DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
Deadlock Central Icon
Gaming | Community
Deadlock Central - The ultimate Deadlock Discord server! Connect with teammates, share strategies, and join our growing community to master the game together! What is Deadlock Central? Deadlock Central is a dedicated Discord server tailored for fans of Deadlock, Valve's upcoming third-person hero shooter. Our mission is to provide a platform where players can connect, collaborate, and share their gaming experiences. What does the server offer? In Deadlock Central , you'll find LFG channels to team up with other players, custom emojis to express yourself, and unlockable roles that reward your participation. Our active and friendly staff members are always here to ensure a positive experience for everyone. How to get involved Getting involved is simple! Join the conversations in our chat channels, share your best strategies, and use the LFG channels to find new teammates. With our community's support, you'll always have someone to play with.
Nyucord - FragPunk Icon
Gaming | eSports
Communauté FragPunk axée compétitif, tryhard, mais avec une bonne ambiance - Hésitez-pas à nous rejoindre !
FragPunk CZ/SK Icon
Gaming | Community
🌀 FragPunk CZ/SK | Oficiální Discord server 🎮 Připoj se k CZ/SK komunitě FragPunku! Sdílej strategie, hraj týmové zápasy a využívej Shard karty k vytvoření jedinečných soubojů. Čekají tě eventy, tipy na hru i přátelská atmosféra. 🌌🔥
Canal Zentari Games Icon
Entertainment | Gaming
Comunidade Para os Fãs do Canal
Helldivers II: Alianza Hispana Icon
Gaming | Social
¡Saludos, Helldivers! Esta es la comunidad hispanohablante no oficial dedicada a Helldivers 2, un lugar donde podrás encontrar compañeros de juego, compartir estrategias, y mantenerte al día con las últimas noticias y actualizaciones del juego. Nos esforzamos por crear un ambiente amigable y respetuoso para todos. Asegúrate de leer y seguir nuestras normas para contribuir a una comunidad positiva y divertida. Encuentra: 🔔 Noticias, parches y órdenes supremas traducidas 🎮 Encuentra jugadores apasionados como tú 🎨 Comparte tu arte y videos épicos
Metroid Prime Hunters Icon
Gaming | Community
A server to enjoy the game "Metroid Prime: Hunters" for the Nintendo DS system again via online gameplay on native hardware or PC/mobile. This server doubles as both a general-chat and metroid hub and is well structured with plenty of social features and automation. Contains everything you need to get back into playing this game online, for both new and old members alike.
Gaming | Support
ℹ️ About us: Smk3d Bloodline began in late 2023 as a small group of friends and has quickly grown into a diverse, vibrant community for gamers. Whether you're looking for casual gaming, fierce competition, or a supportive crew to level up with, we have a space for you! 🔥 What We Offer: 🎮 Custom Games & Clan Battles: Compete in exclusive games and clan matches to prove your skills and claim victory! 💥 Squad Up: No more solo queues! Whether you're a casual gamer or competitive player, we’ve got squads ready to roll with you. 🎨 Self Promotion: Creators, streamers, and artists—this is your space to share and get support for your content. 😂 Memes & Laughs: Share your funniest moments, epic fails, and memes—laughter is always guaranteed! 🍿 Movie Mondays: Weekly movie nights with voice chat—grab your popcorn, we bring the vibes! 🤝 Kindness & Respect: We value fun, respect, and a positive atmosphere. Hate and discrimination are not welcome.
Escape from Tarkov Balkan Icon
Community | Gaming
👋 Escape from Tarkov Balkan discord Community 👋 💜Cilj naše zajednice je okupiti sve ljubitelje Tarkova svih generacija na jednom mjestu. 💜 Ako nemate nikoga za questat ili jednostavno nemate s kime igrati e onda ste nasli pravo mjesto 😌 💜 Iskusni Staff i Veterani sa vise od 2,000h su tu za pomoci ako ste tek krenuli igrati. 💜 Later on planiramo organizirati turnire, raditi zadatke za Community sa giveaways etc etc... 💜 Samo Balkan, pravila su kao i svuda. Sto se tice Tarkov pravila sve pise na Discordu. 💜 Zajebancija uvijek na nivou, jednostavno budite normalni & have fun. Catch ya around !
