DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
Play Minicraft Free 2 Play Icon
Gaming | Community
In Minicraft Plus your goal is to defeat the evil Air Wizard high above. However, to defeat him you will need to adventure deep into caves to find resources, craft items, and build your arsenal. Here is a short guide on how to play.
Carnage’s Chaotic Castle Icon
Community | Social
A server to make friends from around the world! Have fun, troll, game and spend your time with great people! Please don’t join and ask us to raid a server, call someone or troll a meeting. We don’t do partnerships so don’t join for that either.
GamerTreff24 Icon
Gaming | Community
GamerTreff soll eine Anlaufstelle sein, für jeden, der gerne gemeinsam zockt. Neues Game, welches hier noch nicht vorhanden ist? Kein Problem, einfach "#Vulcanion" ansprechen und ihr werdet für euer Spiel MoD.
Vulcanion Icon
Gaming | Community
Player, Content Creator, Streamer, Developer Hi, ich bin Dennis, 43 Jahre jung und spiele gerne CoOp Spiele aller Art, denn zusammenspielen macht immer Spaß, egal welche Spiele. Ursprünglich komme ich aus der EgoShooter Ecke von Unreal, Quake, und der Call of Duty Reihe. Bin aber für jeden Quatsch zu haben, daher sprecht oder schreibt mich gerne an, wenn Ihr mal mit mir zusammen zocken wollt.
Anime Zone | Tower Defense 🔥 Icon
Anime | Gaming
Anime Zone is a tower defense game from roblox. Inspired by other anime games like genshin, it promises to innovate in the gameplay style of anime tower defense in roblox.
Folium Hosting Icon
Community | Gaming
🎮 Elevate your gaming with Folium Hosting's top-tier game servers powered by the Ryzen 9 7000 Series! Experience unbeatable performance with the latest hardware, delivering lightning-fast processing and seamless gameplay. All of our game servers are available at an incredible rate of just $1/GB, offering both premium performance and budget-friendly pricing.
safe haven Icon
Community | Gaming
Welcome to safe Haven! We've created this community to provide a place for LGBTQ+ people who identify with various challenges presented to persons with disabilities in our community.
Livemfao Icon
Gaming | Streaming
an adult 18+ an over game streaming server, Service, support, having fun with friends, meeting, new people, and playing games together.
RoKF0siC Fun Server Icon
Social | Community
ROKF0SİC FUN SERVER'E HOŞGELDİNİZ Bu Sunucuda Ne Yapabilirsin ? ✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️ ▶️Arkadaşlarınla Sohbet Edebilirsin.✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️ ▶️Toplulukla Oyunlar Oynayıp Eğlenceli Vakitler Geçirebilirsin.✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️ ▶️Sunucuda Gerçekleşen Çeşitli Çekilişlere Katılabilirsin.✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️ "Emin Ol ki Sen Yoksan Bir Kişi Eksiğiz"✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️
Ted's freakin discord Icon
Gaming | Streaming
hi im ted this is my discord you might know me from twitch https://twitch.tv/TheTedder or maybe my youtube where I make terrible videos https://www.youtube.com/@thetedder
DrugWars Icon
Gaming | Crypto
Official Discord Server of DrugWars.io
Locany Icon
Gaming | Community
Personal gaming discord
Prodigy Trading Team Icon
Investing | Financial | Crypto
#1 Community: Take your stock trading game to the next level with our top-rated stock Discord chatroom. Expert analysis, stock and option alerts, and strategies for small and large caps day and swing trading. Day trades and swing trades. Small to large caps. Penny stocks experts
Prodigy Trading Team Discord Server Banner
Prodigy Trading Team Icon
Investing | Financial | Crypto
#1 Community: Take your stock trading game to the next level with our top-rated stock Discord chatroom. Expert analysis, stock and option alerts, and strategies for small and large caps day and swing trading. Day trades and swing trades. Small to large caps. Penny stocks experts
AdventureNetwork Icon
Gaming | Community
Discord voltado para o famoso game Minecraft. Servidores com mods como pixelmon e dragon block c. Venha já fazer parte da nossa família!!!
