DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
Academy Gaming Icon
Gaming | Community | Social
Academy Gaming is a relaxed gaming community for games like MW3, Destiny 2, Helldivers 2, Mordhau, CS2, and more! Come join to hang out, meet new people, and play some games. We have game roles for many different games and have monthly giveaways of steam games, Discord Nitro, and other prizes.
Monolith Gaming Icon
Gaming | eSports
Established in 1996, Monolith Gaming was founded on the principal that the member is the most important part of a community. Since our founding, Monolith Gaming has supported games like World of Warcraft, Everquest, Tera Online, Warframe and many more PC Games. In 2015 Monolith Gaming moved to console gaming supporting titles like Starfield, MK1, SF6, Sea of Thieves, Diablo 4, Call of Duty, Destiny 2, Forza and Tekken. To date, we have grown in membership and we welcome members from all over the world into our highly organized community. Monolith Gaming is also about promoting gamers and their careers. This is why we have partnered and co-founded the United Gaming Collective. This is a collaboration between multiple other discord communities to offer a variety of services to members from streaming to tournaments to casual play Monolith Gaming has it all.
Weltraum.gg Icon
Gaming | Community
Wir sind eine hilfsbereite und entspannte Gaming Community. — Der plattformübergreifende Gaming-Kosmos mit GG. 🚀 Werde ein Teil unserer Gaming Community und gestalte mit, wohin die Reise geht! - Kein @everyone / DM Spam - Rollen für Spiele, Plattformen und Interessen - XP Leveling-System - Unterhaltungen zu News, Updates & Artikeln - Hilfreiche Discord Bots - noch viel mehr... Wir sind anpassbar: Entscheide selbst, welche Themen und Kategorien du siehst. Spiele & Plattformen: PC, Konsole, allgemeiner Talk und fokussierte Unterhaltung. Machen wir! Spielersuche / LFG: Spontane und geplante Sessions mit Voice-Chat auf allen Plattformen.
Lore Hub Icon
Gaming | Education
A chat focusing on promoting a positive environment to explore the lore behind video games, movies, & more.
The Divided World Icon
Gaming | YouTuber
We are an online gaming community based for new players on games to get together and expand your knowledge on specific games. We are mostly focused on games such as Destiny 2, Call of Duty and Single-Player Games, along with Indie Games like 7 Days To Die & Minecraft. Everyone and anyone is welcome as we post guides and answer any questions you have on Destiny 2 as we help new and returning players. Our primary focus is currently aimed at new Destiny 2 players.
Egemonia Icon
Gaming | Gaming | Hobbies
EGEMONIA Gaming Plateforme: PC Jeu Principal: Overwatch 2 Jeux Secondaires: GTA Online / Destiny 2 Anciens Jeux: Ghost Recon Phantom / Warface / Warframe Ancien Nom de Team: G60 / R1V4L1TY / Equilibrium Existe depuis: 2014
Eternal Blazes Icon
Community | Gaming
We are a destiny 2 clan on xbox looking for members, join the server and meet us and hop on destiny already lets be the biggest clan out there.
EZLighthouse Icon
We run ghost lobbies for Trials of Osiris, K/D farming and Glory/Valor ranking boosts. We're fast, reliable, and always have a good time.
Lunar Destiny Icon
Gaming | Community
Lunar Destiny was created in 2018 for Destiny 1 & 2 players everywhere to hang out, make new friends, recruit fireteams, Chat about anything and everything Destiny-related, and win prizes like 1 free month of Discord Nitro! You can compete in guardian fashion shows and other competitions in a chance to win free Discord Nitro, Youtube Premium, and more!
Gaming | Streaming
A small server dedicated to streamers and gamers alike. Help each other grow and have fun making new friends and people to play with!
Gentleman's Club Icon
Gaming | Community
The Gentleman's Club is a community server that primarily focuses on gaming. We pride ourselves in the fact that the server is truly welcome to everyone so feel free to check it out. We hope to see you soon! <3
Destiny 2 is Life Icon
Gaming | Community
its a small group of people that love destiny and play regularly. We have a no pressure approach and help anyone that needs it. We get raids and weeklies done. I'd highly suggest this server if you want to play when you want without being made too, so you can stay in the discord.
Apple's Tree Icon
Just Chatting | Social
Apple's Tree is an insanely fun and engaging community with over 4500members and growing! Enjoy lively text and voice chats, exclusive giveaways, emojis, custom games, and much more. There's always something exciting happening, so come hang out and be part of the action!
