DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
Warframe Rangers [PC] Icon
Gaming | Social
Comunidade para jogadores de Warframe BR e PT [PC]. Não somos um clã de warframe e sim uma comunidade.
Weltraum.gg Icon
Gaming | Community
Wir sind eine hilfsbereite und entspannte Gaming Community. — Der plattformübergreifende Gaming-Kosmos mit GG. 🚀 Werde ein Teil unserer Gaming Community und gestalte mit, wohin die Reise geht! - Kein @everyone / DM Spam - Rollen für Spiele, Plattformen und Interessen - XP Leveling-System - Unterhaltungen zu News, Updates & Artikeln - Hilfreiche Discord Bots - noch viel mehr... Wir sind anpassbar: Entscheide selbst, welche Themen und Kategorien du siehst. Spiele & Plattformen: PC, Konsole, allgemeiner Talk und fokussierte Unterhaltung. Machen wir! Spielersuche / LFG: Spontane und geplante Sessions mit Voice-Chat auf allen Plattformen.
DEC - Division Especial Cerberus Icon
Gaming | Military
Somos una comunidad hispanohablante, nuestra base es ArmA3 siendo un clan de simulación sin asistencia obligatorio. Tenemos actividades en otros juegos como Warframe, Bannerlord y cualquier otro que nos permita formar una comunidad.
The Specters of Typocalypse Icon
Gaming | Community
"Efficiency. Progress. Profit." Welcome to Typocalypse's Warframe Alliance server.
Comunidade Warframe Brasil Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Este é o canal OFICIAL da comunidade brasileira do Warframe. Seja muito bem-vindo, Tenno! Neste canal, você estará reunido com Tennos de todas as plataformas (PC, PS4, XB1 e Nintendo Switch) para participar de discussões, sorteios e aprender mais sobre o nosso universo. Aqui você terá acesso e contato com novos e veteranos jogadores do Warframe, além de parceiros oficiais, Moderadores, membros da DE e muito mais!
Conclave Icon
Gaming | eSports
This server is focused on Warframe's PvP gamemode: Conclave. Come here to organize matches, discuss strategy, improve, or learn how to host dedicated servers.
InfinityArmy Icon
Warframe Hoş Geldin Tenno Burası bilgi Paylaşım Platformudur
\~Cerbère support~/ Icon
Bot | Support
Welcome to the Cerberus support server
Gwanox Icon
Community | Gaming
follow my twitch nerd. Epic Win. Joining this server will increase your T levels by up to 30%
The Cerulean Relay Icon
Gaming | Art
A tightknit community of Warframe players sharing experiences, builds and captura.
Requent (Stellar) Icon
Gaming | Art
A small server for gaming, art, memes and chatting! Hope you all enjoy it! XD
Young Wolve'S Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Warframe "Young Wolve'S" [YGWS] klanının discord sunucusu --- Warframe "Young Wolve'S" [YGWS] klanının discord sunucusu --- Warframe "Young Wolve'S" [YGWS] klanının discord sunucusu
☕ Koma Cafe Icon
Anime | Emoji | Community
⭐ 500 Anime Emotes & Stickers 🌸 Active Chats ⭐ Giveaways 🌸 Events ⭐ Anime & Manga 🌸 KPOP ⭐ Gaming 🌸 Social ⭐ Genshin 🌸 Art ⭐ Hololive 🌸 Honkai ⭐ Egirls 🌸 VCs ⭐ ZZZ 🌸
☕ Koma Cafe Discord Server Banner
☕ Koma Cafe Icon
Anime | Emoji | Community
⭐ 500 Anime Emotes & Stickers 🌸 Active Chats ⭐ Giveaways 🌸 Events ⭐ Anime & Manga 🌸 KPOP ⭐ Gaming 🌸 Social ⭐ Genshin 🌸 Art ⭐ Hololive 🌸 Honkai ⭐ Egirls 🌸 VCs ⭐ ZZZ 🌸
Warframe Communautaire FR Icon
Gaming | Community
Le serveur Technocyte Awakening est à la fois Communautaire pour le jeu Warframe, composé de personnes venant de tout horizon, ainsi qu'une partie clan. Toute les fonctionnalités classique sont présente sur notre serveur, Du vocal, de l'entraide, Trade, Recrutement pour Farm, des grades en récompense en fonction du temps de vocal, et bien d'autres ! Venez visiter ça vaut le coup d'œil !