Jolly-Roger-Devison [J-R-D] Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Die Jolly-Roger-Devision ist ein deutschsprachiger World of Warships Clan und sucht neue Mitspieler. Wir erwarten, dass ihr einen respektvollen Umgangston mit ALLEN Spielern an den Tag legt. Wir möchten CW fahren was natürlich bedeutet, dass ihr mindestens ein Tier VIII im Hafen haben solltet. Ansonsten steht der Spaß bei uns im Vordergrund. Die Kommunikation bei uns läuft über Discord und wird vorausgesetzt. Das Mindestalter für Neuaufnahmen liegt bei 18 Jahren. (Ausnahmen bestätigen die Regel). Bewerbung im Spiel oder in Discord bevorzugt (Bitte in der Eingangshalle ab 18h warten)
HieuTrungMc is back xd Icon
Gaming | Streaming
server dành cho các bạn trẻ yêu Minecraft tại PLAY.SATANCRAFT.GA !!!!!!!!
Game PUB Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Game PUB
Crashday Icon
Gaming | Community
Official discord for the action-racing game Crashday. Crashday was originally developed by Moonbyte Games with help from Replay Studios, and was released in 2006 for PC on CD-ROM. It was published by Atari. A remastered version called "Crashday: Redline Edition" was developed on the basis of the original game by Moonbyte Games and was released in 2016 for PC on Steam. Crashday: Redline Edition was created to give back to the fans. Alternate invite link if required: https://discord.is/Crashday
DeadZerr0 Icon
Gaming | eSports
Gaming Channel
Elaztek Studios Icon
Gaming | Programming
Elaztek Studios is a game development studio. Currently, our primary focus is Project: Infinity - a fan made Halo title, and its engine - the Blamite Game Engine. We are always looking for new team members as well as people interested in the projects.
Empires&Puzzles CZ/SK hub Icon
Gaming | Hobbies
Místo pro české a slovenské hráče Empires & Puzzles - usnadnění náboru a všelijaký pokec, když chat ve hře nestačí. Also has a channel for visitors from other countries that don't have their own in-game language room.
セット Community Icon
Community | Anime
A fun place to hang out, promote yourself, and play some games with us.
Lügat Design Icon
Art | Gaming
Tasarım Hizmetleri
The Smutty Icon
Gaming | Social
The Smutty Discord Sunucusuna Hoş Geldiniz.
Gaming | YouTuber
Servidor para jogadores,youtubers,stremers etc... Divirta-se Servidor Do canal DarkBRz https://www.youtube.com/c/DarkBRz Twitter https://twitter.com/DarkBRzz bem-vindo
Nexus Vault・Social~Gaming~Anime Icon
Gaming | Community | Anime
⌜🍫.welcome to Nexus Vault! .a social chatting & gaming server with a fun and inclusive community𓂃 && exclusives for anime lovers! ⟢︲OW, Genshin, Val, COD, and more — anime movie nights, events, and giveaways. One of the cleanest and safest server's you'll ever be in! ¡Una creciente base de miembro
Nexus Vault・Social~Gaming~Anime Discord Server Banner
Nexus Vault・Social~Gaming~Anime Icon
Gaming | Community | Anime
⌜🍫.welcome to Nexus Vault! .a social chatting & gaming server with a fun and inclusive community𓂃 && exclusives for anime lovers! ⟢︲OW, Genshin, Val, COD, and more — anime movie nights, events, and giveaways. One of the cleanest and safest server's you'll ever be in! ¡Una creciente base de miembro
LeqalCSGO Official DC Server Icon
Gaming | Social
Leqal CS:GO Server: steam://connect/ OR IP: STEAM GROUP: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/Leqal Yetki Alımları & Diğer İstekler İçin: growind adam#7974
Blind Eyes ? Icon
Role-Playing | Entertainment
Blind Eyes bir hacking & puzzel rp sunucusudur, seçimleriniz ve tercihleriniz sizi katman yükseltir veya katman düşürür, yüksekte olmak bilgeliktir altta kalanlar ise cehaletiyle yüzleşir.
PokeOrion Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Bem Vindos Ao Nosso servidor Fique avontade
ConquerDayZ Icon
This is the Community Server of ConquerDayZ
Fortnite Akademi Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Türkiye'nin en aktif haber sayfası. Fortnite Akademi Discord Sunucusu.
vSide Icon
Gaming | Social
A community of users looking to bring back a game we all loved.
