Momentum Trades Icon
Investing | Financial | Community
Premium Discord Trading Hub for Stocks, Options, Forex, and Crypto! Get daily trade signals, expert insights, and educational content from top analysts. Achieve your trading goals with us!
Momentum Trades Discord Server Banner
Momentum Trades Discord Server Banner
Momentum Trades Icon
Investing | Financial | Community
Premium Discord Trading Hub for Stocks, Options, Forex, and Crypto! Get daily trade signals, expert insights, and educational content from top analysts. Achieve your trading goals with us!
Noxus Rewards Icon
Gaming | Trading
Welcome to Noxus Rewards, the ultimate hub for leveling up your League of Legends accounts! Join our community of seasoned players and newcomers alike, all working together to boost our accounts to the next level. Share tips, strategies, and resources to help each other climb the ranks, and earn rewards for your progress. Let's work together to dominate the Rift and take our accounts to new heights!
Summoner Vault | Marketplace Icon
Gaming | Community
Hello and welcome. I'm Biego. Co-founder of Summoner Vault and specialized in League of legends market. Here we provide best option with best prices possible. Here you can find :- • Cheap Smurf Accounts • High-end Accounts with lots of skins • MMR accounts and so on Hope you have the best experience ever!! and you're welcome here in Summoner Vault
Baron Stealers! Icon
Join a community of passionate LoL players from around the world! Whether you’re here to find teammates, discuss strategies, share memes, or just chill, we’ve got a place for you. 🔥 What we offer: ✔️ Active discussions & team-finding chats ✔️ Ranked & casual voice channels ✔️ Exclusive roles for OG members & content creators ✔️ A friendly and competitive environment Jump in and become part of the legend! ⚔️
Nexus Games SC/ Jaraguá do Sul Icon
Gaming | eSports
Aqui, o foco é simples: fazer novas amizades enquanto se diverte jogando! Se você curte jogos de todos os tipos e quer conhecer pessoas com os mesmos interesses, este é o lugar certo. Temos canais para conversar sobre jogos, trocar dicas, formar times e, claro, jogar juntos! Aproveite a vibe amigável, participe de eventos, torneios e desafios e, acima de tudo, divirta-se com a galera! 😄🎉
🌟Neeko, the Curious Chameleon🌟 Icon
Gaming | Social
🌟 Neeko, the Curious Chameleon 🌟: A vibrant League of Legends community offering fun, tips, and team-building opportunities! Join us to explore strategies, share clips, and connect with fellow players. 🎮🌈
SmurfsZone Icon
Gaming | Business
WELCOME TO SMURFSZONE Buy League of Legends accounts, in servers such as: |EUW|EUNE|NA|LAN|LAS|OCE|TR| jump off straight into Ranked Games! amazing quality and support. We're here for YOU! The Best Place to Buy League of Legends Accounts 24/7 INSTANT DELIVERY OF YOUR FULL ACCESS LOL SMURF ACCOUNT 100% HANDLVL - HQ ?High MMR ?Low MMR ?Smurfs ?Rankeds ?Fresh MMR (Arams) ?Valorant Accounts Insta Delivery? UNOPENED Loot LIFETIME warranty ? Password changeable Recovery Information Unverified and changeable email Completely Unranked in All Seasons WebSite: We have a 10% discount coupon on all your purchases, don't forget to redeem it! DRMUNDOLOL Dm me on my Discord: Naho#0753
Healon Gaming Icon
eSports | Gaming
Her oyundan oyuncu bulunan küçük bir Oyuncu Topluluğu. Kalitenin adresi Healon Gaming!