Dayz Balkan community Icon
Gaming | YouTube
👋 DayZ Balkan discord Community 👋 💜Cilj naše zajednice je okupiti sve ljubitelje DayZ-a svih generacija na jednom mjestu. 💜 Ako nemate nikoga za igrati onda ste nasli pravo mjesto. 😌 💜 Iskusni Staff i Veterani sa vise od 2,000h su tu za pomoci ako ste tek krenuli igrati. 💜 Later on planiramo organizirati turnire, raditi zadatke za Community sa giveawayovima, a mozda nekad u buducnosti i otvoriti svoj server. 💜 Samo Balkan, pravila su kao i svuda. 💜 Zajebancija uvijek na nivou, jednostavno budite normalni & have fun. Catch ya around !
Helldivers Command Centre Icon
Gaming | Community
Welcome to Helldivers 2 Command Center! Join our vibrant community of Helldivers as we take the fight to alien threats and defend Super Earth together. This is the ultimate hub for players to connect, strategize, and embark on thrilling missions. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a new recruit, you'll find a place here to team up, share tips, and make new friends. What We Offer: - Cooperative Gameplay: Team up with fellow Helldivers to tackle challenging missions and achieve victory. - Rank Progression: Earn unique titles and roles as you level up, from Cadet to Super Private and beyond. - Mission Planning: Coordinate with others to plan and execute successful operations. - Tips and Strategies: Share and discover the best tactics to dominate the battlefield. - Events and Contests: Participate in regular community events and contests to showcase your skills. - Friendly Community: Meet like-minded players and forge lasting friendships. Join us in the fight for freedom and glory.
Battlefield Labs - Deutsch Icon
Gaming | Community
🎮 Battlefield Labs – Deine deutschsprachige Community! Verbinde dich mit anderen Spielern aus DACH, finde dein perfektes Squad und erlebe epische Schlachten. Ob Casual oder Ranked – hier findest du das ultimative Battlefield-Erlebnis! ➡️ Jetzt beitreten: https://discord.gg/EF2QyGp7cM
FragPunk Portugal Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
🔫 丨FRAGPUNK PT - COMUNIDADE https://www.fragpunk.pt/discord 🤝 丨Encontre pessoas para jogar junto no casual ou até mesmo nas rankeds. 🤝 丨Converse com os membros sobre qual é o meta do game, qual boneco é o melhor no momento etc... 🎮 丨Servidor focado totalmente no jogo FragPunk. 🎉 丨Atualizações sobre o FragPunk.
Paradox Paws | Furry | Emojis Icon
Furry | Community | LGBT
Are you looking for a 𝐅𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐘 or 𝐋𝐆𝐁𝐓𝐐+ safe space like no other? Well, you've come to the right place then, because Paradox Paws isn't like any other average furry server you've been in before. Click for more info!
Paradox Paws | Furry | Emojis Discord Server Banner
Paradox Paws | Furry | Emojis Icon
Furry | Community | LGBT
Are you looking for a 𝐅𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐘 or 𝐋𝐆𝐁𝐓𝐐+ safe space like no other? Well, you've come to the right place then, because Paradox Paws isn't like any other average furry server you've been in before. Click for more info!
