ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Investing | Trading
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 41,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Investing | Trading
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 41,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
Vapor Chill V.10 Icon
Community | eSports
We have the cutest bpd e-girls and the most entertaining schizo incels! 18+ llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll https://discord.gg/97nny7dg7T llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
Escape from Tarkov Balkan Icon
Community | Gaming
👋 Escape from Tarkov Balkan discord Community 👋 💜Cilj naše zajednice je okupiti sve ljubitelje Tarkova svih generacija na jednom mjestu. 💜 Ako nemate nikoga za questat ili jednostavno nemate s kime igrati e onda ste nasli pravo mjesto 😌 💜 Iskusni Staff i Veterani sa vise od 2,000h su tu za pomoci ako ste tek krenuli igrati. 💜 Later on planiramo organizirati turnire, raditi zadatke za Community sa giveaways etc etc... 💜 Samo Balkan, pravila su kao i svuda. Sto se tice Tarkov pravila sve pise na Discordu. 💜 Zajebancija uvijek na nivou, jednostavno budite normalni & have fun. Catch ya around !
A Tarkov Server (SEA) Icon
Hello, PMC'S, If you are looking for people to play you can join us, We are a nice and welcoming group and will happily teach new players. This server speaks both Cantonese and English, So come join if you want to play with us! Happy raidings! 您好,PMC'S,如果您正在尋找可以玩的人,您可以加入我們,我們是一個友好而熱情的團隊,很樂意教新玩家。 這個服務器會說粵語和英語,如果你想和我們一起玩就快來加入吧!
Hideaway Saloon Icon
Gaming | eSports
Tarkov LFG server which focuses on team playing and progression. Don’t join if you are new. Thanks and have fun
Tarkov Best Carries Around Icon
Gaming | Community
cheap tarkov carries get any loot u want will help u do quest and guide u around the players etc talk more about it if u make a ticket
Attack On Gaming Icon
Gaming | Community
Gaming in alle Richtungen oder einfach mit Kollegen chillen. Spielt worauf ihr bock habt holt eure freunde ran und lasst eine chillige community aufbauen um immer jemanden zum zocken, talken oder chillen zu haben.
Arena Breakout Infinite OCE Icon
Gaming | Military
A discord for LFG for people based in the oceanic region for the game Arena Breakout Infinite. We are a community based discord so any feedback will be used to change or add features if needed.
Ultimo Refugio Icon
Gaming | Social
Servidor de sobrevivencia, inspirado em Tarkov, Lost Light, missões, nivel de experiencia, craft de item, trader, safezone
LFG Icon
Gaming | Community
Just a place to come, make some new friends, and enjoy many games together! Come say hi! New to running a server so actively looking for mods!
Escape From Tarkov services FAST Icon
🎮 AMN Services EFT: Your trusted partner for mastering raids in Escape from Tarkov. Services include: 🛡️ Raid Survival: Our professionals guide you through perilous maps such as Interchange, Customs, and Woods, ensuring your survival and success. 🎯 Quest Completion: We assist you in completing complex quests, allowing you to progress rapidly in the game. 💼 Loot Securing: Benefit from our expertise to obtain high-level equipment and weapons without risking it all. 🧠 Advanced Strategies: Learn the best tactics and strategies by playing alongside our experts. With AMN Services EFT, elevate your gaming experience and reach new heights in Escape from Tarkov. Join us and discover the difference a professional carry service can make!
Gaming | Community
Взрослые, адекватные, веселые ребята, играем в такие игры как: Arma 3 (серьезные игры); Escape from Tarkov; Mount and blade; Star Citizen; Steel Division. Наш teamspeak server: nabat.ts3.ru
Escape from Apex Icon
Gaming | Memes
Gun Furs Icon
Furry | Hobbies
The furry fandom's finest homage to John Moses Browning n' Co. A group for collectors of firearms and antiques, archery, history, hunting, military life, reenacting and survival. Furries, bronies, and lovers of anthropomorphic animated creatures all welcomed! Queer/LGBT friendly!
