Ascent (18+ SFW) Icon
Gaming | Community | PC
Welcome to Ascent (18+, SFW) – a vibrant gaming community where PC & console players connect through social game nights, dedicated servers, and a friendly, drama-free space to game, grow, and have fun!
Ascent (18+ SFW) Discord Server Banner
Ascent (18+ SFW) Discord Server Banner
Ascent (18+ SFW) Icon
Gaming | Community | PC
Welcome to Ascent (18+, SFW) – a vibrant gaming community where PC & console players connect through social game nights, dedicated servers, and a friendly, drama-free space to game, grow, and have fun!
#1 DayZ Romania Icon
Gaming | YouTuber
Gaming | Community
Server : PURE / IP : / 1PP / PVP / MAP : Chernarus / Only 6 mods (Vanilla+) / Discord :
19th Engineer Battalion Icon
Gaming | Community
The 19th Engineer Battalion is a community server ran by those who are dedicated to give you a feel of what a welcoming and committed gaming community has to offer. Though we have originated and still focus a lot on Hell Let Loose, we have expanded to multiple other franchises such as DayZ, War Thunder, Foxhole and Squad. We have one server in HLL and Minecraft Once you join our Discord, all you have to do is simply choose a role that suits your interests (choosing a game). Once you do, you will be given access to those particular channels. We were founded in May of 2022 and have seen a lot of success over the last year, with over 1,000 members and growing daily If you'd like to be apart of an exciting, welcoming, growing community, then join the 19th Engineer Battalion today!
Forsaken Path Icon
Gaming | Playstation
Forsaken Path - Winter Chernarus ❄️ | PVE Survival | Boosted Loot | Trader | Custom Areas | Fully Built Cars | Increased Zombies & Wildlife | Base Building | Dynamic Events | Factions I PlayStation | US Forsaken Path is a PVE-focused survival server set in the frozen wilderness of Winter Chernarus, where the elements are harsh, and the world is alive with danger. With boosted loot, a trader, fully built cars, and custom areas, players can explore, build, and take on the most intense PVE bunkers on PlayStation. Increased zombie spawns and a thriving wildlife population make every journey an unpredictable challenge. All players, both experienced and new, are welcome! Feel free to invite your friends if you think they'd enjoy our server! Sincerely, The Forsaken Staff
Wasteland Warriors Gaming Icon
Gaming | Community
We are a community of gamers, artists, streamers, and in general, really laid-back mofos from all over the globe. Our Livonia server, and Chernarus server are lightly modded focused on keeping a vanilla feel with some extended features, such as more modded weapons, and clothing. Our hope is to keep that same old running around in the dark, sneezing and shivering feel that people enjoy about DayZ. Server name: Wasteland Warriors Livonia Address: Server name: Wasteland Warriors Chernarus Address: Please follow the code of conduct and check out our community information sections in our server. Keep tuned for future announcements. Thanks. Admin
Dayz Balkan community Icon
Gaming | YouTube
👋 DayZ Balkan discord Community 👋 💜Cilj naše zajednice je okupiti sve ljubitelje DayZ-a svih generacija na jednom mjestu. 💜 Ako nemate nikoga za igrati onda ste nasli pravo mjesto. 😌 💜 Iskusni Staff i Veterani sa vise od 2,000h su tu za pomoci ako ste tek krenuli igrati. 💜 Later on planiramo organizirati turnire, raditi zadatke za Community sa giveawayovima, a mozda nekad u buducnosti i otvoriti svoj server. 💜 Samo Balkan, pravila su kao i svuda. 💜 Zajebancija uvijek na nivou, jednostavno budite normalni & have fun. Catch ya around !
Vanquished Icon
Gaming | Community
🎮 Vanquished Gaming 🎮 - Join our thriving community of over 7,000 passionate gamers! Vanquished is your ultimate destination for connection and epic gameplay, with dedicated hosted servers for all your favorite games! 🌐✨ Experience top-notch admin support, engage in exciting Discord and in-game events, and enjoy regular voice chats. We're here to support streamers of every kind! 🚀🎥 🔥 Our Servers Include: Ark Survival Ascended DayZ Minecraft Palworld Myth of Empires Get ready to conquer new worlds and make unforgettable memories with Vanquished Gaming! 💪👾 #GamingCommunity #GameOn
PC Gaming - Deadshot Crowz Icon
Gaming | Community
Hier zum Discord, für Survival-Crafting-Building-Freaks: Eine "Old Gamer Association" (Alter 35). Wir spielen, was gerade angesagt ist und worauf wir Lust haben. Schwerpunkt: **Survival**, **MMOs** und **Open-World-Games**. Nach Feierabend abschalten, Zocken und miteinander lachen. Wir freuen uns.