Apple's Tree Discord Server Banner
Apple's Tree Icon
Just Chatting | Social
Apple's Tree is an insanely fun and engaging community with over 4500members and growing! Enjoy lively text and voice chats, exclusive giveaways, emojis, custom games, and much more. There's always something exciting happening, so come hang out and be part of the action!
Nordic Irishmen Icon
Gaming | Community
A Destiny 2 Clan in game and out of game. A gaming community that is looking for people that play the game regularly. Has it's own LFG and free Voice Chats to play in with other platforms (Xbox, Play Station, PC, Stadia). Come join the ever growing family, we would love to have you!
Comuloz Icon
Gaming | YouTuber
The official discord server of Comuloz. Where you can chill and talk about game metas, peripherals, pc hardware.
Community Gaming Space Icon
Gaming | eSports
A place for gamers of different kinds to come along and hang out and connect. Please feel free to share this with lots of people. It’s a brand new, shiny space so still growing content etc. if you have ideas or things you think would be good to add, please let us know!!
EGM Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
FULL TIME GAMERS, PART TIME COMEDIANS EGM was created in May 2017 in an effort to bring forth the most elite legion of gamers with vast knowledge on all things gaming related and spot on comedic timing.
Gaming | Social
Welcome to TEAM UP A brand new, very chilled out 18+ Community that aims to bring all gamers from different franchises together! We offer roles for each game that you like, so other members can see what you like, and help set up teams, from games like : • Destiny • Overwatch • COD • Fortnite And a Plethora of other games, but if you don't see your game, by all means ask us and we'll happily add it! We also have our own Minecraft Modpack (Isle's of Elysium) and very very soon will be opening up a Public server! Partnerships are welcome too! Hope to see you real soon!
Destiny: Rising LFG Icon
Gaming | Community
Biggest and first LFG server for Destiny: Rising the mobile game. Come and get ready for the launch of Destiny: Rising!
The Apex Alliance Icon
Join us today and discover a community that will empower you to become the Guardian you were destined to be. Meet the Apex Authority Alliance's own Vanguard - An elite group of Guardians that want to help you have the best Destiny experience! If you need help or have any questions, feel free to reach out to any of us. We are more than happy to help! Welcome to the Apex Alliance!
AventurinGaming Icon
Hobbies | Gaming
Willkommen bei Aventurin Gaming – Dein ARK Ascended Abenteuer der besonderen Art Aventurin Gaming 🔒 Discordpflicht & Passwortgeschützt 🌟 Mods: Primal Nemesis Descendent weitere nützliche mods Ein vollkommen neues Spielerlebnis jenseits der bekannten Vanilla-Art von ARK! 💼 Für Feierabendspieler optimiert: Du hast wenig Zeit, möchtest aber dennoch große Fortschritte machen? Kein Problem! Unsere angepassten Einstellungen garantieren dir ein entspanntes, aber dennoch herausforderndes Spielerlebnis: Zähmen: 20x Züchten: 25x Farmen: 6x 🎁 Starterpaket: Damit du perfekt ins Abenteuer starten kannst, erhältst du: Hochwertige Ausrüstung, Einen Argentavis - perfekt, um die Welt zu erkunden! 🌍 Was dich erwartet: Ein dynamisches Spielerlebnis, das mit einzigartigen Mods und liebevoll gestalteten Anpassungen besticht. Ob du wilde Herausforderungen suchst oder entspannt die ARK-Welt genießen möchtest – hier bist du genau richtig! Unser Server ist passwortgeschützt, um ein faires und freundl
The Senate Icon
Gaming | Social
Discord server for the multi-game social gaming community, The Senate.
TrueUKGamerTV Icon
Gaming | Streaming
TrueUKGamer Streams Discord Server, Friendly place to join other gamers!
Iconic Vanguard Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Iconic Vanguard is a community primarily based around Destiny 2 and bungie.