Delta Force France Icon
Gaming | eSports
Rejoins la communauté Delta Force France! Actualités, patchnotes, giveaways, recherches de joueur, discussions et plus encore! 📈 Serveur en place depuis l'Alpha Test, + de 6500 membres actifs. 🎁 De nombreux Giveaway! ✅ Sélections de rôles manuelle 🔄 Serveur Crossplay (PC-XBX/PSN-MOBILE) ⚔️ Recherches de joueurs 🔊 Salons vocaux automatique 📝 Discussions, créations & entraides 📢 Actualités du jeu, pacthnotes & tournois 🏆 Esports, scrims & events 📸 Clips, vidéos, screenshots & streams 🏅 Rôles rang en jeu 🛡️ Equipe à l'écoute de la communauté 💎 Boosts activés La passion des opérations c'est par ici! LIEN D'INVITATION DISCORD : https://discord.gg/WDMmMGY9re
CS:GO Argentina Icon
Gaming | Community
Urban Terror - Official Icon
Gaming | eSports
Urban Terror™ is a free multiplayer first person shooter developed by FrozenSand, that will run on any Quake III Arena compatible engine. It is available for Windows, Linux and Macintosh. Urban Terror can be described as a Hollywood tactical shooter; somewhat realism based, but the motto is "fun over realism". This results in a very unique, enjoyable and addictive game. Join the thriving community and the developers of the game on this official Discord server!
Source of Quality Directives Icon
As the SQD (Source of Quality Directives) name implies, we want to bring high-quality gameplay and also breed a culture of camaraderie and teamwork, not only within our group, but within the Squad community in general. Our goal is to promote higher level gameplay while maintaining professionalism and non-toxicity. Our two core values are: 1) Be Professional -Respect other players and server admins -Abstain from toxic behavior; be friendly and teach the new players 2) Use Common Sense -Think, “Is what I’m saying or doing making me/us look stupid?” (text chats, mic spamming, etc.)
Warriors Of The Spoon Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Join us to play, chat, and share your gaming moments! Have a spoontacular day!
BN Gaming Icon
Gaming | eSports
German Battlefield, FPS Community
GoldenEye: 007 Reloaded Icon
THE server for the timeless FPS classic "GoldenEye 007: Reloaded". If you at all have an interest in the game or play it yourself: Join now!
Assault Battalion Icon
Gaming | Military
The Assault Battalion is an emergent Squad outfit. We play and organize drawing from military experience and know-how. With a healthy mixture of 50% milsim and 50% memes we tend to not take things too seriously..., until we do. Are you looking for a tight knit, highly organized but flexible and friendly outfit to play Squad? Look no further than the Assault Battalion. We offer high cohesive game-play with leaders who know their stuff. We operate on a basis of trust and brotherhood, and you'll find no acceptance anywhere else on the internet than ours. Want to learn and train? The Assault Battalion believes in taking experience and knowledge from both real life and in-game and teaching it to others. This way we stay on top of the game, offering unparalleled expertise and cohesion in battle.
Miami's Vice Icon
Community | Gaming
We are a gaming community focused on Rocket League and other FPS type games. We play casually and like to just have fun.
VALORANT Polska Icon
Gaming | eSports
Polski serwer discord, poświęcony grze Valorant
Hype Squad Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Free Overwatch coaching from a Top 500 coach with a supportive community!
PieterPommes Stübchen Icon
Streaming | Community
Ahoi! :)
Anime Island Icon
Anime | Just Chatting | Community
Welcome To The Best Anime Community. This server is for fellow otakus, weebs and anyone is welcome to join.
Anime Island Discord Server Banner
Anime Island Icon
Anime | Just Chatting | Community
Welcome To The Best Anime Community. This server is for fellow otakus, weebs and anyone is welcome to join.
Urban Terror Portugal Icon
Gaming | eSports
Urban Terror Portugal Community Discord Server
War Gaming Army Icon
Gaming | Military
Come and join the battles on our Arma 3 Wasteland servers.
DxMg Icon
Gaming | eSports
Servidor do clã brasileiro DxMg
godhand Icon
Streaming | Gaming
Welcome to the home of godhand! Here... we enjoy - explosive fps moments - nonstop laughter - anime and cartoons - making new friends And much more! This server is - daily updated - meme-filled - game-related - chaotic - home - family YOU CAN - meet new friends - become a member - marvel at my gameplay (when it's good) - Partner with us by messaging @godhand ENJOY!!!