Nexus Games SC/ Jaraguá do Sul Icon
Gaming | eSports
Aqui, o foco é simples: fazer novas amizades enquanto se diverte jogando! Se você curte jogos de todos os tipos e quer conhecer pessoas com os mesmos interesses, este é o lugar certo. Temos canais para conversar sobre jogos, trocar dicas, formar times e, claro, jogar juntos! Aproveite a vibe amigável, participe de eventos, torneios e desafios e, acima de tudo, divirta-se com a galera! 😄🎉
Asylum Gaming Community Icon
Gaming | PC
📢 Escape the ordinary, Seek Asylum! 📢 Tired of the same old gaming grind? 🤪 Asylum Gaming Community is your haven for hardcore and casual gamers alike! 😈😇 We offer: A diverse selection of servers: Arma Reforger, DayZ, Ark, Rust, and more! Active and engaged community: Find your squad, forge alliances, and dominate the leaderboards! Experienced and dedicated staff: Ensuring fair play, balanced gameplay, and a welcoming environment. Events and Giveaways: Participate in regular events for a chance to win awesome prizes! A place to call home: Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a fresh recruit, Asylum welcomes you with open arms. Join us today and experience gaming like never before! Find us at: [] 🔗 #AsylumGaming #FindYourSanctuary #GamingCommunity #ArmaReforger #DayZ #Ark #Rust
Paradigm Shift RP Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
A flash of light. A roaring void. The wormhole closes behind you, leaving you stranded on Terra Gratis Prime... Who are you? A pirate of the 1700s Caribbean, sword in hand and plunder in your heart? A soldier torn from the blood-soaked battlefields of the American Civil War? Or perhaps a knight of the 13th century, bracing for a battle you’ll never fight? The wormhole has ripped you from your home, leaving endless possibilities for your story. On Paradigm Shift RP, your imagination is your only limit. Our vibrant DayZ RP community welcomes players from around the world—primarily from the UK, EU, and USA. With admins covering multiple time zones, we ensure assistance is always within reach. Whether you’re new to roleplay or a seasoned veteran, we offer a non-toxic, inclusive space for players of all abilities to create and collaborate.
The Evil Chicken Coop Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Dayz Server
SharpLine Sports Icon
Sports | Community | Investing
Let us do the research so you can enjoy sports while making money. Don't miss out on this exclusive opportunity to change your sports betting profits forever! Members made over $500,000+ in 2023.
SharpLine Sports Discord Server Banner
SharpLine Sports Icon
Sports | Community | Investing
Let us do the research so you can enjoy sports while making money. Don't miss out on this exclusive opportunity to change your sports betting profits forever! Members made over $500,000+ in 2023.
Advanced Warfare Gaming Icon
Gaming | Community
Advanced Warfare Gaming Community - Arma 3, DayZ Standalone & More
Gaming | Entertainment
Hardcore Vanilla experience that you initially fell in love with, enhanced. Whether you are a group with a mission, or a solo with a vision, there are activities spanning across vast Chernarus for all camps of players. Engage in firefight over a supply drop, or take your chances against a zombie infested contaminated area for a toxic zone crate to get rewarded with top-tier loot.
Aeonium Gaming DayZ Icon
Arma 3 DayZ Mod Community - TOP 3 Worldwide
DayZ Factions SRP Icon
Gaming | Community
Want to join our server and chill out with people who actually care about role play? Join DayZ Factions SRP we are Anti-Duper's with a mission to make a really popular dayz community! Join us and have a good time.
ConquerDayZ Icon
This is the Community Server of ConquerDayZ
Ceasefire RP Community Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
role play gaming community for dayz standalone.
Vikings DayZ Community. Icon
Gaming | Gaming
Dayz Standalone Server.
Bravo Six Icon
Entertainment | Military
Popular DayZ Server. We offer good support and a fun gameplay along with cool and unique features. Many mods are fine tuned to the average dayz players liking.