Dr.Forma's Clinic Icon
Gaming | YouTuber
Personal Server of Dr.Forma, a Warframe Content Creator focused on upgrading every single thing in the game. Currently working on 60%'s for all 7 elements of Tenet and Kuva weapons. Come join the chat and follow the stream.
Canal ProttiPlay Icon
Gaming | Anime
Servidor repleto de usuários ativos jogando diariamente, venha aproveitar o nosso servidor! - Servidor com Nitro N3 - Convites abertos - Staff online diariamente - Suportes e Mods Online diariamente - Vagas na Moderação! - Abertura de novos Canais caso haja solicitação! - Bots para RPG, Musica, Regras, entre outros... - Caso tenha interesse em adicionar algo, ou mudar algo chamar o staff que iremos arrumar ou resolver para você.
Play Soulframe Icon
Gaming | Community
A general community server for all things Soulframe, whether it be theorycrafting, news, or general discussion!
The Tenno Call Icon
Gaming | Community
The official discord for The Tenno Call clan from Warframe (PC). The Tenno Call is a clan dedicated to the Tenno and their lore! As active players, we spend our days teaming up on missions, sharing resources in our Dojo for research/decorations, and genuinely enjoying the game together. We welcome all who enjoy the Warframe universe as much as we do!
Gaming | Social
Warframe FR escouade chat vocal stremaers astuce échange Riven Builds relique prime Ducat Platinum Mods arcane cetus fortuna deimos
Gaming | Anime
Somos un discord hispano hablante de veteranos del juego, nos solemos dedicar a probar cosas, investigar y ayudar sobretodo, si en algún momento tienes alguna duda o cualquier cosa no dudes en pedirla
Kuva Queens Orokin Kings Icon
Gaming | Anime
KQOK just launched TODAY! We are expecting rapid expansion with the help of YOU! Are you a Kuva Queen; An Orokin King? A Tenno Inbetween? We want YOU! We have three simple rules No Racism/Homophobia Check in Once a month to say “I’m okay” or “I’m still here” or something Join our Discord: Not a dealbreaker but it helps with communication; We are expecting to reach 20 members by the end of March; will you be one of them? Tons of Dojo expansions in the works!
Ryujin Hei Icon
⚠️Vie du clan - Tout membres n'ayant pas d'interactions au seins du clan se verra kick(le minimum est de saluer dans le chat clan ig) 🤝 Respect Mutuel : Respectez chaque membre du clan. Aucune forme de discrimination, harcèlement ou langage offensant ne sera tolérée. 🎙️ Communication Respectueuse : Soyez courtois dans vos échanges. Encouragez l'entraide et la coopération, même en cas de désaccord. 📢 Utilisation des Canaux : Postez dans les canaux appropriés. Évitez le spam et respectez les sujets de discussion. 🚀 Participation Active : Contribuez au clan à travers le farm, les missions en équipe et en partageant vos connaissances. Ensemble, nous prospérons. 🔒 Confidentialité et Sécurité : Protégez vos informations personnelles. Signalez tout comportement suspect à l'équipe de modération. 🚫 Pas de Contenu Inapproprié : Aucun contenu adulte, violent, ou illégal n'est autorisé. Gardez le chat adapté à tous les âges.
Warframe Warriors Icon
Gaming | Bot
Servidor criado para os jogadores de warframe Temos fashionFrame, alertas, builds, ajuda e mais. Agora com sorteios diários de pl!
Moldova Acasă Icon
Gaming | Community
Bine ați venit pe Moldova Acasă, un server dedicat tuturor celor care iubesc și respectă valorile, tradițiile și frumusețea Moldovei! Aici adunăm oameni din toate colțurile lumii, fie că sunt din Moldova, din diaspora sau prieteni ai Moldovei, într-o comunitate caldă și primitoare. Serverul nostru este structurat după principii de respect și solidaritate, inspirate din tradițiile de la sat și din poveștile de demult. Vei găsi discuții despre cultură, istorie, gastronomie, locuri de vizitat, dar și canale dedicate glumelor, poveștilor de la țară și celor mai recente știri. Aici poți învăța lucruri noi, îți poți găsi prieteni, și te poți conecta cu alții care împărtășesc dragostea pentru Moldova. Alătură-te și hai „să dăm noroc” la povești, să învățăm unii de la alții și să păstrăm spiritul Moldovei viu!
