Within this server, you're invited to engage in discussions with fellow enthusiastic players, converse in voice channels, form squads, and participate in our Community events.
Feel free to delve into all topics related to BF2042 and Delta Force. Our primary goal is to ensure that everyone has a rewarding experience. Take a moment to explore and enjoy your stay here!
Additionally, this server serves as a hub for news from both official and third-party sources, ensuring you're always up to date!
🎮 Battlefield Labs – Deine deutschsprachige Community!
Verbinde dich mit anderen Spielern aus DACH, finde dein perfektes Squad und erlebe epische Schlachten. Ob Casual oder Ranked – hier findest du das ultimative Battlefield-Erlebnis!
➡️ Jetzt beitreten: https://discord.gg/EF2QyGp7cM
CKS-Gaming has been around since 2004, our current main games are Battlefield V soon to be Battlefield 2042, Apex Legends & Warzone We run weekly events for BFV currently and are on the lookout for gamers who want to have a laugh communicate and enjoy playing the games we support. Feel free to drop by our discord - its quite unique with Dynamic and Custom voice channels.
18+ and Mic required.
Bem vindos(as)
Fundado em 2008, o COBRA (Comando Oficial Brasileiro) é um clan sem fins lucrativos Multi-jogos FOR FUN (sem obrigações de jogar, treinar etc), com foco no Battlefield. É constituído por uma equipe jovem (de espírito), gameniacos, pais, resenhistas, parceiros, dinâmica e ativa (alguns passivos). Todos nós adoramos jogos, jogar, e falar sobe jogos._____
Somos parciais/imparciais (depende da embriaguez) com opiniões bem formadas ou não, gostamos de desempenhar bem o nosso trabalho._____
A equipe Clan [COBRA] aguarda você aqui...
👊🏽 Todas as Redes Sociais COBRA https://linktr.ee/clancobraoficial
Encontros: http://bit.ly/2JWpNWa
Recrutamento: http://bit.ly/2J0n0Kb
Project Reality is a standalone Battlefield 2 modification with a greater emphasis on realism combat environments, teamwork and cooperation with 50v50 servers. Featuring over 20 factions with hunderds of weapons and vehicles. Download for free today!
Chat with the developers and the community in our public discord!
A gaming community focused on Battlefield. Most players for Battlefield 1 & V, however, also games like PUBG, CS:GO, RainbowSix: Siege, Apex Legends and more.
▶ We have a really friendly, active community that's always willing to help new players and just chat about the game, about life, or anything you can think of. Just try not to be toxic, keep racism out of your chat, ect.
▶ We have ~1000+ active members that are willing to play any time of day! Just use @here in the #Looking-for-a-game channel if no one is in a Voice Channel (VC).
▶ We have people from every region in the discord, and often have 5-15 people on at the same time in VC playing together
▶ There are many people who play using VC, as a squad, etc - so it's usually easy to find a game/people to play with
Please feel free to join us and invite your friends/other players as well! We are working to create the best community we can, so bring in whoever you want to help us! We have an extremely active VC with people playing throughout the day, so if you are looking for a good group to play with, then please feel free to join us!
TOT1 Gaming community.
Battlefield, HLL, Rust, Call Of Duty, PUBG, Escape From Tarkov, Minecraft, World Of Tanks, WOW, Rocket League, Apex Legends and many more games. Join our Discord to have fun!
Club Penguin Journey Insiders is the top Club Penguin Journey community server for exclusive news, item codes, mascot tracking, game updates, guides, and a fun community!
Club Penguin Journey Insiders is the top Club Penguin Journey community server for exclusive news, item codes, mascot tracking, game updates, guides, and a fun community!
Servidor focado na comunidade de battlefield do Brasil, teve inicio com servidor de battlefield 3 e temos vontade de expandir para todos os battlefield.
Do you like battlefield V RP? Well this server is for you! We have different ranks, RP’s, Divisions and more. We also do our own RP’s which includes : Trench Warfare, Beach Invasions. and occasionally long lasting campaigns!
We are always looking for more soldiers, So if you’re interested I recommend you join the server, But keep in mind this is a mainly Xbox Server
-Somos un grupo de amigos que decidieron unificar a toda la comunidad de Battlefield 6 (o como se termine llamando) en un servidor de Discord
-No volveréis a jugar solos ¡Eso seguro! Ya somos +540 jugadores y estamos empezando
-Tenemos canal de búsqueda de compañeros tanto para Europa como para Latinoamérica en cualquier plataforma
-Os mantendremos al día de todas las noticias oficiales y filtraciones que vayan saliendo traducidas al español
-Planearemos enfrentamientos entre clanes apenas se permita el alquiler de servidores
-Contamos con diversos roles que motivan la superación como jugadores
-Si queréis crear un clan o uniros a uno ya creado tenéis un apartado para ello
¡Entre otras muchas cosas!