Kettle of Fish Icon
UK DayZ Server
Dayz Nederlands Icon
Gaming | YouTuber
Hallo wij zijn een nieuwe discord voor mensen die dayz willen spelen met een groepje
[TF] The Family Icon
Gaming | Community
Zombielandz Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Zombielandz DayZ Xbox Server
Hexa Network Icon
Gaming | Community | Role-Playing
Welcome to the HexaNetwork! We are home to a friendly, engaged community of CivilizationCraft (where Sid Meier's Civ meets Minecraft) and prison players. There are countless ways to build your empire, destroy your neighbor's, or just mine your heart away! Join us today for endless fun and accomplishment!
Hexa Network Discord Server Banner
Hexa Network Icon
Gaming | Community | Role-Playing
Welcome to the HexaNetwork! We are home to a friendly, engaged community of CivilizationCraft (where Sid Meier's Civ meets Minecraft) and prison players. There are countless ways to build your empire, destroy your neighbor's, or just mine your heart away! Join us today for endless fun and accomplishment!
Anyone In Cherno? -DayZ Icon
AIC - Anyone In Cherno? DayZ server by Supa
DeadHive - EU Server 4 Deadside Icon
Gaming | Crypto
EU's Best RP/PVP community server for deadside! Come join the community
GermanDayZ Icon
Gaming ist die größte deutschsprachige DayZ Community. Seit 2012 kannst du mit uns durch die chernarussische Apokalypse wandern. Finde Mitspieler, Clans, RP Storys und vieles mehr in unserem Forum auf!
ZNation Icon
Gaming | Community
DayZ Gaming Community Server Description: ZNation [US] BBP+C4|Traders+BM|100k Start|High Loot|Expansion Connection ip: Platform: PC
Force Community Icon
Community | Gaming
Force Community is a starting server. Moustly gaming but everyone is welcome! Stay tuned! Join the community and have some fun!
Hooligans DayZ Server Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Welcome to Hooligans DayZ Server, we are a community of gamers that invest our time heavily into keeping these servers up to date and working properly. We strive to ensure everyone is treated equally and has a great gaming experience! -Hooligans DayZ Cherno is a heavily modded server that includes provisions for PVE/PVP, medical enhancement, vehicles, weapons, base items as well as many environmental enhancements that give you the ultimate survival experience. -Hooligans DayZ Namalsk Survival server is lightly modded, packed with our custom mod that includes one off items and mechanics to make surviving Namalsk challenging and fun! It will not be easy to survive, can you do it?
DayZ | Domination Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
What is Domination DayZ? A brief description is that there are two factions. Allied Nations ( United Nations ) & the Red Star ( Krasnostav Headquarter ). You will spawn at one of the two locations, this is the faction you will fight for until you die and re-spawn randomly between either of them again. Your goal is to kill the members of the opposing faction and capture the objective !
DayZ Nederland Icon
De groep om te spelen met andere Nederlands sprekende DayZ spelers. Voor alle mensen uit Nederland / België
ArcanaNetwork Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
arcana mu online season2 and season15 - dayz - arcana mu online season2 and season15 - dayz - arcana mu online season2 and season15 - dayz - arcana mu online season2 and season15 - dayz - arcana mu online season2 and season15 - dayz - arcana mu online season2 and season15 - dayz - arcana mu online s
WikingDZ Icon
eSports | Streaming
Wiking DayZ is a DayZ Community focused on hardcore survival, PVP & PVE. We are the place for seasoned players as well as newer players. You can experience the best hardcore survival in the DayZ Universe with our sublime selection of mods and addons.