I.M.Meen's server of Tenno Icon
Gaming | Community
A server for Warframe nerds like us could come together and chat about our favorite game! We have everything a Warframe player would need, such as: LFG channels Trading channels General discussion channels Build discussion channels and much more!
Minty Furries 🐾 Icon
Furry | Community | Art
Welcome to Minty Furries, a furry server where you can be whoever you want to be! Here's what we offer: - Art section - Fursuit section - A welcoming and friendly community - Fun events and exciting giveaways - Gaming and other hobbies - Voice channels - Partnerships (150+ members to partner) - Lots of roles to customize your profile - Anti-raid/troll protection - 100% SFW experience Join us today and become part of our nice community! Hope to see you! Ban Appeal: https://forms.gle/F8Mgkb1EnEhTKFYL7
Minty Furries 🐾 Discord Server Banner
Minty Furries 🐾 Icon
Furry | Community | Art
Welcome to Minty Furries, a furry server where you can be whoever you want to be! Here's what we offer: - Art section - Fursuit section - A welcoming and friendly community - Fun events and exciting giveaways - Gaming and other hobbies - Voice channels - Partnerships (150+ members to partner) - Lots of roles to customize your profile - Anti-raid/troll protection - 100% SFW experience Join us today and become part of our nice community! Hope to see you! Ban Appeal: https://forms.gle/F8Mgkb1EnEhTKFYL7
Warframe: Omnia 1999 Icon
Gaming | Community
Somos uma comunidade e clã de Warframe, aqui você encontra um discord bem organizado e com jogadores ativos todos os dias para te ajudar na sua jornada.
Warframe en Español Icon
Gaming | Community
+4000 miembros, Tenno eres bienvenido a Warframe en Español! Warframe, builds, juegos, arte, memes, musica, anime, fashionframe, bots, alertas, noticias, builds, comercio y mucho mas! Grupo de Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WarframeAHL Pagina: https://www.facebook.com/WarframeAHL/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/WarframeTW
Gaming | Community
Присоединяйтесь к серверу самого сильного русскоязычного альянса, чтобы получать помощь от опытных и взрослых игроков, найти клан, а также новых друзей и товарищей. Платформа PC. Join the server of the strongest Russian-speaking alliance to get help from experienced and adult players, find a clan, as well as new friends and comrades. Platform PC.
Jinsei no Kage Icon
Сервер русского клана по warframe.
Order of Chaos Icon
Gaming | LGBT
Greetings, Tenno. The world is in danger, no time for lazing around. The empires are recruiting soldiers for their armies to fight against their enemies. Now, you have awoken your power and you have to choose your path. We utilise of ?Friendly and laid-back ?Lgbt folks friendly ?Self-assignable roles ?Recruiting and trading posts ?Roleplay, buildable characters and content ?Server shop and economy system ?Giveaways and events We mostly focus on Warframe gaming, however, we do play other games as well. No matter what MR are you or what platform you are on, you are welcomed. So why dont come join and have a look.
Marshmallow Knights Icon
Gaming | Growth
This is for gamers looking for people to play with
The Noobies Clan Icon
Gaming | Community
For those of you on Warframe that need a clan to join, consider joinging the Noobies clan. We are a small growing group and are hoping to have as many join to have a over all good time. We will try our best to help you in your path as a warframe as much as possible.
Fellow Tenno Icon
Gaming | Community
We are a small community of Tenno looking to either trade out goods or go on an adventure. Here you can find your self a squad or the latest news about Warframe, things such as hotfixes and knowledged Oracles from the sanctuary that can help you in your research. We also have the great Clan Leaders who own want expand their clan. We also have a custom dedicated Warframe Squader bot that can help you find squads, or make your own!