Assault Battalion Icon
Gaming | Military
The Assault Battalion is an emergent Squad outfit. We play and organize drawing from military experience and know-how. With a healthy mixture of 50% milsim and 50% memes we tend to not take things too seriously..., until we do. Are you looking for a tight knit, highly organized but flexible and friendly outfit to play Squad? Look no further than the Assault Battalion. We offer high cohesive game-play with leaders who know their stuff. We operate on a basis of trust and brotherhood, and you'll find no acceptance anywhere else on the internet than ours. Want to learn and train? The Assault Battalion believes in taking experience and knowledge from both real life and in-game and teaching it to others. This way we stay on top of the game, offering unparalleled expertise and cohesion in battle.
Thandor Icon
Gaming | Programming
Community for the all-time classic Thandor game!
Miscreated ?? Icon
Gaming | Community
Bienvenue sur le Discord Miscreated FR ! Merci d'avoir rejoint le discord de référence des joueurs francophone de Miscreated. Profitez-en pour vous familiariser avec notre fonctionnement : • Consultez les #règles et les #rôles qui composent le discord • Passez nous dire bonjour dans le salon #bavardages une fois que votre rôle sera attribué !
The Monstrous Frontier Icon
Gaming | Community
The Monstrous Frontier é um jogo de estratégia por turno combinado com elementos de gerenciamento e construção de cidades, aonde o jogador incorpora o papel de um aventureiro aposentado que tomou a decisão de colonizar a Fronteira Monstruosa, uma região extremamente perigosa cheia de monstros.
Indie Game Fanclub Icon
Programming | Entertainment
A server for indie gaming
★  DEMIGOD.tv  ★ Icon
Gaming | Community
? ❗️ Najprawdopodobniej Jedyny Taki Aktywny Server Discord Dla Graczy Pełnoletnich ❗️ ? ? Zatrzymaj się na minutkę i daj mi pokazać Ci coś, co obiecuję, z całą pewnością Cię zainteresuje :) Jak nie to stawiam piwo :P ? ★ Najbardziej odróżnia nas od innych to, że nasz server jest od minimum 16 lat, dzięki czemu brak u nas dzieci, bo administracja regularnie je banuje ❗️ ★ Jednak powalająca większość użytkowników to osoby pełnoletnie - najczęściej studiujące lub już pracujące. ★ Chciałbym zaprosić Cię do naszej przyjaznej społeczności, która została stworzona przez graczy, dla graczy. ★ Liczymy już kilkaset użytkowników i codziennie pojawiają się nowe osoby, dzięki czemu znajdziesz u nas graczy o każdej porze! ★ Co chwila jest organizowany nowy giveaway dla użytkowników (w chwili obecnej w łącznej puli są nagrody o wartości ponad 1500 PLN). ★ Przyjazna atmosfera i stały porządek utrzymywane przez zaangażowaną administrację.
Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. He collects over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyzes historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. He collects over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyzes historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Panicland - Minecraft Server Icon
Panicland - Minecraft Server
BlockTanks Icon
The official Discord server for BlockTanks, a simple and explosive multiplayer tank game! Join other players in a fast-paced and destructive team deathmatch. Collect weapons and defeat the enemy team using strategy, cooperation, or good old-fashioned brute force. Play as a guest or sign up for an account to track stats and level up.
Gaming | Community
Comunidade Portuguesa - Serpentina Games
Streaming | Entertainment
Dowates yayınından gelen katılan tüm izleyicilere özel discord sunucusu.
Cum Slingers Inc. Icon
Community | Gaming
A place to chill and talk. Maybe play games.
RecLastTV Oyuncu Topluluğu Icon
Gaming | Streaming
RecLastTV nin resmi Discord Kanalıdır.