Efsaneler Ligi - FoXiS Türkiye Icon
Gaming | Community
Merhabalar Sunucumuza Girmeden önce sunucunun amacından bahsedeyim. Bu sunucu League Of Legends Oyununda Bir topluluk oluşturmaktır. League Of Legends Oynayan herkes davetleridir.Sunucuya Gelirsen Kuralları Oku Süper olur." "League Of Legends - F0XiS Türkiye Sunucuya girmezse bu linki discord uygulamasına "sunucuya katıl" yerine yazın.:
Pain Icon
Entertainment | eSports
Multilaser Family Icon
eSports | Gaming
edito depois
Nico and Friends Icon
Gaming | Art
Welcome to Nico And Friends -This is my old server team and after we disband, we decided to make this server to be a nice community server for everyone. -This community server is focused on friendship we ourselves want this server to grow in order for us to have a nice community so that you can share your interest with everyone and have a nice friends to play with. -If you are bored or you don't have friends to play with please don't be shy or hesitant to join our vc or ask us to play some games with you. -We will try our best to make this server great so please bear with us -Just to inform you, us people in this server do meetups so try to get a long each other and meet them in real life :GWossuPikauwu: -Goodluck guys meeting new people and feel free to have fun in our server :blush:
FINN ? Icon
Streaming | Gaming
Servidor voltado para parcerias em jogos online, como por exemplo: PUBG, Overwatch CS GO e muitos outros.
Trading|OptionsSelling|ThetaGang Icon
Investing | Financial | Trading
#1 Options selling Trading Discord. Huge emphasis on consistent safe income using Futures Options Selling, Credit Spreads, Iron Condors and the Wheel Strategy. World class options buying and selling Analysts free!
Trading|OptionsSelling|ThetaGang Discord Server Banner
Trading|OptionsSelling|ThetaGang Icon
Investing | Financial | Trading
#1 Options selling Trading Discord. Huge emphasis on consistent safe income using Futures Options Selling, Credit Spreads, Iron Condors and the Wheel Strategy. World class options buying and selling Analysts free!
El rincón del Poro Icon
Servidor mixto de habla hispana donde jugadores y jugadoras de EUW podrán encontrar una comunidad alejada de la toxicidad, en el que cualquiera que busque un entorno agradable, divertido y con diversidad pueda disfrutar de League of Legends con jugadores de todo tipo de ligas y para diferentes propósitos.
Community | Gaming
Server per socializzare con gente che gioca o meno ai videogiochi! SONO TUTTI BEN ACCOLTI! Se qualcuno invece gioca ai videogiochi potrete vedere i giochi online a cui noi giochiamo e divertirci insieme!
CoachBolha Icon
Gaming | eSports
League OCE Icon
Gaming | eSports
A Discord server for League players in OCE!
Streaming | Entertainment
Dowates yayınından gelen katılan tüm izleyicilere özel discord sunucusu.
TBE Brendan Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Official Server Of Tbe_Brendan. Streamer Follow for Streams LEAGUE OF LEGENDS
BulGaming Icon
Gaming | Community
A friendly gaming-community server looking for new friends. Looking for your online family? Come join us!
I’m The Two™ Icon
Anime | Gaming
I’m The Two
Lo pibe Icon
eSports | Streaming
Si estas al pedo y te pinta jugar algo, entra
TeamRoccoli Icon
eSports | Gaming
Balkan | CSGO | Valorant | LoL Turniri i skrimovi
Everyone is Welcome Icon
Hey, this Server includes everything. CS-GO, WOW, LOL, Overwatch, GTA V, 7Deadly Sins and tons of bullshit ^^ Enjoy and just Have fun.
BalkanElite* Icon
Gaming | eSports
Gaming,CS:GO,Valorant,League of Legends,Events and more..
Stock Masters Trading Icon
Trading | Community | Financial
The best place for stock trading - day trading, swing trading, ETFs, dividends or long term investing!! Join experience team of analysts and start your journey to financial freedom today!
Stock Masters Trading Discord Server Banner
Stock Masters Trading Icon
Trading | Community | Financial
The best place for stock trading - day trading, swing trading, ETFs, dividends or long term investing!! Join experience team of analysts and start your journey to financial freedom today!
Find A Team Icon
Gaming | eSports
Looking for people to play your games with? Find A Team have players looking for teams on many games including Rust, Escape From Tarkov and Leauge of Legends
SamuraiSolitario Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Discord do streamer Samurai Solitario
Greek Gaming Community Icon
Gaming | Community
Greek Gaming Community !
Fraternity Icon
Servidor dedicado a jogos, tais como : Pubg Crossfire Csgo League Of Legends COD Warzone Nada profissional, apenas para diversão.