Valorant Türkiye Icon
Gaming | eSports
Valorant discord server
PlanetSide Universe Icon
Gaming | Community
Your #1 source for all things PlanetSide.
[FR/QC] New Start | FA Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Un RP serieux Un passage en V5 récent 90 FPS 250 Slots Qu'une chose à dire, viens découvrir par toi même :)
Pirate Lords of India Icon
Entertainment | Technology
Sea of thieves India (Asia) , Tucks and steals, Good vibes
WinCity Kingdom Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
we wanna make a server disocrd community we like more FPS games but we always play something else sometimes if we gat bored of a game so we can always chitchat <3 :D and also we dont care where you from you can join us always and any time if you follow the rules. :)
BananaGaming Icon
Gaming | eSports
BananaGaming's Discord Server. Discuss CS:GO projects, tweaks, esports and of course content related to Maxim's channel.
Comunitatea USP.RO Icon
eSports | Gaming
? 3rd New Jersey Regiment Icon
Gaming | Community
3rd New Jersey Regiment The 3rd New Jersey is a milsim unit recruiting members in the NA and EU time zones! Public servers can be hell for teamwork. Even if you enjoy the chaos, sometimes you want a solid group to line up and pour the lead out! We take pride in training hard so we can deploy as a well-oiled machine during events. We follow period-accurate rank structures and drill manuals. Whether we're skirmishing or holding the line - the 3rd NJ makes its presence known on the field. That said we know when to relax. You can find us playing everything from the Total War series to Phasmophobia. And yes, nerding out over Civil War history. If you want a more organized War of Rights experience with a group that knows how to have fun, stop by the Discord. Veteran Officers and NCOs playing since 2017 Casey's Manual NA and EU Drill and Event Times Private Drill Server No Drama
Meet New People Icon
Community | Social
Meet New People is a new small discord community. Chat & participate in events. This is a small community server with a few active members, if you want to be apart of a tight-knit community & somewhere to call home then JOIN NOW! We are working hard to revive an old community.
Meet New People Discord Server Banner
Meet New People Icon
Community | Social
Meet New People is a new small discord community. Chat & participate in events. This is a small community server with a few active members, if you want to be apart of a tight-knit community & somewhere to call home then JOIN NOW! We are working hard to revive an old community.
FarCry2 Community Icon
Community for the leftover players of Far Cry 2. Meet with other players, ask for matches (online or LAN), share maps and follow developments of new things made for this game, like: new Map Editor, ServerLauncher, GameModes and many other tools to make things easier! :D
Urban Terror - No Way Icon
Gaming | eSports
Welcome to the Urban Terror NoWay Discord Server! Urban Terror is a free multiplayer first person shooter, that will run on any idtech3 compatible engine. It is available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS. Read more about the game on its wiki page: https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Urban_Terror
TaquionARG Icon
Gaming | Military
Shooter Estratégico en Tiempo Real. Compartimos experiencias y charlamos sobre armas.
Servidor de Heinz Icon
Gaming | Social
Jogadores, bem vindos ao nosso servidor. Aqui você encontrará emocionantes jogatinas e lives streamings para aqueles que curtem divulgação dos trabalhos. Peguem pipoca e se acomodem.
1997cord Icon
eSports | Gaming
ETERNAL Ailesi, Metin2 Alesta'da 26 Kasim 2008 yilinda kurulmustur, ardından Metin2 Private serverlarında Hellsing sonrasında Hell yönetiminde oyuna devam etmiştir. Hic bir zaman dusmemis her zaman gelismis ve basarilarina bir yenisini eklemis her zaman zirveye oynamistir. Amac sadece eski gunlerdeki gibi Metin2'den oynadigimiz sure zarfi icerisinde, tukettigimiz oyun saatinin bizlere "zevk, eglence, nese" olarak yansimasidir. Bunu daha iyi hale getirebilmek icin, iletisim ve kaynasmak adina ETERNAL ailesi olarak Team Speak kullanmakta ve tuketilen oyun saatini bu sekilde gerek oyun gerek oyun disi sohbetlerlede surdurmekteyiz.Loncamizda herhangi bir oyuncuya karsi acilan savasta lonca uyemizi/uyelerimizi korumak adina karsilik vermekten cekinmeyiz.