SuperCube Icon
Gaming | Streaming
┈┈┈┈┈┈┈‬┈┈┈┈‬┈┈┈‬┈┈┈┈‬┈┈┈┈‬┈┈‬┈┈‬ ┊ ✧ ೃ༄ ┊ SuperCube - Serveur Minecraft français! Ip: play.supercube.fr 1.8 -> 1.15.2 C'est un serveur qui est en développement mais qui à des modes de jeux sublimes! Un Practice ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈‬┈┈┈┈‬┈┈┈‬┈┈┈┈‬┈┈┈┈‬┈┈‬┈┈‬‬ SkyBlock ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈‬┈┈┈┈‬┈┈┈‬┈┈┈┈‬┈┈┈┈‬┈┈‬┈┈‬‬ Poulet Battle Inédit! ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈‬┈┈┈┈‬┈┈┈‬┈┈┈┈‬┈┈┈┈‬┈┈‬┈┈‬‬ Village Defense ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈‬┈┈┈┈‬┈┈┈‬┈┈┈┈‬┈┈┈┈‬┈┈‬┈┈‬ BuildBattle ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈‬┈┈┈┈‬┈┈┈‬┈┈┈┈‬┈┈┈┈‬┈┈‬┈┈ Survie ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈‬┈┈┈┈‬┈┈┈‬┈┈┈┈‬┈┈┈┈‬┈┈‬┈┈ SkyFaction ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈‬┈┈┈┈‬┈┈┈‬┈┈┈┈‬┈┈┈┈‬┈┈‬┈┈ ETC... Et plein d'autre jeux! ‬
Cheepy.cc Icon
Gaming | Community
This discord has been created to offer everyone the lowest price for any video game on steam to make sure that everybody can play the games they want or play games with friends without having to pay the full price. We are currently offering games on Steam (only) but we have plans in the future to go to others platforms like EpicGames, Origin and More.
Cyber Goblin Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Venha curtir e jogar um RPG, Magic, Boards ou mesmo bater um papo conosco! Os Goblins estão esperando.
Communauté RicoDelta (France) Icon
Community | Gaming
La Communauté RicoDelta est un Groupe MultiGaming parmi tant d'autres... Mais avec du FUNNN. Vous aurez l'occasion ici de rencontrer beaucoup de joueurs et de pouvoir jouer en groupe dans une bonne ambiance familiale !
AC New Horizons Icon
Animal Crossing New Horizons Discord server the place to add, make friends, show off your things, find things, sell turnips, bugs, and fish, plus more!
Community | Gaming
Welcome to CRIMSON. A very small community right now, but I am hoping to change that. First 10 users to join get an exclusive role! This server allows NO Toxicity, E-Boys/E-Girls or Furries. Sorry, I'm trying to do a heckin' GAMER over here. Over here you can rant/post/play/host things about your favorite games, for example: OverWatch, League of Legends, ROBLOX, Minecraft, or even just sponsor your YouTube account and leave the server forever. It's up to YOU.
Elevate - (Options Signals) Icon
Trading | Financial | Community
*88% win-rate; avg return of 25% per trade! High-accuracy options signals, structured to eliminate the guesswork and emotions from your trading!
Elevate - (Options Signals) Discord Server Banner
Elevate - (Options Signals) Icon
Trading | Financial | Community
*88% win-rate; avg return of 25% per trade! High-accuracy options signals, structured to eliminate the guesswork and emotions from your trading!
Gaming | eSports
VALORANK.FR est la plate-forme francophone de jeu compétitif pour VALORANT !
PrimeThrust Icon
Gaming | Programming
Game Masters Roleplaying Group Icon
Tabletop | Role-Playing
Tabletop Roleplaying Group - Vampire The Masquerade 5e, Pathfinder 2E, Starfinder, and Genesys
Gaming | Community
Obey Me! Icon
Anime | Gaming
Hi! ??? Join this server if you play Obey Me! and wish to talk to other people with the same interest <33 The server is still W.I.P. but we’re working on it. You can already join the server and drop suggestions in our suggestion channel to improve our server!! ??
Soldier Gamers? Icon
Entertainment | Memes
Az oyun full makara, sohbet muhabbet
Dank Cult Icon
Bot | Gaming
Welcome to Dank Cult. We are a server with a friendly community that revolves around the Dank Memer Discord Bot! Rob and heist are both disabled so you may breathe freely. We hold frequent giveaways too! So join our cult now and be part of our community!
Team Demonic Icon
Gaming | Community
Team Demonic discord sunucusudur!
Hard Truck Apocalypse Icon
Gaming | Hobbies
This Server is for people who like the games Hard Truck Apocalypse! Discussion, Sharing mods, fixing bugs or sharing tactics for speedrunning!
RiG Icon
Gaming | Technology
Merhabalar RiG Team ailesine hoşgeldiniz. Ben Mudjekeewis, yayınlarıma hepinizi bekliyorum. twitch.tv/mudjekeewis Sevgiler
AsteroCraft Icon
Gaming | Community
Minecraft Community & Game server
RedStar Gaming Icon
Gaming | YouTuber
Counter Strike 1.6 Sunucumuzun Discord Adresidir.