RusherNRV ? Icon
eSports | Gaming
Bonjour à tous Je vous présente le discord communautaire RusherNRV , Ce discord à été créé dans le but de rassembler un maximum de joueurs Français de tout niveaux , avec un bon esprit afin de permettre a chaque personne de trouver ce qu'elle recherche ( niveau , disponibilité , team etc ...) . Ce serveur a pour but de trouver des joueurs en fonction de vos attentes , Fun , Sérieux , compétitif . Le projet va être en constante évolution pour répondre a vos attentes, les jeux concernés sont : League of legends / Call of duty / Valorant . nous sommes cependant à la recherche de coach pour rassembler une équipe au complet . Bonne fin de journée et a bientôt .
Aqua Ocean Icon
eSports | Gaming
gaming,anime, anything in general. we focus mainly on having fun and expanding our community
Valorant Türkiye Icon
Gaming | eSports
Valorant discord server
LOL : Wild Rift Türkiye Icon
Role-Playing | Community
League of Legends: Wild Rift resmi Türkiye sunucusu.
ZonaTronik Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Servidor con canales de juegos, informacion de juegos y anime, compartir links de twitch o youtube
Sephiroths fat cheeks Icon
Gaming | Art
stuffffff comecome :))
Czateria cafe (PL) Icon
Gaming | Community
Spokojny serwer pelen milych osób. ?┃fajne kanaly z wygladu, ?┃wspólne gierki z vc ?┃kącik dla artystów ?┃akinator ?┃opieka psychologiczna ?┃otwartosc na propozycje - emotek, kanałów, eventów i takich tych, ?┃mozliwosc wyrazenia siebie i kanały hobbystyczne ?┃nie używamy @everyone i @here nigdy ?┃swoboda pisania
Sexta à Noite Icon
Gaming | Anime
Aqui a gente só fala de jogo, anime e coisas não tão importante.
Nexus Vault・Social~Gaming~Anime Icon
Gaming | Community | Anime
⌜🍫.welcome to Nexus Vault! .a social chatting & gaming server with a fun and inclusive community𓂃 && exclusives for anime lovers! ⟢︲OW, Genshin, Val, COD, and more — anime movie nights, events, and giveaways. One of the cleanest and safest server's you'll ever be in! ¡Una creciente base de miembro
Nexus Vault・Social~Gaming~Anime Discord Server Banner
Nexus Vault・Social~Gaming~Anime Icon
Gaming | Community | Anime
⌜🍫.welcome to Nexus Vault! .a social chatting & gaming server with a fun and inclusive community𓂃 && exclusives for anime lovers! ⟢︲OW, Genshin, Val, COD, and more — anime movie nights, events, and giveaways. One of the cleanest and safest server's you'll ever be in! ¡Una creciente base de miembro
Bonobos Icon
Community | Gaming
League of Legends Discord Server.
Clan Funs #YenidenDiriliş Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Her Sunucununda Olduğu Gibi Kendine Has Kuralları Vardır.Ancak Şunu da Unutmayın Ki Bizim Farkımız İnsanlarla Samimi Arkadaş Ortamı Dışında Kardeşim,Dostum Diyeceğiniz Kişilerle Tanışacaksınız. ???= [??? ?????? ??? ???? ???????]
Quality Playing (QP/КП) Icon
Gaming | Community
Молодой, активно развивающийся, лампово-игровой сервер, от опытного Администратора (около 5-ти лет в Discord/около 10 лет в TeamSpeak+ReidCall). Заходите, мы только начинаем свой путь, и надеемся на ваше понимание и содействие. Скоро откроем набор на Модераторов, а так-же открыта книга предложений,
White Sirilo Icon
Gaming | Community
TFT discord community/server. If you are a tft enjoyer or a high elo twitch streamer hop in!
Overcord Icon
Community | Gaming
Небольшое, от этого можно сказать "ламповое" онлайн-сообщество общительных людей, в большинстве своём опытных геймеров и т.д. - Описания как такового пока-что нет, ибо сервер нов и без истории.
Fuzakenna Icon
Entertainment | Memes
Servidor sem regras, e completamente aleatório. Você está livre para fazer o que quiser, a menos que o ditador não goste. Seja bem-vindo(a) ao paraiso.