Abyss Dayz Icon
Gaming | Social
ABYSS was Established January 2021, We are a DayZ Server Discord, for all things DayZ Related. Our Namalsk Server brings all the mods from multiple Developers into 1 Gameplay experience. This server is a perfect match for Lone Wolfs or big groups! we hold a maximum of 50 players on Namalsk Servers due to the max size and to bring a better gameplay Experience
Gaming | Community
Comunidade do Servidores BRAZUKAS Dayz SA Brasil. Servidor Semi-Vanila, com poucos mods somente pra oferecer maior jogabilidade sem deixar muito OP - VanillaPlusPlusMap (pra ajudar voce a se orientar no mapa) - VPPAdminTools (para os admins e moderadores poderem fiscalizar e manter uma boa jogatina) - BaseBuildingPlus (oferecendo uma variedade maior de contrução) - Airdrop (missoes para a diversão do pessoal oferecendo loots de maior qualidade) - GoreZ (Oferecendo aquela sangueira danada, pra voce rastrear seu inimigo e terminar o serviço) - KillFeed (saiba sobre as tretas no servidor) - RadZone, GasMaskAddons e ToxicZone (oferecendo missoes em ambientes com radiação, melhores armas e roupas, medidores de radiação e banhos para limpar a radiação da sua roupa) - SchanaModParty (jogue com amigos em grupo e times) - Base Furniture Mods 3.0 (moveis diferenciados para voce equipar a sua base e nao ficar com milhares de caixas empilhadas)
Meet New People Icon
Community | Social
Meet New People is a new small discord community. Chat & participate in events. This is a small community server with a few active members, if you want to be apart of a tight-knit community & somewhere to call home then JOIN NOW! We are working hard to revive an old community.
Meet New People Discord Server Banner
Meet New People Icon
Community | Social
Meet New People is a new small discord community. Chat & participate in events. This is a small community server with a few active members, if you want to be apart of a tight-knit community & somewhere to call home then JOIN NOW! We are working hard to revive an old community.
Citadel RP Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
O Citadel RP é uma comunidade de RP de DayZ Standalone, que lhes apresenta um mapa personalizado, mods, regras e ferramentas criadas para uso exclusivo em nossa comunidade RP. Temos trabalhado arduamente para revisar a experiência DayZ do zero, especificamente para o seu uso em RP. Ao longo desse tempo, fizemos um bom progresso no desenvolvimento de nosso mapa e várias modificações principais necessárias para o nosso conceito funcionar.
ParanoiasRP Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Servidor DayZ RolePlay serio de habla hispana. Tramas, eventos, mecánicas propias y ambientativos. La mejor experiencia rolera en la Isla de Namalsk.
╾╼The Gulag╾╼ Icon
Gaming | Community
╾╼The Gulag╾╼ We are a first person DayZ server that tries to balance both modded and vanilla aspects of the game. Therefor we use mods to improve factors that we miss at the vanilla game, a well balanced build and raid setup that makes it worth building a base. We are a friendly community server with interactions and events, a lot of modded items, clothing, weapons and locations. Good and clear rules with a great 24/7 availability and friendly staff team, airdrops, care packages, and many more content for you to find out
DayZ: South Zagoria Survival Icon
Gaming | Community
Community Discord Server for the DayZ DZSA Server "South Zagoria Survival" or SZS and contains information about the server and its gameplay.
Dead Isle RP Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
From time to time survivors find their way to the Isle trying to find someplace to live, some by choice and some who have just washed up. Most of them unaware of the dangers of the Isle, the Infected that roam the land, the wildlife that roams free now that most humans have abandoned this place, the bandits, cannibals, and psychopaths, or the creatures from the Vault. A trader, a farmer, a leader, a bandit, or killer. Whatever you are, wherever you come from can you thrive here? Can you survive?
KurKmmunity Server Icon
Gaming | Streaming
KurK Gaming Community Server Games including CSGO, Valorant, DayZ, OSRS, Phasmophobia and many more Join and enjoy !