Gun Furs Discord Server Banner
Gun Furs Icon
Furry | Hobbies
The furry fandom's finest homage to John Moses Browning n' Co. A group for collectors of firearms and antiques, archery, history, hunting, military life, reenacting and survival. Furries, bronies, and lovers of anthropomorphic animated creatures all welcomed! Queer/LGBT friendly!
Escape From Tarkov Hub Icon
Gaming | Social | Entertainment
This is a server to help new and existing players. It has the Tarkov Assist bot, maps, extract videos, ammo charts, money making videos, barter lists, a custom marketplace for players to trade among each other, and way more. Info from anyone will be added to the server (with credit of course).
Cabaña de Amasacrator1 Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Este servidor está enfocado en crear una comunidad de jugadores de diversos juegos y categorías tanto para hispano hablantes como para anglohablantes. El objetivo es pasárselo bien y conocer a gente con la que viciar a lo que sea. This server is focused on creating a community of gamers of different games and cathegories for english speakers as well as spanish speakers. The objective is to have fun and meet new people to play with.
Tarkov Squad Finder Icon
Gaming | Social
Tarkov Squad Finder is a community to make new friends and socialize with other Escape from Tarkov players.
Fragged.TV Icon
Gaming | eSports
Fragged.TV is a gaming community brought to you by longtime gamers and streamers. Originally started as a stream community, we have changed directions and dove into becoming an all-out gaming community. Our focus is to have a good time whether playing casually or competitively. We want to reach the point where we have LFGs and groups going around the clock.
Fun and Games Icon
Gaming | Anime
Un canal basado en videojuegos y anime tenemos varios bot muy utiles, animate a visitarnos no comemos a nadie (de momento) ^^
Secret Base Icon
Gaming | Growth
Small gaming community, home of the Deadrabbits Squad gaming clan
BossG Icon
Gaming | Social
Just a community where you can play games with friends or make friends to play games with all are welcome.
Escape from Tarkov ENG/PL Icon
Gaming | Community
A friendly community happy to play with new players :)
The Rusty Bucket Icon
Gaming | Memes
The Rusty Bucket is a gaming community based around mainly Escape From Tarkov, Rust, and Among Us, and while we may be small right now we are quite active and growing, and all of us hope to see you there soon!
Home Bass Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Star Citizen, Escape From Tarkov, and More!
The Squat - Escape from Tarkov Icon
Community | Gaming
The Squat EFT is the best and most active player-managed Escape from Tarkov community! Come feel the difference.
Gaming | eSports
New Public FPS and Elite Gaming Community - Tarkov, CoD, ARK, Etc. Growing fast 500+ members We also host our own servers - always adding games by community recommendation.
Chemical | 18+ Icon
Community | Entertainment | Anime
✧ Chemical | 18+ ✧ Chemical is a 18+ community with the specific goal of allowing adults to feel free in conversation! We do not care where you are from you are always more than welcome into the community :) • 18+ SFW server that's chill and laid back • 50/50 female to male ratio • active/growing community server • exclusive booster perks • exclusive member perks • instant pic and streaming perms upon arrival •  Active VCs And Chat •  Nitro Give Away •  Events weekly • Active staff team with 24/7 support
Chemical | 18+ Discord Server Banner
Chemical | 18+ Icon
Community | Entertainment | Anime
✧ Chemical | 18+ ✧ Chemical is a 18+ community with the specific goal of allowing adults to feel free in conversation! We do not care where you are from you are always more than welcome into the community :) • 18+ SFW server that's chill and laid back • 50/50 female to male ratio • active/growing community server • exclusive booster perks • exclusive member perks • instant pic and streaming perms upon arrival •  Active VCs And Chat •  Nitro Give Away •  Events weekly • Active staff team with 24/7 support
Gaming | Hobbies
KOBK Clan for Escape From Tarkov (EFT)
Gaming | Community
Small and new Adult community that focuses on Escape From Tarkov, Rust, Valorant, CSGO and other games of that nature. Also has a section to post your brags, Streams and clips. Growing community always looking for more players.
