ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Investing | Trading
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 41,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Investing | Trading
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 41,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
19th Engineer Battalion Icon
Gaming | Community
The 19th Engineer Battalion is a community server ran by those who are dedicated to give you a feel of what a welcoming and committed gaming community has to offer. Though we have originated and still focus a lot on Hell Let Loose, we have expanded to multiple other franchises such as DayZ, War Thunder, Foxhole and Squad. We have one server in HLL and Minecraft Once you join our Discord, all you have to do is simply choose a role that suits your interests (choosing a game). Once you do, you will be given access to those particular channels. We were founded in May of 2022 and have seen a lot of success over the last year, with over 1,000 members and growing daily If you'd like to be apart of an exciting, welcoming, growing community, then join the 19th Engineer Battalion today!
Battlefield 4 - 1 - V LFG Icon
Gaming | Community
This is the "Batltefield 4 - 1 - V LFG" Discord server. The concept is simple. You will see 3 game categories: - Battlefield V - Battlefield 1 - Battlefield 4 Under each category, you have the option to create your own Squad voice channel, or join one of the existing ones. Once you created a channel, you can manage it as if you are the server owner and the channel will continue to exist as long as you and/or other players are in it. Once the channel becomes empty, it get's deleted again.
MystiqueSquad Icon
Gaming | eSports
Une team Minecraft de rush/HikaBrain
Source of Quality Directives Icon
As the SQD (Source of Quality Directives) name implies, we want to bring high-quality gameplay and also breed a culture of camaraderie and teamwork, not only within our group, but within the Squad community in general. Our goal is to promote higher level gameplay while maintaining professionalism and non-toxicity. Our two core values are: 1) Be Professional -Respect other players and server admins -Abstain from toxic behavior; be friendly and teach the new players 2) Use Common Sense -Think, “Is what I’m saying or doing making me/us look stupid?” (text chats, mic spamming, etc.)
Special Arab Militia [SAM] Icon
كلان السام - أكبر وأقوى كلان عربي موجود في لعبة سكواد .. نتشرف بإنضمامك لنا يا بطل ^^ Special Arab Militia [SAM] - The biggest Arabic clan in SQUAD
Squad Finland Icon
eSports | Gaming
Squad Finland is Finnish community based around FPS game Squad.
United Front Icon
Gaming | Military
A Squad based community where we casually play that and other games, we also do weekly events and play in larger multi-clan events. We run a server in Squad that goes by the same name, hop in and join us!
Zulu X-Ray Delta Icon
Gaming | Community
Zulu X-Ray Delta A social and competitive Squad community
Space Crew Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Official server for the Space Crew total conversion mod for SQUAD.
Assault Battalion Icon
Gaming | Military
The Assault Battalion is an emergent Squad outfit. We play and organize drawing from military experience and know-how. With a healthy mixture of 50% milsim and 50% memes we tend to not take things too seriously..., until we do. Are you looking for a tight knit, highly organized but flexible and friendly outfit to play Squad? Look no further than the Assault Battalion. We offer high cohesive game-play with leaders who know their stuff. We operate on a basis of trust and brotherhood, and you'll find no acceptance anywhere else on the internet than ours. Want to learn and train? The Assault Battalion believes in taking experience and knowledge from both real life and in-game and teaching it to others. This way we stay on top of the game, offering unparalleled expertise and cohesion in battle.
Facepunchers Icon
Gaming | Mature
Facepunchers is a community of people that just love playing games together as a community without all the bullshit and crap that comes from clans. Anyone is welcome to join, hangout and play. We mainly play squad but have lots of different games we play.
Minecrafters (21+ only) Icon
Gaming | Hobbies
a place for older (21 and up) Minecrafters of ALL experiences (amateur, intermediate, and professional) on all platforms to come together and talk about Mining, life, make friends, share ideas and just hang out before/during/after streams ? while you are in the Discord, why not request to join our Minecraft world as well? ?
Apple's Tree Icon
Just Chatting | Social
Apple's Tree is an insanely fun and engaging community with over 4500members and growing! Enjoy lively text and voice chats, exclusive giveaways, emojis, custom games, and much more. There's always something exciting happening, so come hang out and be part of the action!