GutKlick Icon
Gaming, CSGO, LoL, Minecraft, Rocket League Looking for group stuff, clash, flex, just relaxed games ...
Wild Rift: Arcade Bandits Icon
Community | Gaming
Somos un servidor de League of Legends: Wild Rift - Nos enfocamos en compartir, divertirnos y ayudarnos entre todos los jugadores de Wild Rift y LoL en general. Se realizan sorteos, concursos y eventos.
Vr chat Icon
You can make friends ok cool it have has we expressed your self and Tatk join soo we’re going to play
Gaming | eSports
Um discord onde podemos zoar,jogar e conhecer novos amigos perfeitos para todos os jogadores de lol e pessoas que gostam de interagir
Morro da Galinha Icon
eSports | Gaming
Servidor de Lives e Time Semiprofissional de League of Legends. Lives na Twitch:
Szkoła Życia - Community LoL'a Icon
Gaming | Technology
Dołącz do naszego community League of Legends! Dzięki naszemu discordowi znajdziesz ludzi do Clasha, TFT, LoL'a oraz naradzisz się co do runek, itemów itd! Wbij do nas i stwórzmy razem wspaniałe community w tej toksycznej jak zupa teściowej grze!
Herta Cafe Icon
Anime | Gaming | Social
⭐ 100+ Genshin Impact Emojis and Chats!⭐ 💬Social and Active SFW server 💬 🚀Nitro Giveaways🚀🎨Safe space🎨 📺Anime Chats 📺 🎮 Social and Gaming 🎮 💌 Active & welcoming💌 🤖 24/7 Bots 🤖 🤝 Partnerships and Advertisements 🤝
Herta Cafe Discord Server Banner
Herta Cafe Icon
Anime | Gaming | Social
⭐ 100+ Genshin Impact Emojis and Chats!⭐ 💬Social and Active SFW server 💬 🚀Nitro Giveaways🚀🎨Safe space🎨 📺Anime Chats 📺 🎮 Social and Gaming 🎮 💌 Active & welcoming💌 🤖 24/7 Bots 🤖 🤝 Partnerships and Advertisements 🤝
Master Yi Icon
Gaming | Hobbies
1. Sê , gentil e acolhedor para com todos os membros do servidor para manter o servidor uma experiência agradável para todos. 2. Não cometas nenhuma forma de assédio. Não permitimos racismo, homofobia, transfobia, sexismo ou qualquer tipo de discurso discriminatório. (Isso inclui assédio por meio de mensagens diretas). 3.Não permitimos o uso de qualquer tipo de linguagem ofensiva ou o uso de insultos. (Isto inclui o uso de nomes de conta no discord ofensivos.)
lia Icon
Gaming | Social
a lovely server that you can chat, talking n playing about a game but the main purpose of this server is streamin LoL Aram.
BCL Icon
eSports | Gaming
Discord do Primeiro Torneio do Buildando Campeões de League of Legends Edição Norte/Nordeste. Equipes e Jogadores da Região estão convidados a participarem.