ru78 Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
- Особенности проекта: • Они везде!!! Зомби не дадут вам скучать. Активность и слух усилен. Теперь стоит дважды подумать прежде чем "пошуметь"! • Болезни и заражения заставят следить за здоровьем. Зараженные зоны. Слабость и усталость могут сыграть с Вами злую шутку. • Множество нового оружия и экипировки. Чтобы достать хорошее снаряжение, вам нужно действовать сообща. Добраться до торговцев не так и просто. • Устали от охоты? Возьмите с собой удочку и снасти. Устройтесь поудобнее на берегу озера, с приятной компанией и приятной рыбалки! • Разнообразие автотранспорта. Ванильные и мод версии машин. • Баги и лаги от Бегимотов всё ещё есть), они то же добовляют изюминку в геймплэй). Мы с этим боремся, но это не точно).описание сервера
Nitrado.DEV Icon
Gaming | Community
Killfeed.DEV is the #1 Dayz Killfeed for your Discord. It works with Xbox and PS4 DayZ servers. This DayZ mod lets you post all your servers log events to a Discord server. To activate the BOT create an account at https://killfeed.DEV
40Haramiler Icon
Gaming | Community
40 Haramiler DayZ topluluğu. DayZ oyuncuları bu sunucuya gelerek beraber oynayacağı kişileri bulabilir ve eğlenceli vakitler geçirebilir. Yeni başlayan kişilerde gelerek oyunu öğrenebilir, bilgi edinebilir. DayZ rehberimiz için
The Broken | 1PP | Missions | Fr Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
The Broken | 1PP | Missions | Frostbite Cold | Extreme Hardcore Survival -- SERVER INFO -- ● Winter Chernarus (Custom Edited for Hardcore Focus) ● Files are individually edited for extreme hardcore survival. ● Extreme Hardcore Survival Server ● Medical Attention (realistic illnesses and treatment) ● Craftable Ammo ● More Vehicles ● 4 Hour Restarts ● 3 hours day, 1 hour night. ● Loot balanced for invested gameplay ● My Custom Bridges to Skalisity Island and Prison Island Military Zone ● My NEAF custom military zone (with hangers etc) ● Please Join Our Discord Discord channel will provide you with server information, rules, and how to survive tutorials. -- MODS -- ● Frostbites ● Increased Zombies ● Infected animals ● Medical Attention ● Zeroy Fishing ● GarbageSearch ● GarbageKnife ● Less Meat From Animals ● Perishable Food ● Munghard Items ● Windstrides Clothing ● Mass Many Items ● ATVs ● Zombie Pelts ● DayZ Dog .. and many more!
Xenomorph Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
QueerSpace(18+ SFW) Icon
LGBT | Community
Queerspace is a small 18+ SFW community of LGBTQ+ers and their allies. Our doors are open to people who just want a place to hang out, make friends and most importantly, have a laugh. Our goal is to create a fun, safe and vibrant community. Feel free to chat about anything that interests you, tell us about your day or just share something that makes you giggle. We try and have either a gaming or movie night at least once a week. However, if our numbers increase, we'd be able to host these more frequently, so come suggest something to play/watch with us!
QueerSpace(18+ SFW) Discord Server Banner
QueerSpace(18+ SFW) Icon
LGBT | Community
Queerspace is a small 18+ SFW community of LGBTQ+ers and their allies. Our doors are open to people who just want a place to hang out, make friends and most importantly, have a laugh. Our goal is to create a fun, safe and vibrant community. Feel free to chat about anything that interests you, tell us about your day or just share something that makes you giggle. We try and have either a gaming or movie night at least once a week. However, if our numbers increase, we'd be able to host these more frequently, so come suggest something to play/watch with us!
Rezzurrection Gaming Community Icon
Gaming | Hobbies
Rezzurrection is a place for Gamers to make new friends and explore new games. Our goal is to provide an enjoyable place for all of you to have a central HUB for all of your gaming needs.
Community | Entertainment
Le groupe CORP évolue sur plusieurs jeux, orientées simulations et jeux tactique où la coopération est la clé de la réussite. Nous jouons donc régulièrement à ArmA 3, DayZ, DCS, Ready or Not, Wargame .... Nous souhaitons jouer dans une ambiance sérieuse, mature et conviviale où la déconne peut très bien trouver sa place. La plupart de nos membres sont des adultes actifs, par conséquent le rythme de jeu et les contraintes d'assiduité sont aménagés pour respecter la vie de famille et la vie professionnelle de chacun. Le CORP a pour but de réunir des passionnés de la série Arma pour jouer des parties divertissantes dans un environnement immersif et cohérent, sans faire du réalisme un objectif absolu. Nous abordons la difficulté et les défis comme des facteurs favorisant la cohésion du groupe ainsi que les situations de jeu complexes et stimulantes. Nous invitons tous ceux qui le souhaitent à venir découvrir l'équipe et son style de jeu. Si l'expérience vous tente, rien de plus simple, p