Eyeless' Safehouse Icon
Gaming | Streaming
A growing youtube and twitch community with an emphasis on the game Escape From Tarkov, stop by for some raids or drop your channel link!
Gaming | eSports
Friendly community we accept everyone your age does not matter. We have a helping system where you will be assigned someone with 500+ hours to help you through tarkov or you can just ask questions and we will answer or if you are more experienced you should be able to find people to play here. We also host giveaways and competitions.
Escape from Romania Icon
Gaming | Military
Comunitate pentru romanii pasionati de jocul Escape from Tarkov si nu numai. Comunitatea s-a înființat pe 07 Iunie 2018 din pasiune pentru jocul Escape from Tarkov și pentru a-i ajuta pe ceilalți jucători să înțeleagă jocul. Suntem cea mai mare comunitate de români care joacă Escape from Tarkov, cu peste 1300 de membri. Aici veți găsi membri activi pe canale la orice oră și ajutorul de care aveți nevoie pentru a deveni un jucător mai bun.
Nicl Bicl Yt Community Icon
Military | Gaming
Taktischer Server - Hell let loose - Squad - Arma - Warthunder - und sonstiges
☕ KIBA Gaming Café [ASIA/SEA] Icon
Gaming | Community
Escape from Tarkov Community in South East Asia / Asia. We provide LFG services, a Dedicated Sherpa Team, and Weekly Competitions and Giveaways. We also have a Self-Advertisement channel and a Streamer and Booster role. We focus on helping players of all skill levels find a relaxed gaming environment. We are a Level 3 Discord.
The Perception Icon
Gaming | Community
Welcome to The Perception! We are working hard to do friendly atmosphere that every player deserve. Please read rules below as rule breakers will be punished.
Tarkov LFG Icon
Tarkov LFG The perfect place to find a group for Escape from Tarkov Whether you have 1 hour or 1000 you can surely find a squad to play with!
Escape From Tarkov LFG & Help Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Escape from Tarkov Discord for LFG, Giveaways, and helping beginners learn the game. We have all skill levels but focus on improving ourselves in a wholesome, toxicity-free setting. Come find groups to play with, our looking for group is always active for NA and EU players.
Community | Gaming
SEIT 2016 ERSTER TARKOV DISCORD FÜR DIE DEUTSCHSPRACHIGE GEMEINSCHAFT - Ein Netzwerk, Community, eine Gemeinschaft von Leuten die gerne zusammen spielen und das unabhängig vom Genre in unseren verschiedenen Discord Communities.
01hp Icon
Gaming | Community
Brand new server, looking for friends, people to game with. No negativity. Many different games, memes and fun
Crunchy Icon
Anime | Music | Community
Thousands of members with non-stop active channels focused on anything from general conversation to anime and manga! With a dedicated community and lots of amazing custom features, you're bound to find something you enjoy!
Crunchy Discord Server Banner
Crunchy Icon
Anime | Music | Community
Thousands of members with non-stop active channels focused on anything from general conversation to anime and manga! With a dedicated community and lots of amazing custom features, you're bound to find something you enjoy!
Finn's Basement Icon
Gaming | Social
Small server for players who enjoy Escape From Tarkov. We want to grow a server and a small and fun active community so that we can have plenty of people who share the common interest of their games. We have a Looking for Group channel, we have memes, we have text channels, plenty of fun things to do here. Tags: LFG TARKOV PLAYERS LOOKING FOR GROUP
Tarkov Chads Icon
Gaming | Military
We have a very friendly community and growing fast. We all love to help turn Rats into Chads! Come visit our Server and share the love to grow to learn about this game and everything else you can do within it.
The Lounge Icon
Gaming | Streaming
A place for gamers to come and enjoy themselves with people that share the same interest. Feel free to check it out and find your next group of friends! I hope you enjoy your stay!