Apple's Tree Discord Server Banner
Apple's Tree Icon
Just Chatting | Social
Apple's Tree is an insanely fun and engaging community with over 4500members and growing! Enjoy lively text and voice chats, exclusive giveaways, emojis, custom games, and much more. There's always something exciting happening, so come hang out and be part of the action!
Topside Gaming | HUB Icon
Gaming | Community
Hello, we are Topside Gaming. A HUB for all your gaming needs. We currently own a FiveM RP server and an Arma 3 server! We also have a CoD MW Regiment! You can check these out in #topside-communities. We also have partners that helps you connect to other communities for more fun! This is in #partnered-communities! If you are a community owner and wish to partner with us, head to #apply-for-partnership. Our staff team is always willing to help you out in anyway possible. If you need any help head to #tickets. We wish you a great stay and happy gaming! Permanent Discord Invite Link: https://discord.gg/FQz7EF
The Wrecking Crew Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Wrecking Crew is a YouTube/Twitch collaboration between friends and content creators DeathBlow, IPlaiGames, TheBlevins and ThrillSeeker. We are a variety gaming squad that will stream games live weekly and edit the different perspectives together to make content for our YouTube channel. This discord community is for fellow creators that we work with as well as fans of our content that want to interact with our creators. Discuss the games we play, gaming news, suggest games for the crew to play, etc..
BZDC EST Squad 2.0 Icon
Gaming | eSports
Estonian Squad community (Mainly in EE).
BR Devils Icon
Clan BR Devils
TaquionARG Icon
Gaming | Military
Shooter Estratégico en Tiempo Real. Compartimos experiencias y charlamos sobre armas.
Gaming | eSports
SPH SQUAD SPAIN es una comunidad-clan creada por jugadores con amplia experiencia en MILSIM Games, con el objetivo principal de crear una comunidad española activa en torno SQUAD. Jugamos; vainilla, algunos mods y misiones guionizadas del estilo milsim, todo ello dentro de SQUAD ¿Qué pueden encontrar los jugadores en nuestra comunidad? - Una estructura de juego de estilo milsim relajada pero activa, organizada y con un gran ambiente de camaradería. - Secciones SQUAD dedicadas disponibles para jugadores que quieran experimentar el juego de una manera más especializada. Equipos competitivos en el área del clan que disputan retos y torneos internacionales. - Sesiones semanales de entrenamientos en nuestros servidores de SQUAD, donde reunimos a todos para un trabajo en equipo a mayor escala. - Servidores públicos con licencia para 100 personas UNETE A LA COMUNIDAD DE SQUAD EN ESPAÑA
Rezzurrection Gaming Community Icon
Gaming | Hobbies
Rezzurrection is a place for Gamers to make new friends and explore new games. Our goal is to provide an enjoyable place for all of you to have a central HUB for all of your gaming needs.
Delta Productions | NA Icon
Gaming | Community
We are a community of like minded gamers who enjoy a well organized and enjoyable Squad experience. If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, DM one of our @Server Admin or @Community Admin today! Sever Rules can be found in the #server-rules channel And Reserved Slots can be obtained by following the instructions listed in #skip-the-line Or just become a Friend of the Community by staying in the discord!
United Arab Forces [UAF] Icon
نحن فريق عربي تنافسي مختص في لعبة سكواد، هدفنا اللعب بالجوده العاليه على المستويين الفردي والجماعي، ولعب المباريات الوديه والتنافسيه وتمثيل المجتمع العربي عن طريق المشاركه في البطولات والمحافل العالميه
Dwen Hub Icon
Gaming | eSports
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Rusty Rifles Icon
Gaming | Military
[RR] Rusty Rifles Server. (Part Of The Rusty Network). We Focus On FPS Games And Host Several Servers For The Most Popular Games.
Quick Reaction Force Icon
Gaming | PC
An EU based SQUAD gaming community. Casual and no training enforced. If you like Squad, that's what we're here for.
Anime Island Icon
Anime | Just Chatting | Community
Welcome To The Best Anime Community. This server is for fellow otakus, weebs and anyone is welcome to join.
Anime Island Discord Server Banner
Anime Island Icon
Anime | Just Chatting | Community
Welcome To The Best Anime Community. This server is for fellow otakus, weebs and anyone is welcome to join.