High Voltage PvP Icon
Gaming | Social
IP: ||
The Trenches Icon
Community | Gaming
THE TRENCHES ????? - 50 Slot - ??Full Map PvP/KOS?? - ?Xbox? - ?️Chenarus?️ - ?️⌨️M&K Enabled⌨️?️ - ?‍♀️?‍♂️?3PP/1PP ??‍♂️?‍♀️ - ???UK/US player base (but welcome all)??? - ?Jeabers KillFeed!? - ?️Weekend Raiding Only!?️ ( Base & Container damage is Turned off during the week ) - ??Factions?? ( 5 Member Minimum - Comes with Base radar ) - ?Custom Loot Economy? ( All Loot spawns Pristine ) - ??Vehicles Spawn?? ( built, Comes with Gas & Water ) - ?125 Custom Spawns near/in every City, Town & Village? (To avoid Spawn Kills) - ??Live Trader?? - ?‍♂️??‍♀️Increased Stamina?‍♀️??‍♂️ - ??Modded Areas?? - ?‍♂️?Build Anywhere?‍♂️? - ?Growing Community? - ⏱️4 Hour Day & 30 minute Nights⏱️ - ?No Safe Zones? (The menu is your only safezone ) -?In-Game Currency ? - ⚡️Competitive Leaderboard ⚡️ - ⚪️?No Whitelist?⚪️ - ⏳Server resets every 6 Hours⏳ - ? Bounty System ?( Consistently Tracks The #1 Player )
Wolf Cola DayZ Icon
Gaming | Programming
Our DayZ game servers are focused on survival, PVP and the vanilla aspects of DayZ enriched with carefully balanced, quality modifications that don't break the core DayZ experience. OK, so we also have a server with spiders, but a lot of attention went into the balancing and customization of each spider, their AI, and how they work with the progression through our Melkart map. Making it through to the 5th keycard vault is no easy feat. Wolf Cola servers are never monetized and are open and welcome to players of all backgrounds and play styles.
GameCoopItalia Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Server Dedicato a chi parla in lingua italiana e a limiti di età 18+ Giochi Trattati: 1: Dark and Darker 2: Dying Light 2 - Stay Human 3: Day Z 4: Fallout76 5: Helldivers 2 6: Isonzo 7: No Man's Sky 8: Project Zomboid 9: Sea of Thieves 2023 edition 10: Star Citizen 11: State of Decay 2 - Jaggernaut Edition 12: Vein 13: World War Z 14: Space Engineers
Exiles Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Exiles | Chernarus | PvP Focused | Secure Containers | BBP 2.0 Why Exiles? > Exiles is dedicated to providing in a DayZ experience, that which you can not readily find elsewhere, the freedom to play how you want to play. + PvP focused server, 24/7 raiding, BBP 2.0 with a Focus on performance. + Working Secure Containers, Alpha thru Kappa. + Advanced groups, Spawn Select, Sleeping Bag spawn + BodyBags and purpose-built Armor, Weapons and Clothing + Custom locations built for PVP + Balanced Server Progression through Tiers, Keycards, Loot Crates & Care Packages + Updated Helicopters with working Gunner Seat + Custom traders: one safezone, bandit camp, black market and NWAF heli vendor. + Additional Points of Interest such as the Caves, Treehouses and updated and modified Heli Crashes and Train Wrecks. + Active discord with regular updates, robust ticketing system, clear rules, giveaways and more! + Regular staff hosted events designed with a PvP focus.
The Defiant- Last Resort Icon
Companion server for Dayz Xbox Server The Defiant. NWAF PVP Spawn with full map base building. Full cars, loot +, added items, unlimited Stam. 1pp/3pp. Raid weekends.
Namalsk PVE Vanilla Survivalists Icon
Gaming | eSports
This server focuses on a vanilla (namalsk is the only mod) experience without the pvp. This allows everyone to explore and work together. This is especially important on namalsk and its represents a very harsh environment where cooperation becomes much more important.
Revelations is a DayZ server established in 2022. We seek a pleasurable playing experience to our community.
DayZ Amera Icon
Gaming | eSports
Amera DayZ - PC - EU/GER - CHERNARUSPLUS. Be ready to experience a new gameplay mixed between hunting animals, taking care of your bees and harvesting at your farm to carry on intense fights in our custom locations, you will be amazed to discover new custom weapons added in the game and new balanced systems to enhance your experience.
Stadtwald Icon
eSports | Community
Stadtwald is a small DayZ Community. We running Servers on which we trying hard to keep the original feeling of the game while enhancing possibilities in-game and giving it more depth. Come and join the adventure!