Gin's Haven Icon
Social | Gaming
Gin's Haven is a new discord channel for you who wants a social gaming experience or just a place to chat. The server is in it's building phase, this is why we want more people to join and help us build it up. Most of us are pc players, but we encourage every platform to join. We have bots, meme channels, music channels and streamer channels. Many of us are friends, but most of the users have joined after playing together in the variety of games we enjoy. We are currently playing alot of cod:warzone/destiny/warframe and rust - feel free to join :) (https://discord.gg/3aAuQWS - use this link if discord.me doesn't work) - Laiout
Warframe Bulgaria Icon
Gaming | Music
Официален сървър на Warframe Bulgaria! В него може да се намери много голямо количество полезна информация и приятни хора за игра! Линк към сървъра: https://discord.gg/KAwJ5DC
Freelancer's Junction Icon
Gaming | Community
Freelancer's Junction is a place where various kinds of people go to and find someone to talk to and play with. Come in and find someone who is free to chat with you! ? ?Things we offer in this server:? ?A friendly and open community to communicate with. ?LGBTQ+ inclusive and supportive community. ?A friendly and supportive staff team. ?A wide variety of bots for your entertainment. ?Several voice channels and text channels. ?A functional levelling system. ?A custom server currency. ?Weekly games and events. ?Self-assignable roles. ?Animated emotes and icons.
Death From Above Icon
Gaming | Community
A fun, casual server for those looking for some fun and the occasional shenanigan.
Gun Furs Icon
Furry | Hobbies
The furry fandom's finest homage to John Moses Browning n' Co. A group for collectors of firearms and antiques, archery, history, hunting, military life, reenacting and survival. Furries, bronies, and lovers of anthropomorphic animated creatures all welcomed! Queer/LGBT friendly!
Gun Furs Discord Server Banner
Gun Furs Icon
Furry | Hobbies
The furry fandom's finest homage to John Moses Browning n' Co. A group for collectors of firearms and antiques, archery, history, hunting, military life, reenacting and survival. Furries, bronies, and lovers of anthropomorphic animated creatures all welcomed! Queer/LGBT friendly!
Kappa Icon
Gaming | Community
? Tenno Gods Warframe ? Icon
Gaming | Community
Welcome to Teeno Gods 2020, This is a newly built discord for Warframe players from all experiences, and those who are looking to be part of an active and helpful community. You will find this discord has bots dedicated to warframe, from news, to price lists and so on. Here you will be able to trade and join clans. I Have also created a new clan called "Teeno Gods 2020" and looking for active players to help create a new dojo. Hope to see you soon.
Forsaken Devils Icon
warframe pc pt/br portugese only.....................................................................................
Greek Titans® Icon
Community | Gaming
WELCOME TO THE ORIGINAL GREEK TITANS !!! Δεν ειμαστε ενας τυχαιος σερβερ, Δεν ειμαστε μια τυχαια κοινοτητα, Δεν ειμαστε ενα τυχαιο Ελληνικο Community, ΕΙΜΑΣΤΕ ΠΑΡΕΑ & ΦΙΛΟΙ -Εδω ειναι το ελευθερο σπιτι της μεγαλυτερης Ελληνικη Clan στο Warframe!!!!!
HoB Gaming Zajednica Icon
Gaming | Community
Heroes Of Balkan je otvorena zajednica za sve ljude sa naših prostora (govornog područja), tj Balkana. Osnovno pravilo je da ste pristojni!
Warframe Dynasty Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Warframe Dynasty is a community of Tenno on PC, Xbox One, Switch and PS4. Instant Price Checks, Weekly Giveaways, Free Promo Codes, Community Polls, Real-time Alerts & News, Plus More! We've got Warframe, Fashion Frame, Music, Anime, & Fun! Join us, Tenno! =)
The Real Ones Icon
Gaming | Streaming
#1 ARPG and MMO Discord Server! Want Free Carries/Help in any PvP or PvE activity? Want a community of top tier players as well as tons of average players all looking to help however they can? Want LFG(Looking For Group) channels and easy access to players? Want a self promotion channel to help grow and share content? If Yes to any of these your time here will be a blast! We can’t wait to welcome you to The Real Ones!