Gaming | eSports
CASA DA BALARIA SQUAD BRASIL Bem-vindo à Casa da Balaria Squad Brasil, onde a melhor experiência Squad está à sua espera! Prepare-se para uma experiência jamais vista pela comunidade, com parceria e total suporte elevando sempre o nível. Um servidor feito pela comunidade para a comunidade.
KUYOG Tactical Team (KyG) Icon
Military | Gaming
Our vision is to foster a global community where skilled gamers thrive in an atmosphere of respect and camaraderie, setting a standard of excellence in competitive play. Our mission is to cultivate inclusivity within Squad Philippines and beyond, guided by core values of respect, integrity, and continuous improvement. We promote respectful conduct, resolve conflicts peacefully, and uphold high behavioral standards that reflect positively on our clan and the wider gaming community. Central to our goals is enhancing gameplay and teamwork through leadership directives and skill development among members. We strictly prohibit cheating, ensuring fair play and sportsmanship. Maintaining a unified clan identity and responsible engagement with OWI admins and gaming communities, we lead by example in creating a harassment-free environment, preserving our reputation for integrity and excellence in competitive gaming.
Русский Народный Сервер Icon
Gaming | Community
RNS, РНС, Русский Народный Сервер, Сквад лучшее игровое сообщество посвященное игре Squad! Добро пожаловать!
The Coalition Icon
Gaming | Social
The Coalition was formed in November 2018 by ToG, OpFor, HSR and F/T with the aim of creating a server that gives players the freedom to play in their own way and not be restricted by too many rules but use guidelines instead to keep the games balanced and fair.
[ToG] Those Other Guys Icon
Gaming | Social
[ToG] Those Other Guys are a community driven collective of like minded, mature gamers whose goal is to create a relaxed environment in which to play games at a competitive level. Formed in 2016, our primary spoken language is English however we have members all over the EU and NA.
Sauce On Side !? S0S? Icon
Gaming | eSports
Gaming, Gaming, Gaming !!!
XTRM Squad Icon
Gaming | Social
XTRM Squad is a group of friends who loves gaming! Join our group and play some games with us! Rainbow6 Siege, FiveM, Factorio,..
Valhalla | North America Icon
Gaming | eSports
This is the administration discord for VKNG's Squad server. In this server you can find Server Rules, Admin Contact, and server status updates!
Project Arabia Icon
Gaming | eSports | Role-Playing
بروجيكت أرابيآ تخيل، إبدع، كن التغيير الذي تريده || تواصل، نسق، إنتصر بروجيكت أرابيا، هو مشروع عمل تطوعي غير ربحي على شكل مجتمع لاعبي الكومبيوتر الشخصي من متحدثي اللغة العربية مختص في الرياضة الإلكترونية وتوفير كلاً من الخوادم الرسمية والمختصة وكذلك الأنشطة والفعاليات الجماعية لتلبية متطلب تمثيل محاكاة الحياة الواقعية وتوفير تجربة لعب جذابة في مجال تقمص لعب دور الشخصية التي تملك قصة وحكاية خاصة بها. كذلك متطلب بيئة الحرب الواقعية ومحاكاة عمليات الحرب المشتركة ذات الإمكانيات المتعددة التي تعتمد على التواصل والتنسيق للوصول إلى النصر. كل ذلك في نطاق متزن بين المحاكاة والسلاسة في اللعب هنا نركز على توفير البيئة الملائمة للاعب العربي، الفرق العربية، وكافة التكتلات المجتمعية الأخرى كونهم العمود الفقري لمجتمع اللاعبين في عالمٍ رحب، حيث الإبداع والخيال الواقعي اللامحدود. كذلك نركز على جذب السيناريوهات الواقعية لخلق تجربة سينمائية للكل. بروجيكت أرابيا موجه للذين يريدون الخوض في الصخب والإثارة في عالم المغامرات
Steep Squad Finder Icon
Community | Memes
Steep Squad Finder is a large PS4 community with over 3.8k members and now has a brand new discord to widen the community to other platforms. If you are looking for other people to play steep with then feel free to join today!
