stand firm, safeguarding our way of life from the shadows threatening Super Earth. Before venturing further, acquaint yourself with our Rules of Engagement. They're our unity's backbone and our integrity's shield. They guide us, ensuring every Helldiver acts as a beacon of virtue and discipline in our quest for peace. Embrace these tenets with pride. Let them guide your actions and infuse your spirit with the indomitable will of Super Earth. Together, we are an unyielding force for good. For Super Earth, we pledge our loyalty and courage. Welcome to the Legion—wh
Zbugowany | Polskie Community Ga Icon
Gaming | Community
Zapraszamy do wspólnej gry na Zbugowany | Polskie Community Gamingowe ∙ Helldivers 2 ∙ Sea of Thieves ∙ Minecraft ∙ Apex Legends Aktualnie głownie szukamy osób do obrony demokracji w Helldivers 2. Inne gry takie jak: Sea of Thieves, Valheim, Nightingale, Apex Legends też nie są nam obce. Jesteśmy otwarci, gramy również w inne gry zarówno stare jak i te nowe. Pozdrawiamy i do zobaczenia na Zbugowany.
The Color Palette Icon
Art | Community
We are a community art server, but being an artist is not a requirement to join! We have a growing community and many friendly artists for you to interact with!
The Color Palette Discord Server Banner
The Color Palette Icon
Art | Community
We are a community art server, but being an artist is not a requirement to join! We have a growing community and many friendly artists for you to interact with!
[RS] Rogue Soldiers Clan Icon
Gaming | eSports
Founded in 2021, [RS] Rogue Soldiers is an online gaming community primarily located in North America with some members in South America, and Europe. We are a group of online gaming friends who wanted to expand their community and provide a place for gamers of all genres and platforms to meet. Our goal is to eventually have a large enough player base to rent at least one server per popular game to bring you the best experiences possible! Most of our members are located in North America, but we have members in South America, and Europe as well! Most of our players are PC oriented, but since we are true gamers quite a bit of us own multiple systems. We even play cross-platform games such as COD, Halo: Infinite, and use server side plugins on our Minecraft server to make it cross-platform capable! Just join our Discord to learn more about our cross-play games. Open door policy with an active staff. Easily create a support ticket in our Discord and staff will reach out to you asap.
HELLDIVERS 2 Türkiye Güvertesi Icon
Community | Gaming
Türkiye adına açılmış HELLDIVERS 2 sunucusudur. Sizi'de güvertede görmekten mutluluk duyarız. Demokrasiyi korumak için daha fazla askere ihtiyacımız var... Sizlerde cephemize katılarak bu savaşımıza ortak olun. Aynı zamanda haberler ve duyuruları takip edebilirsiniz. Sizi aramızda görmekten ONUR DUYARIZ!!!
Pride Divers Icon
Gaming | LGBT
Pride Divers is a quickly growing Helldivers 2 LGBTQ+ community dedicated to creating a gaming/social hub for gaymers and their allies! We know public lobbies or official game servers can be toxic or uncomfortable. Queer people deserve to game (and spread democracy) in peace!
Helldivers UA Icon
Gaming | Hobbies
ВІтаю супер українці, нашу Супер Україну оточують вороги, тому командування дало наказ створити засіб для швидкої комунікації між всіма десантниками, а саме супер сервер в діскорді. Всі супер українці котрі шукають собі команду, щоб ефективніше захищати нашу Супер Україну можуть доєднатись: Супер українець, прочитай правила, якщо все влаштовує, перейди на закладку "# обрати-ролі" та оберіть собі роль натиснувши на емоджі щоб отримати повний доступ.
Helldivers LATAM Icon
Community | Gaming
Servidor de Helldivers 2 donde hay de Latam/España, todo organizado para que encuentres escuadrón rápido
Dutch Helldivers Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Een server voor Nederlands talig Helldivers, zoek hier je nieuwe squad, zie het laatste nieuws van de game en hang gewoon lekker rond met andere divers
Gaming | PC
Československý server pro každého HellDivers hráče! Pojďme šířit demokracii společně! Nabízíme příjemnou komunitu, spolupráci a přehledný discord server, který se Vám bude líbit. Aktuálně na serveru nabízíme: 🟠 Příběh ohledně světa, v kterém se odehrává Helldivers 2 🟠 Aktuálně kompletní bestiář ohledně nepřátel v Helldivers 2 🟠 Tier-List zbraní 🟠 Válečný deník - Tato sekce bude upozorňovat na důležité bitvy a konflikty galaktické války a bude podle toho aktualizována v průběhu války. 🟠 CZ&SK hráči, kteří pravidelně hrají u nás na serveru 🟠 Vlastní Voice-Roomky! A mnohem více se chystá a přidává, doufáme, že si to u nás užiješ!
For Liberty Icon
Gaming | Just Chatting
A safe place to meet fellow Helldivers as well as discuss Helldivers 2. We provide regular updates both for the game and server, on top of an LFG channel that allows you to connect with others. Anyone is welcome here, For Liberty! We are a small-scale server at this point of time, and we ask you kindly to bare this in mind and be the first in an ever growing community.
Interlink Icon
Social | Community | Gaming
Join Interlink: Your vibrant gaming hub! Engage in epic RPGs, lively voice chats, and anime discussions. Weekly events, custom games, and inclusive community await! 🎮🌸
915th Covert Brigade Icon
Gaming | Military
Summary: 915th Covert Brigade Recruitment Mission: The 915th Covert Brigade invites individuals to join their elite ranks for covert operations in the universe of Helldivers 2 to protect Super Earth. Identity: They are a secretive force specializing in deep-cover missions, intelligence gathering.
D.I.V.E.R.S Icon
Gaming | Community
Calling all Space Jokers, Discount Heroes, and Explosion Enthusiasts! This ain't your typical, uptight Discord server. This is D.I.V.E.R.S., the Democratic Industry of Visible Endangerment Rewarding Stupidity (because honestly, who doesn't love a good laugh at someone else's, or preferably your own, hilarious demise?) Here's what this glorious cluster mess has to offer: Channel Chaos, But Organized Chaos: We got channels for every kind of shenanigan, from mission planning (which usually devolves into hilarious arguments) to meme-sharing (may the funniest mayhem ensue!). Just keep it clean-ish (unless it's comedy gold, of course). Embrace the Fail, Hail the Funny: We celebrate spectacular screw-ups and near misses more than boring victories. Share your epic fails, inspire others to achieve new heights of glorious incompetence, and together we'll become the laughing
helldivers2 españa Icon
Community | Role-Playing
Servidor español dedicado a helldivers2 te esperamos para repartir democracia gestionada. https://discord.com/invite/QYh2z87WMb