Destiny 2 Spanish Icon
Es un server de Destiny 2 principalmente pensado para la comunidad de pc. En el cual se podrá juntar la comunidad de Destiny 2 y así poder ayudarnos como competir entre nosotros
Floofcafe Icon
Furry | Community | Just Chatting
Hello there friend, consider joining us at Floof Cafe. We have: 🌟Minecraft SMP Server 🌟 Friendly users. 🌟 Active Chats. 🌟A large marketplace for art (with many talented artists) 🌟Numerous self-promotion channels. 🌟Warm, friendly and active community. 🌟Funny and cute emojis. 🌟Channels for streamers and content creators. 🌟Drama free and raid-free server
Floofcafe Discord Server Banner
Floofcafe Icon
Furry | Community | Just Chatting
Hello there friend, consider joining us at Floof Cafe. We have: 🌟Minecraft SMP Server 🌟 Friendly users. 🌟 Active Chats. 🌟A large marketplace for art (with many talented artists) 🌟Numerous self-promotion channels. 🌟Warm, friendly and active community. 🌟Funny and cute emojis. 🌟Channels for streamers and content creators. 🌟Drama free and raid-free server
Relaxation Station Icon
Gaming | Streaming
If you're looking to join a respectable community this might be the place! Its small for now but with your help it'll grow.
Lumfao Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Gaming server mainly focused on Fortnite and Destiny 2. However we play many games such as call of duty, CSGO, League of Legends, Overwatch, and more. If you’re looking to make friends for chill or competitive play join up. We could always use more friends to play with.
Platinum Dimension Icon
Community | Gaming
Quite a few of you know us already. But for those that don’t. Rising, KindredStark and Dreamersdie have been gaming buddies for a while. We love gaming and love meeting new friends to play old and new games with. We decided it would be a great opportunity to open our own gaming community that lets gamers from all sorts to get together and find both new and common interests. To break it down as simple as we can. This server is a warm and welcoming place for people to meet and make new friends they can share their love for gaming with. Have a new game you’re interested in and want to talk to others about it? Join us. Have a game you’re hardcore grinding already and want to find someone that’ll join you in the adventure. Join us. Just started a new game that’s overwhelming you working on solo. Join us.
Destiny 2 Icon
Gaming | Social
This is a Destiny/Valorant server with plenty of channels for everything
Destiny 2 Philippines Icon
Gaming | eSports
Home of Filipino Destiny 2 players worldwide! G!
The Charging Port Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Charged Plays Twitch community server for people to hang out, meet new friends, and enjoy talking about all the things!
Destiny 2 Raid Academy Icon
Gaming | Community
An open community for all Destiny 2 players focused on teaching the team work and mechanics of raids and dungeons found in Destiny 2. New or old you are welcome to stay in the server for as long as you wish. We run almost daily raids with the ability to spin up raids on short notice due to our highly active player base. We Offer: - An Active D2 Community - Patient Newbie Friendly Raids - Supportive Community - Fun
Destiny 2 Raids & Quests Icon
Community | Gaming
Destiny 2 server for guardians with no clans or small and/or inactive clans and still want to easily find fireteams for raids and other activities.
Imouto Heaven Icon
Anime | Gaming
Imouto Heaven is a rapidly growing Anime & Gaming community, run by a quirky bunch, that knows how to have fun! We always strive for improvement, and put value in making it comfy for our dear members as well as keeping it a non-toxic environment.
Blood Oath Gaming Icon
Gaming | Community
Gaming, socializing, and the hub for the BOG Clan. - Game Giveaways - Friday Night Movies - Minecraft, Halo, Destiny 2, COD, and more Join today to meet a community of new friends!
The Goblin Gang Icon
Gaming | Community
The Goblin Gang Is a Community Server. That Play Multiplayer Games Together (usually fps) - Such As Rust, Destiny And More We Are Also Very Active As We Want To Form A Great Friendly , Funny And Helpful Community
GG's Icon
Gaming | Community
We are a chill group of players located in the US, UK, Germany, Poland, and more. The server was created to give an ACTIVE environment and reward those who play. We are working in all areas of gaming starting with PC. Please come on in and take a look around.
Artzler's Lounge Icon
Community | Entertainment | Social
Need a new hangout server? Just looking to make new friends? Come join us! | Active Chat & VC | Levelling bot | Friendly staff | Nitro Giveaways
Artzler's Lounge Discord Server Banner
Artzler's Lounge Icon
Community | Entertainment | Social
Need a new hangout server? Just looking to make new friends? Come join us! | Active Chat & VC | Levelling bot | Friendly staff | Nitro Giveaways
Mythical Outlaws Icon
Community | Gaming
Server mainly focusing on creating a healthy non-toxic environment to play video games and make long lasting friends. We play a variety of games such as Destiny 2, Valorant, Elder Scrolls Online, and Apex Legends.