Gaming | Social
As most of us are working adults and do have careers and lives to contend with, we can be busy or away at times. As much as we hope for a Star Citizen release soon, for a more active community do link up with our affiliate server: Casual Strokes
Blasteir Icon
Gaming | Social
Hola a todos y sean bienvenidos a nuestro server oficial de warframe, buscamos el de expandirnos y formar una comunidad, Blasteir abre sus puertas para reclutar a fieles tenno de maestrías bajas que quieran ser parte de esta nueva familia, brindando ayuda en los diferentes ámbitos del juego cubriendo necesidades de planos y algunos recursos, empezara a brindarse recursos a los tenno que empiecen alcanza una maestría aceptable y demuestren su compromiso de actividad dentro del clan. contamos con -economia -canales de voz y musica -variedades en canales y juegos -roles de nivel
Cyber Amethyst Icon
Gaming | Community
Servidor para reunir a comunidade, jogar juntos e fazer amizades. Jogamos Warframe, R6, LoL, Fall Guys e Lost Ark, caso não jogue ou jogue outros jogos, ainda é muito bem vindo. ;p
Los Piratas del Vacio Icon
Gaming | Community
Si juegas Warframe, y buscas un clan y/o comunidad, puedes unirte a nuestro servidor Los Piratas del Vacio.
Apocalyptic Gaming Network Icon
Gaming | Community
AGN is a 10 year old MC network with over 20 modded servers! Check us out on http://apocgaming.org
Divine 18+・adult・social Icon
Community | Gaming | Social
Laid-back, Chill, Adult Environment Come here to escape the harsh reality of the world and have a sense of calm in your life. Be Divine.
Divine 18+・adult・social Discord Server Banner
Divine 18+・adult・social Icon
Community | Gaming | Social
Laid-back, Chill, Adult Environment Come here to escape the harsh reality of the world and have a sense of calm in your life. Be Divine.
Omega Ninjutsu Icon
Gaming | Community
Server di gaming e chill per stare in amicizia e conoscere persone, giochiamo prettamente a warframe ma anche ad altro
Warframe Musicians Icon
Gaming | Music
For all the players of Warframe who love to be bards in the heat of mission - I present to you new&fresh server about all the warframe musical related stuff.
Break Point Icon
Gaming | Community
A multi-game community with a focus on making lasting friends. We look to create a welcoming kind community accepting all kinds of people.
Lua Icon
Anime | Gaming
Tired of toxic, rage-fested, community servers full of packers and doxxers? look no farther, Lua is the server for you :) Hello! Welcome To Lua, a community server made by minors, for minors! we still welcome adults none the less. This is a community server meant for people who are into cyberpunk, overwatch 2, warframe, valorant, roblox, minecraft, anime, manga, etc!
The Duviri Order Icon
The Duviri Order is a PC based Warframe clan developed by DigitalExtremes. We are a rank 10 Moon clan with 99% clan research (+ignis wraith) completed, dry dock, and all sorts of exciting rooms. We are focused on helping new or returning players regardless of affiliation and platform.
Queensguard Icon
Gaming | Memes
Welcome to The Queensguard! This server is here to help you find players to play with! We have: -LFG channels - An active community - Tips for players
Vento Errante Icon
Gaming | Community
🟩⬜🟥Siamo una Community Italiana di Wayfinder e non solo. Unisciti a noi per divertirti e stringere nuove amicizie!🐦~Staff~
Gaming | Community
A Server Where You Can Play Anything And Still Have Fun, From League of Legends To Apex Legends And More Games To Come, Join Our Server To Find People To Play With And Have Long-Lasting Friendships, Everyone Is Welcome
Gaming | Community
Umbra Relay Icon
Gaming | Community
Welcome to the Umbra Relay! This Relay is all about Warframe vibes. Chat about builds, weapons, team ups, and in the game lore if your interested in it. Whether you're an Experienced Tenno or just starting out, our crew is here for it. Dive into Faction roles, chill channels and have a blast with fellow Tenno. Join us for some serious Warframe fun! ⚔️🌑
Rainbow Ark Icon
Gaming | LGBT
An EUW 18+ LGBTQ+ Gaming community! A place to hang out, play games, or have a discussion! SFW chat 18+ chat Active members and staff Variety of games played, including league of legends, DbD and Warframe Active Voice Chat The server is a diverse place and we always look forward to welcoming new people!
Spectrum Syndicate Icon
Gaming | LGBT
Spectrum Syndicate: Conquer the Origin System together in an inclusive LGBTQIA+ Warframe Discord server that celebrates unity and embraces diversity.