PraeVerse Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
PraeVerse is a Metaverse - Universe - Inspired by Ready Player One and build on Unreal Engine 5 VR | AR | PC | Meta Gaming, Exploring, Fitness, Entertainment, Music and more. Join Our Server to be invited to Alpha Release and Live Demos.
United Arab Forces [UAF] Icon
نحن فريق عربي تنافسي مختص في لعبة سكواد، هدفنا اللعب بالجوده العاليه على المستويين الفردي والجماعي، ولعب المباريات الوديه والتنافسيه وتمثيل المجتمع العربي عن طريق المشاركه في البطولات والمحافل العالميه
Standoff2 PT Icon
Gaming | Community
A comunidade de SO2 PT. Para se divertir ao máximo com o maravilhoso so2 com todos os portugueses. Enjoy
World War 0x Icon
Gaming | Crypto
Alpha out now! A browser based, Play to Earn FPS game built on Polygon. The game is set during a World War 3 conflict between the Allies and Axis. Players choose which country to play as and battle it out on real city streets built with accurate-to-scale maps. Playing World War 0x is completely free, no need to purchase any NFTs. Anyone can easily play World War 0x directly from their browser and start earning $WWAR tokens. Earn our in game currency $WWAR to purchase customizable weapons, player skins and more while playing hyper-focused competitive matches or fun casual multiplayer game modes. All your favorite game modes like Team Deathmatch, Free for all, Capture the Flag, Demolition, Conquest, Elimination and Cover Point.
SpinBack Roleplay Icon
Role-Playing | Social
The newest upcoming 100k or die/ semi-serious fivem roleplay server. What makes us different from others is we have different tyes of offers in the discord and in game, such as 1 month discord nitro, donor car tier 1, etc...
XDefiant France Icon
Gaming | eSports
Rejoignez le Discord XDefiant France (par Ubisoft) qui comporte plusieurs milliers de membres ! Rejoins nous vite ! https://discord.gg/R2DsgCt
Penny Stock News Icon
Trading | Financial
Penny Stock News is the ultimate 🚀🔥 FREE PENNY STOCK ALERT Discord!🚀🔥 Get real-time trade ideas, breaking stock news, and expert insights on the hottest small-cap plays. Whether you're a seasoned trader or just starting out, our community helps you stay ahead of the market—all at no cost. Don't miss out on the next big runner! Join now and start trading smarter! 🚀🔥
Penny Stock News Discord Server Banner
Penny Stock News Icon
Trading | Financial
Penny Stock News is the ultimate 🚀🔥 FREE PENNY STOCK ALERT Discord!🚀🔥 Get real-time trade ideas, breaking stock news, and expert insights on the hottest small-cap plays. Whether you're a seasoned trader or just starting out, our community helps you stay ahead of the market—all at no cost. Don't miss out on the next big runner! Join now and start trading smarter! 🚀🔥
Gaming | eSports
Official Community | Alvo VR | First Person Virtual Reality Shooter. Available on PSVR, Meta Quest 2 and PICO
Community | Gaming
🎮 Welcome to the Ultimate Overwatch Hub! 🎮 Embark on an exciting journey through the world of Overwatch with our brand-new server. Step into a realm where players unite, strategies flourish, and friendships are forged. 🛡️ Choose Your Class: Are you a Tank ready to lead the charge, a Damage dealer dealing swift justice, or a Support ensuring victory? Declare your role and be part of a dynamic team. 🦸‍♂️ Select Your Heroes: Bring your favourite heroes to life! Share your go-to characters, your secret strategies, and the incredible moments that make Overwatch special for you. 🏆 Rank Up and Team Up: Whether you're a console connoisseur or a PC master, seeking unranked fun or the competitive thrill of ranked battles, you've found your squad. Discover potential teammates, form epic alliances, and rise through the ranks together. 🎥 Showcase Your Skills: Get ready to shine on the big stage! Our weekly Overwatch clips on YouTube are open for submissions from everyone. Share your prou
Rusty Rifles Icon
Gaming | Military
[RR] Rusty Rifles Server. (Part Of The Rusty Network). We Focus On FPS Games And Host Several Servers For The Most Popular Games.