SuperNukeKiller Icon
YouTuber | Programming
**The Official SuperNukeKiller Discord Server** The SuperNukeKiller Discord Server is a server that is very friendly, active and welcoming. We strive to be a place that everyone can feel wanted. We have 4 Sections of the server. We split is based on roles so your discord is not too cluttered If you dont want to see all the channels you dont have to. **General** This is where all the members can talk and have fun, We have general chats and meme channels and so on **Game Development** This channel is dedicated to the progress of the development of the game SuperNukeKiller is Making! You can get alpha access to the game from the server. **Destiny 2** A Large amount of our community are Destiny 2 Fans of I have now opened a new section dedicated to Destiny 2. We have The latest news and useful resources on the Game **Casino Games** For the Mature side of the community we have poker and blackjack tournaments **(NO REAL MONEY)**
[SNG] Synergie Icon
[SNG] Synergie ist ein Multigaming Clan mit Schwerpunkt auf: - The Division 2 - Destiny 2 - GTA Online Der Clan wurde 2019 mit dem erscheinen von The Division 2 gegründet. Den Namen habe ich gewählt da mir Aristoteles’ These "Das Ganze ist mehr als die Summe seiner Teile" sehr gefällt und ich dies auch in einer Gemeinschaft sehe. Wir sind eine nette, hilfsbereite, aber dennoch zielstrebige Truppe die auch im Endgame gemeinsam Erfolge feiert =) Spaß und Reallife stehen trotzdem an erster Stelle! Zusammen Spaß haben, Erfolge feiern, eine nette Zeit mit Gleichgesinnten verbringen... Das hört sich doch gut an =) In diesem Sinne... Habt Spaß und guten Loot <3
D2FWB Icon
Gaming | Social
A new Destiny LFG and Community server for people who don't like the harsh and toxic environment some larger servers may have. Its also community ran and fully transparent so any changes we make or you would like to make will be announced and made clear.
HoB Gaming Zajednica Icon
Gaming | Community
Heroes Of Balkan je otvorena zajednica za sve ljude sa naših prostora (govornog područja), tj Balkana. Osnovno pravilo je da ste pristojni!
Destiny Kook Patrol Icon
Gaming | Social
KooK Patrol is a chill Destiny 2 clan, we play all aspects of the game, always looking for cool chill people to play raids, pvp, pve, weekly bounties, quests together and overall just hang with good people. Mainly a PC server but have members on all platforms. As the server grows there will be nitro perks, give aways, carries, etc.
The Traveler Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Gaming community
Chilled Destiny Players Icon
Gaming | Mature
We are a group of people that love kickin' alien buts in Destiny 2. It's a brand new server that I made to bring the Destiny 2 community together and play. We accept noobies and veterans of the game and are not shy about helping people with quests and missions. :)
We Game >:D Icon
Gaming | Anime
A Growing Community made up from Jacks of all trades. We have game voice chats and text chats for many top games!! We have a clan and a great reaction role system set up for each game for you to access the relevant games... AND we support the anime community with an anime stream channel
Destiny Backup Icon
Community | Political
An unofficial destiny (the streamer) fan server where there are - No crazy mods - Can hang around with people you know while you are banned from the official server (invite based people you know in here early for this to work best) - View updates from destiny's social feeds - Free to debate anything
° ?? Kyoto Cafe ?? ° Icon
Anime | Community
☕ Welcome to Kyoto Cafe ☕ ・゚✧ We accept anyone and everyone ✧・゚ ೃ⁀➷ What can you find in our server ? ────────────────────────── ─♡─ | Members that are super sweet and welcoming. ─♡─ | Most of us are lovers of anime ─♡─ | Our chat is semi active, but we do love good banter. ─♡─ | We have tons of cute emotes, even café themed ones! ─♡─ | We'd love to game with you, check out the roles and grab a few to let us know what you play! ೃ⁀➷ What games do we play? ────────────────────────── ─♡─ | Overwatch ─♡─ | Valorant ─♡─ | Escape from Tarkov ─♡─ | Halo Master Chief & Infinite ─♡─ | Minecraft ─♡─ | And a variety of others! ・゚✧ We hope we get to meet you & we are excited to start friendships ˚ ༘♡ ✩.・:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•:。✩
Gaming | Community
We are an LFG community dedicated to the quality of players, rather than the quantity. Our goal is to provide players that are comprehensive in mechanics, and intuitive so you can compete in end - game activities and day 1 content.