Kings Realm Icon
Gaming | Community
Kings Realm is a multi-gaming community with an aim to provide a mature platform for players alike to congregate and enjoy what we all love to play. Established in 2015 as a focused gaming clan, we now strive to involve ourselves in a multitude of games. Valuing loyalty and sportsmanship - transparency and engagement with our members is a key factor for us to ensure our direction is led by the voices of our community. To sum it up briefly. Here are the main points to our clan: EU based Casual/Competitive Age: 16+ Opinions: Open Profanity: Open Microphone: Preferred
Gaming | eSports
We will provide you lineup and competitive tournament for your growth in Esports carrier. We will also provide you daily scrims practice. Our server is indian based server, so we only play in asia server of pubgmobile.
Momentum Trades Icon
Investing | Financial | Community
Premium Discord Trading Hub for Stocks, Options, Forex, and Crypto! Get daily trade signals, expert insights, and educational content from top analysts. Achieve your trading goals with us!
Momentum Trades Discord Server Banner
Momentum Trades Icon
Investing | Financial | Community
Premium Discord Trading Hub for Stocks, Options, Forex, and Crypto! Get daily trade signals, expert insights, and educational content from top analysts. Achieve your trading goals with us!
URESAD 天使たち Icon
Music | Community
URESAD 天使たち - Musicians squad
The Fortnite Squad Icon
Gaming | Community
Welcome to The Fortnite Squad! A community of active Fornite players that has come together to have fun and find new friends to play with!
Secret Base Icon
Gaming | Growth
Small gaming community, home of the Deadrabbits Squad gaming clan
Grown Gamers Icon
Community | Gaming
We are a new community looking for diverse members and video game players. come see what we have to offer, including the new comp team we are starting. Come have fun but do so following the rules. Thanks
Operation Midnight Icon
Community | Gaming
Come join our community and be a member of Operation Midnight! A fun and fresh server to grow and have fun on! We are a ever expanding Gaming Community. We are the gargoyles and night owls of the night! We have VC channels for all games and we continue to add more as we grow! Our goal is to become a friendly and well known gaming community that supports all games/platforms. A place for people to come and relax and be apart of a ever growing family! We have many fun things to do in the discord, just take a look at our ?꧁L̴a̶s̵ ̷V̷e̶g̶a̸s̶꧂? https://discord.gg/VAkNmrd -Deadside -Among Us -Dead Matter -World of Warcraft -Spellbreak -The Forest -Apex Legends -League of Legends -Naruto NS4 -Squad -Escape from Tarkov -Halo -Valorant
FoxScorpians Icon
Gaming | Streaming
hello gamer, if you want to advertise your server or play squad or something else, you are on the right place. we are nice to eachtoghter, have fun and i see you in de server :)
SQUAD Indonesia Icon
Community | Entertainment
Tempat berkumpulnya Pemain Game Squad Indonesia, Server Discord ini Dibuat Untuk Mengumpulkan Pemain Game Steam Squad indonesia yang Sudah Menyebar KeSemua sudut Komunitas, Agar bisa bersatu Untuk Menjadi Komunitas Squad Indonesia yang Besar, Di discord Squad Indonesia.
The Office of Strategic Services Icon
Gaming | Community
The Office of Strategic Services is unique gaming community primarily focused on the games Post Scriptum and Squad. Join us if your either a casual or realism player, both are welcome! For our casual players they are welcome to join us in games any time, just watch if there are people sitting in the voice chats. For our realism players we have a squad your able to join to play next to other realism players in the unit and be competative in events. Either way enjoy your stay! -CPT. SARGE
GC EU// VE Icon
Gaming | Technology
Wir sind ein Verbund aus Menschen welche Hauptsächlich BF4& Squad spielen und dazu jeweils Server hosten. Bei uns steht im Vordergrund der Spaß alles andere ist erstmal zweitrangig
Squad România Icon
Gaming | Military
Squad România este o comunitate care a fost creata pe data de 02-11-2020. Rostul acestei comunitati este de a face toti playerii romani, sau macar o parte dintre ei sa fie mai apropiati. Comunitatea este intr-o continua dezvoltare, deci mereu va fi ceva nou de vazut.