The Wall Gaming Community | DayZ Icon
Gaming | Community | Hobbies
The Wall Gaming Community has been around since December 2016, we are known for hosting Dayz servers, we also host Rust, Ark, Valheim, and various other game community funded servers! We have over 30,000 Discord members! Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/TWDayZ
Tarkov Helpline Icon
Gaming | Social
A beginner-friendly Discord community based on helping players with developing their skills in and learning more about Escape from Tarkov, through direct assistance and custom game info guides. Additionally, we offer a friendly meeting space for EFT players and general gamers to have fun together!
Tarkov Squad Finder Icon
Gaming | Growth
if your new or looking for teammates join up we have lots of people willing to help new players and also have active layers who are willing to help anyone and play with anyone, Leve, KD ratio, Skill doesnt matter were just trying to have a good time
TarkovPal Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Join other Tarkov players and Goon Hunters! Looking for the Goons or trying to complete the quest 'Stray Dogs' for kappa? Check out our Goon tracking tool! https://tarkovpal.com - Our Premium services are free to use and updates in real time.
Tarkov Team Finder Icon
Gaming | Hobbies
Active LFG community for Escape From Tarkov. Hide your teammates gear, your kill your loot. 16k members, people are actively looking for teammates in VC's. Need help? Come by and join one of the most non-toxic Escape from Tarkov Communities!
Tarkov EU Icon
Gaming | Social
A highly active place for Escape From Tarkov players (EU) to find others to play with, get help with tasks, ask questions and share everything Tarkov! We host events with our community! There's always someone raiding here so come catch a raid with us! OYY!
Galaxy Gaming Icon
Gaming | Social
TLDR - GalaxyGaming is a discord for Timmys and Chads, PVP, Quests, Events, and more. No bullshit, hop on the server, pick a role, and get to playing with others! Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/JPa7xjaKrk Hello! Are you looking for a place where everyone plays together? A place where you can join any chat and users will gladly talk, play, and help? Well, there’s no better place for that than GalaxyGaming! We pride ourselves in being the most welcoming and tight-knit community in Tarkov. Below are some of the things we offer: · Sherpa program for New Players · Quest Help · A Safe Community Free of Cheaters · In Depth Guides On Rat Spots For Those Who Like To Dabble In The Art Of Ratting · Various Roles to Suit Your Playstyle · Various Bots and Server Features such as Music and Polls · Boosted Discord with Better Quality Streaming, File Upload, Customs Emojis, etc.
Impera Discord Icon
Gaming | Community
Ave potential Legionnaire! We want you to join our discord. 3000+Players|Max Level Discord|50+Custom Emojis|
Gaming | Hobbies
Active LFG community for Escape From Tarkov. Hide your teammates gear, your kill your loot. people are actively looking for teammates in VC's. Need help? Come by and join one of the most non-toxic Escape from Tarkov Communities!
The Color Palette Icon
Art | Community
We are a community art server, but being an artist is not a requirement to join! We have a growing community and many friendly artists for you to interact with!
The Color Palette Discord Server Banner
The Color Palette Icon
Art | Community
We are a community art server, but being an artist is not a requirement to join! We have a growing community and many friendly artists for you to interact with!
Reaver’s Raiders Icon
Streaming | Gaming
Gaming Community made by ReaverLIVE Primarily focused on Tarkov and other milsim games. This is a streamer server but also a community to meet others and make new friends!
Escape From Tarkov DE Icon
Gaming | Community
Der deutsche Escape From Tarkov Discord Server! Der perfekte Ort für jeden EFT Spieler um Deutschland! Trete jetzt Escape From Tarkov DE bei!