All Toasters Toast Toast Icon
Furry | Gaming | Community
I'm powderedtoastman and this is my furry server! Anyone who wants to join and are 16+ will be welcome. We have: -Transparent administration -18+ NSFW access requiring Date of Birth on a government issued ID
All Toasters Toast Toast Discord Server Banner
All Toasters Toast Toast Icon
Furry | Gaming | Community
I'm powderedtoastman and this is my furry server! Anyone who wants to join and are 16+ will be welcome. We have: -Transparent administration -18+ NSFW access requiring Date of Birth on a government issued ID
Paradise Cove Icon
Gaming | Social
Newly made server for anyone who wants to meet new people or just hang out. We plan on having movie and game nights whenever we have the chance. We also have plenty of voice channels for people who just want to talk or play games with others.
Realm of Gaea Icon
Gaming | Community | Mature
Are you exhausted with toxic gaming communities or stereotypes that make you feel uneasy as a gamer? The Realm of Gaea is a Greek Mythology-themed International Gaming Community that offers a safe and warm space for you to hang out!
Traveler's Warden Icon
Gaming | Community
A new made destiny 2 community server; looking for new, open-minded members! We host events, plan out raids and more <3 more and more cool features will be added soon.
Ascended Vanguard Icon
Gaming | Community
We are a newly formed clan of a couple of friends, looking to build a small community of like minded, mature guardians, (most of us have a family and kids), to make friends with and enjoy the various activities that Destiny has to offer. We are chill players looking to get a group of people together to constantly tackle the content the game has to offer so going after raid seals, grandmasters and even some trials. Happy to have new players we just want to have some relaxed fun and grind so if you want to come check us out the clan link is below. Clan Link - https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=4713509 Discord - https://discord.gg/NvH5Ng42 If your interested in joining our new clan and server and building a small community of like minded guardians then join the discord, we look forward to seeing you. Hope to hear from you soon Guardians. Felix
Destiny 2 Discord Server Icon
Gaming | Social
Destiny 2 Information, Community, and LFG.
The Kave Icon
Gaming | Community
Welcome and dive into The Kave a Destiny 2 Discord set up for fans of Karizma to watch his stream and become notified when he starts streaming. You can also find teammates when looking for people to play with; whether it be crucible, strikes, raids, gambit or Karizma's favorite game mode: trials. This community is set up to be a safe and fun hub for fans and newcomers alike. We welcome you here and hope that you find you find your time here to be enjoyable and fun. So barrels up, Guardians, and lets rip our enemies asunder!
Axxiom Gaming Icon
Gaming | eSports
Welcome to Axxiom Gaming! We are a tight-knit community of gamers who love to hangout and play our favorite games. We foster a positive and inclusive environment where everyone is welcome to join in on the fun. So, whether you're a casual player or a hardcore gamer, come join us and make new friends!
The Byfrost Icon
Community | Gaming
[ALL PLATFORMS/REGIONS] The Byfrost Is Recruiting Active/Casual Players/Sherpas Who Need/Can Help With Story/Seasonal Content, Raids, Nightfalls, GMs, Exotic Quests, Trials, Iron Banner AND MUCH MORE! How To Join Join Our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/2XfaKr88Vt Join The Byfrost Clan Here: https://bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=4442780 What’s Up, Fellow Guardians! Are you in search for an advanced, professional and friendly clan to step into Destiny 2 with? Well, you came to the right place! The Byfrost is a new clan for all Destiny players who would like to participate in activities such as: - Raids & World First Attempts - Nightfalls & Grand Masters - Gambit & Crucible Quests - Trials & Iron Banner - And Much More… We also like to help with anything else our clan-mates are in need of, this includes: - Exotic Quests - Sherpa Guidance - Levelling Characters - Story & Seasonal Grinding See You Starside, The Byfrost Group
The Holy Order Icon
Anime | Gaming
Can pretty much do what u want just dont be a dick also a lot of us will play games with you and if u dont have a mic dont worry we have a text to speech bot so u can talk to us then your playing games with us or talking with us also we have 300 emojis we also have a custom bot called Albedo.
Destiny 2 Germany Icon
Gaming | Community
Wir sind ein Deutscher Destiny 2 Discord. Der Fokus liegt auf Spielersuche, aber wir haben auch Generelle Channel.
The 7 Deadly Aussies Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Welcome to the Destiny 2 based server, for LFG, also join the D2 clan for active raiding and grinding. The clan is open to everyone, so join up for some free rewards.
Break Point Icon
Gaming | Community
A multi-game community with a focus on making lasting friends. We look to create a welcoming kind community accepting all kinds of people.