Military | Gaming
Operation Sandalstorm - [ENG/DK] Icon
Gaming | Community
Welcome to Operation Sandalstorm! The home of socks in sandals! [ENG/DK] [OSAS] Which stands for Operation Sandalstorm is looking to recruit new members to be apart of our community! We are a fairly new and small community based off European and Danish people. We have our own licensed squad server in the official server browser! We are currently recruiting new people that would be interested in playing and helping us out with growing our small but friendly community! We offer whitelist slots for active players and we are also looking for serious people that have the possibility to be a part of the staff team. That includes admin / mod role on both our squad server and the discord! In the squad server browser our server should be listed as [ENG/DK]Operation Sandalstorm - New Player Friendly
Minty Furries 🐾 Icon
Furry | Community | Art
Welcome to Minty Furries, a furry server where you can be whoever you want to be! Here's what we offer: - Art section - Fursuit section - A welcoming and friendly community - Fun events and exciting giveaways - Gaming and other hobbies - Voice channels - Partnerships (150+ members to partner) - Lots of roles to customize your profile - Anti-raid/troll protection - 100% SFW experience Join us today and become part of our nice community! Hope to see you! Ban Appeal: https://forms.gle/F8Mgkb1EnEhTKFYL7
Minty Furries 🐾 Discord Server Banner
Minty Furries 🐾 Icon
Furry | Community | Art
Welcome to Minty Furries, a furry server where you can be whoever you want to be! Here's what we offer: - Art section - Fursuit section - A welcoming and friendly community - Fun events and exciting giveaways - Gaming and other hobbies - Voice channels - Partnerships (150+ members to partner) - Lots of roles to customize your profile - Anti-raid/troll protection - 100% SFW experience Join us today and become part of our nice community! Hope to see you! Ban Appeal: https://forms.gle/F8Mgkb1EnEhTKFYL7
FPS Hangouts Icon
Gaming | Community
Here at FPS Hangouts we know it's sometimes hard to find groups to play your favorite games with. To have a good time with. That's what this server aims to fix. We hope you will join us as we try to grow and bring squads together! > Currently 350+ members strong > Games focused on this server are Warzone, Cold War, Apex, Overwatch, and Valorant, but accept many others as well! > We have an announcements channel to display updates/news on the top games! > Members must follow Discord's ToS; no sexism, racism, harassment, etc will be allowed. > Let's have lots of GG's together!
?---???? 嵐員ヺ---? Icon
Anime | Gaming
Server about Gaming, Memes, Anime, Friendly, and Funny Hope you enjoy your experience
Nicl Bicl Yt Community Icon
Military | Gaming
Taktischer Server - Hell let loose - Squad - Arma - Warthunder - und sonstiges
A-Team Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Отряд по игре Arma 3. Основан 2.09.2013 бойцами играющими одним составом на проекте "Воскресные игры" в далёкой alpha версии Arma 3. Взрослый, дружный коллектив 20+ Участвуем в TvT проекте "Red Bear" .
Thunderdome.gg Icon
Gaming | Streaming
This server is not just a server its a home. A place where you will feel welcome and leave feeling happier than you did going in. Its a community of gamers, simps, whatever you wanna be you are welcome. We play everything from minecraft all the way to Rainbow Six Siege and Squad.
Knights of the Temple Icon
Community | Gaming
Knights of the Temple is a growing gaming community where all members have a voice, we promote a friendly and fun environment for everyone!
jamm Icon
Community | Gaming
test server for my squad. Education and gaming. Movie marathon. Famding, bonding bonding with friends.
Pokemon Unite Brasil Icon
Gaming | eSports
(Server novo! Os 50 primeiros ganharão um cargo especial. Entre no servidor, convide seus amigos e aguarde novos players, quanto mais gente melhor).Server focado em encontrar pessoas para jogar rankeado, focar squad e tambem poder jogar casualmente.
Sangría Molotov Icon
Gaming | Military
Comunidad Española centrada en Juegos Militares Tácticos Cooperativos MILSIM.
Tactical Gecko's Icon
Gaming | Social
Here at Tactical Gecko's we promote playing the hardcore shooter genre with others to have a more enjoyable experience.
[fll.fi] Finns Let Loose Icon
Gaming | Community
Suomalainen peliyhteisö mm. Hell Let Looseen ja Squadiin. Olemme olemassa, jotta sinun ei tarvitse pelata yksin. Hell Let Loose Suomi. Hell Let Loose Finland. Squad Suomi. Squad Finland.
Gaming | Sports