Discord.F.A Icon
eSports | Gaming
Bot para encaminhar jogadores para a seção de Free Agents em busca de se cadastrarem e as equipes em busca de Jogadores cadastrados
Rainmaker Challenges Icon
Gaming | eSports
Rainmaker Games is a platform where you can challenge your friends in a variety of multiplayer titles. Currently, we host weekly League of Legends challenges where winners receive Riot Points! We're currently working on supporting the following games next: - Valorant - Rocket League - CS:GO - Overwatch Communities can use our platform to host challenges and give out prizes to the winners. Sign up here to start:
Gaming | Community
🚀 ELO FLASH: O Caminho Rápido para a Grandeza no League of Legends! 🚀 Você já sonhou em alcançar o topo das ranqueadas no League of Legends, mas a jornada parece árdua e demorada? Seus problemas acabaram! Apresentamos a você a ELO FLASH, a melhor empresa de Elo Jobs do mercado! 🌟 Por que escolher a ELO FLASH? 🌟 ✅ Profissionalismo Inigualável: Nossa equipe é composta por jogadores de alto nível, ex-profissionais e entusiastas do LoL. Eles conhecem cada canto do mapa e cada estratégia vitoriosa, garantindo resultados incríveis. ✅ Rápido e Seguro: Com a ELO FLASH, você não precisa mais se preocupar com semanas de grind nas ranqueadas. Nossos especialistas garantem um progresso rápido e seguro, sem comprometer a integridade da sua conta. ✅ Total Discrição: Com nossa política de privacidade rigorosa, seus dados pessoais e informações da conta estão protegidos. Você pode aproveitar sua subida nas ranqueadas sem preocupações. ✅ Atendimento Personalizado: Cada cliente é único, e nós
LoL Duos Icon
Gaming | Streaming
LoL Duo/Ranked Flex/Normals Channel to: Find your Duo! Find your Team! (NA) ANY REGION JOIN AND CHANNEL MADE FOR YOU
Pepi_AU Icon
Community | Gaming
Welcome to Pepi_AU Gaming: DayZ, American Truck Sim, and Laughs with Mates! 🎮🚚😂 Rev up your engines, gear up for survival, and get ready to laugh your heart out with Pepi_AU Gaming! 🌟 🚚 American Truck Sim Adventures: Hit the virtual highways in American Truck Sim! Join convoys, share routes, and dive into the trucking lifestyle with fellow enthusiasts. 🧟‍♂️ DayZ Survival Stories: Battle the undead, team up with survivors, and forge your path in the post-apocalyptic world of DayZ. Thrills and teamwork await! 😂 Laughs and Banter: Experience more than gaming – immerse yourself in a friendly community of banter and good times. Aussie humor and great vibes guaranteed! 🎉 Game Nights and Events: From competitive showdowns to lighthearted events, there's something for everyone. Join the fun and showcase your skills! 🎨 Creative Expression: Share your gaming experiences through art, memes, and stories. Unleash your creativity and connect with fellow gamers. 🗣️ Voice Hangouts: St
A R T E O N Icon
Gaming | eSports
Merhaba, Sunucumuza katılmak istermisiniz. Eğlenceli bir turnuva deneyimi için buradayız. League of Legends turnuvamızın giriş ücreti kişi başı 10 TL olarak belirlenmiştir. Ancak unutmayın, daha fazla katılımcı olduğunda ödül miktarı da artacaktır. Bu demek oluyor ki, hem eğlenip yeteneklerinizi sergileme fırsatını yakalayacak hem de daha büyük bir ödül kazanma şansını elde edeceksiniz. Daha fazla katılımcı, daha büyük ödül anlamına gelir! Eğer çevrenizdeki arkadaşlarınızı da davet ederseniz, hem daha fazla eğlence hem de kazanç elde etme şansını artırabilirsiniz. Bu heyecan verici turnuva deneyimini birlikte yaşamak için sabırsızlanıyoruz! Eğer herhangi bir sorunuz varsa, çekinmeden bize ulaşabilirsiniz. Başarılar dileriz, A R T E O N Ekibi
League Of Legends Community Icon
Gaming | YouTuber
This server is league of legends fans server dont need some rols! or dont need for u good players!
ngs Icon
eSports | Gaming
Bienvenue sur notre serveur esport dédié à League of Legends et Rocket League! Nous sommes une communauté passionnée de joueurs compétitifs qui adorent se mesurer les uns aux autres dans ces jeux populaires. Nous offrons une plateforme pour les joueurs de tous niveaux pour se connecter, s'améliorer et jouer ensemble. Nous organisons régulièrement des tournois et des événements en direct qui sont diffusés en streaming pour que tout le monde puisse les regarder. Les spectateurs peuvent encourager leurs joueurs préférés tout en apprenant de nouvelles tactiques et stratégies. En plus des tournois, nous diffusons également des matchs d'entraînement et des parties amicales pour que les spectateurs puissent profiter de l'action en direct. Rejoignez-nous pour rencontrer d'autres joueurs passionnés, discuter de stratégies et de tactiques, et améliorer votre jeu. Nous sommes impatients de vous voir sur le terrain virtuel et sur la chaîne de streaming!
Handmade account provider. Icon
sell or buy handmade accounts. aram accounts lvl30 handmade accounts payoneer or crypto have 300+ sell