Tarkovitas | ¿Jugamos o qué? Icon
Gaming | Military
TARKOVITAS Somos un clan nacido por y para Tarkov, tanto es así, que decidimos crear una comunidad sobre EFT. Aquí encontrarás gente dispuesta a ayudar en todo lo posible, partidas serias y partidas de risa. Adoramos las armas como si de nuestros propios hijos se trataran. Tarkov is love, Tarkov is life. Sorteamos juegos cada semana y hacemos eventos. Aparte de Escape from Tarkov, también jugamos a otros juegos. - Discord Partner - Wiki propia en español - Sherpas propios con respuesta rápida - Sorteos y eventos - Foro - Guías y tutoriales
Bunker Network Icon
Gaming | Streaming
The Bunker Network is a place for friends to chill and play games with like minded people. We encourage everyone of all skill levels, game types and play styles to relax and enjoy their gaming experience. The Bunker Network is moderated and is streamer friendly. We play a variety of different games including Call of Duty, Escape from Tarkov, Demonologist, Rust, R6 Siege, Valorant, CS and many more. Casual, competitive, streamer, try-hard or weekend warrior... doesn't matter!
Mercy's Tarkov Therapy & Others Icon
Gaming | Growth
All tarkov related things, info, joining for groups, also FPS games, and support. Streaming live bots along with movie nights!
Paradise Icon
Gaming | Community
We are a 16+ server whose main goal is to be a drama-free community for a multitude of backgrounds, cultures, and nations, to be able to make friends or at least try with all our differences to be polite as we team up to game, vibe, read, or just share our lives with those interested. See Ya There!
The Motherland Icon
Gaming | Streaming
A place for Escape From Tarkov and Tarkov: Arena players (NA/EU) to find others to play with, get help with tasks, ask questions and share everything Tarkov! We host events with our community and will be hosting offline co-op lobbies and custom Arena games aswel! There's always someone raiding here so come catch a raid with us! OYY!
Gaming | Sports
HOSTING A PUBLIC PALWORLD SERVER NOW! JOIN FOR IP! General Gaming Discord community Awesome economy with casino/games
Gaming | Programming
PROJECT LIBERTY Z | FiveM Zombie Survival | Hey hey ! Découvre notre tout nouveau serveur RP de survie Zombie post-apocalyptique. Plonge dans une zone infestée avec des zombies spéciaux. Consulte le classement d'infectés tués directement sur Discord. Interagis avec des PNJ survivants et érige des bases avec l'outil de construction :tools:. Crée ton propre crew pour une survie collective. Explore une grande variété d'objets à craft. Exploite les ressources via le minage. Participe à des missions PvE pour tester tes compétences de survie. Affronte d'autres joueurs dans la DarkZone PvP. Pratique la chasse et la pêche :fishing_pole_and_fish: pour assurer ta subsistance. Personnalise tes armes pour une efficacité optimale. Évolue dans un environnement constamment en développement. Rejoins-nous et embarque dans cette aventure survie unique !
Escape From Tarkov HUB Icon
Gaming | Just Chatting
Do you want to participate in Tarkov tournaments? Do you need help with quests? Learn maps? Learn how to make money? Are you looking for a sherpa to help you out? You've come to the right place! Welcome to Escape From Tarkov HUB! We have a mature dedicated staff team, our own set of experienced sherpas ready to help out over the entire world, and a lot of humble players, ready and willing to find new players! We offer unlimited private Voice channels, Tournaments with prizes in multiple different formats, sherpa events where our dedicated sherpa's sit ready to help you out with quests, rouble making, or anything in between! Maybe you're a seasoned veteran yourself and you're just looking for your next duo or trio partners! We have it all! Come check us out, and who knows! Maybe you will be the next champion in one of our tournaments! Looking forward to see you there!
The Deadly Alliance Icon
Gaming | YouTuber
A hardcore FPS/Survival gaming community that enjoys games like DayZ, Escape From Tarkov, and other games alike. We are striving to create a place for people to team-up and play games together and make new friends! - Meet New Friends - In Game Team ups - Chill and Chat - Find New Games to Play - Become Apart of the Community
Discrete cheats Icon
best up and coming cheat selling discord we sell cheats for tarkov, rust, valorant, and fortnite with more cheats to come in the future