Gaming | YouTuber
🌍 Terra Hostil: Sobrevivência, Mundo Aberto, Construção e Combate Épico! 🌍 Bem-vindo ao servidor "Terra Hostil," onde a aventura e a sobrevivência se unem para criar uma experiência única! Explore um vasto mundo aberto repleto de desafios e possibilidades. 💥 Características Emocionantes 💥 Sobrevivência Extrema: Enfrente monstros temíveis e sobreviva em um ambiente hostil. Mundo Aberto: Explore um vasto território cheio de biomas únicos e segredos ocultos. Construção Criativa: Crie fortalezas, aldeias e cidades em um ambiente de construção ilimitada. Combate com Jogadores: Desafie outros jogadores em batalhas épicas e prove sua supremacia. 🔗 Comunidade Unida 🔗 Alianças Estratégicas: Forme alianças, junte-se a clãs e lute ao lado de amigos. Economia Dinâmica: Participe do comércio e da economia do servidor. Eventos Épicos: Envolva-se em eventos regulares com recompensas incríveis. 📞 Informação de Suporte 📞 Para obter assistência ou esclarecer dúvidas, entre em contato com nos
VR multi psvr2 Icon
Psvr2. Casque VR. Multi. Coop. Pvp. Pavlov. Alvo. Crossfire. Firewall. Francais. Tennis on court. After the fall. Communauté
Propositum Group Icon
Gaming | Community
Gaming content community , social and a lot of fun. All FPS gaming content and a lot of fun. Join to play together and improve your aim.
Overwatch University Icon
eSports | Gaming
Overwatch University is a community for learning about the game Overwatch. Featuring VOD reviews, guides, answers for all your questions, and more!
CS2.lu Icon
Gaming | eSports
🔫 Are you a Counter-Strike fan? 💥 Do you want to meet other players, improve your skills, or have fun? 💥 Then join the Counter-Strike Discord community! What we offer: Servers for all: Whether you're a competitive player or just looking to have some fun, we have many community servers for you. A friendly and welcoming community: Our members are always happy to play together.
URT CTF East Icon
Gaming | eSports
URT CTF East is an Urban Terror server aimed at more skilled, classic capture the flag play with traditional maps. No smoke grenades are allowed, otherwise all gear loadout is available all the time.
Gaming | Community
Benvenuti nel Discord della #1 community italiana di THE FINALS! 🇮🇹 Qui troverai: • Persone con cui giocare • Canali dedicati dove condividere build, clip e feedback vari • News, leak, tornei e molto altro Ti aspettiamo nella nostra community!
DreadMoon Icon
Gaming | Furry
Enter the world of DreadMoon with your friends, free of charge with our Early Access release. The exciting multiplayer mode unleashes the full might of DreadMoon’s gameplay, featuring 5 maps and 7 game modes. This adrenaline-pumping first-person shooter game thrusts you into a nightmarish world of werewolves, vampires, and dark, gory horrors. In DreadMoon, you take on the role of Ulric, a once-deceased knight who has been resurrected for a singular purpose: to seek vengeance and destroy the malevolent vampire lord, Balthazar, who cruelly ended your life.
Helldivers 2 Dutch and Belgium Icon
Gaming | Social
De nederlandse en belgische Discord server voor Helldivers 2! - Vindt een group om mee te spelen! - Ontdenk guides! - Veel gezelligheid - En natuurlijk veel democratie!!