¡Podéis uniros ya mediante este enlace! https://discord.gg/tcj56gujMu
The Next Era is a Battlefield community, and most of us have been playing the game almost since its launch. From Battlefield 1942, Battlefield 2, Battlefield Vietnam, BF:Bad Company 1 & 2, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, Battlefield 1, Battlefield 5, to the next Battlefield 2042 game that we are very excited and proud to join.
ERO SQUAD c'est la section BATTLEFIELD des PANIC WARRIORS ?, une multigaming Franco-Belge avec des vrais morceaux de bordel et de bière ?? dedans !
En attendant que BATTLEFIELD 2042 arrive, on continue BFV et on cherche des joueurs avec un niveau correct pour partir ensemble poncer les serveurs.
Pozdrav, ovo je oficijalni discord Battlefield 2042 klana: [BBD] - Battlefield Balkan Division
Ukoliko ste iz Srbije, Hrvatske, Bosne i Hercegovine, Crne Gore, Makedonije ili Slovenije, i želite se pridružiti balkanskom klanu za Battlefield 2042, onda je ovo pravo mesto za vas!
Bienvenue camarade ! Notre discord à pour but de réunir la communauté francophone Battlefield, serveur actif, bonne ambiance. De nombreux grades mis en place pour l'ancienneté de nos membres. Rejoins nous dès maintenant !
Server do Discord voltado aos jogos do Battlefield, resolvi criar esse Discord para que vários jogadores, não apenas brasileiros, se sintam a vontade para entrar e jogar juntos (:
Bonjour / Bonsoir à tous !
Pour commencer moi c'est William 22 ans. Je suis un grand Fan de la licence Battelfield, Sur d'autres jeux j'ai souvent eu l'expérience de gérer différents Clan / groupes. Il y a maintenant 4 ans avec quelques amis nous avons créé un Discord Communautaire dans le but de regrouper des joueurs 18+ et d'avoir une ambiance conviviale sur plusieurs jeux.
C'est pourquoi, à l'aide de notre communauté, nous avons décidé de créer une équipe / un regroupement de joueurs sur BF2042. Si on trouve assez de monde on fera sûrement un serveur dédié Battlefield Portal avec les suggestions de notre communauté
Il y en a pour tous les goûts ! Nous cherchons autant des joueurs Chill que des joueurs TryHard. Des joueurs des modes classiques mais aussi des aventuriers voulant poncer le mode Hazard Zone !
Si vous êtes intéressés : https://discord.gg/TfaS6eMYnV
MoonGamers is a gaming community founded in 2004. Over the years we have supported various games, such as the Battlefield series, Counter-Strike: Source, Day of Defeat: Source, Call of Duty, ArmA 2&3, and others. Currently we are one of the last remaining populated Battlefield 1942 servers in the world. The community is global; the admin team is mostly based in the US, Canada, Europe, and Asia. Drop by and say hello.
Welcome to Ascent (18+, SFW) – a vibrant gaming community where PC & console players connect through social game nights, dedicated servers, and a friendly, drama-free space to game, grow, and have fun!
Welcome to Ascent (18+, SFW) – a vibrant gaming community where PC & console players connect through social game nights, dedicated servers, and a friendly, drama-free space to game, grow, and have fun!
A comunidade -= OBG =- OLD BUT GOOD surgiu com intuito de quebrar a bolha de donos de Administradores que praticam abusos dentro dos servidores de BF4.
Path Of Exile Egypt Community
we are looking to create a big community of Egyptian players which they are playing (Path Of Exile) or who looking for learning and playing the game . سيرفر مصرى خاص باللعبة والجميع مُرحب بالانضمام إلينا
At BUDzExiles Gaming, our goal is to provide the Battlefield gaming community with popular, competitive first person shooter gaming experience. Through our custom servers, we promote a friendly, cordial environment with teamwork and fairness in place. With the help from our supporters and loyal player base, we maintain our servers hacker and troll free. We administrate thoroughly without bias while posting evidence videos regularly. We keep our chat boards and discord clean. Racism, homophobic slurs, and derogatory comments are prohibited on our community servers. We rely on help from our loyal community to make sure we offer the best help possible, so please join our discord for administrative support and updates.
Hello 👋
Welcome to PS3 Veterans, the ultimate place for all PS3 fans!
What we offer 🫴:
🎁 Exciting Giveaways
💬 Active & Friendly Chat
🎮 Regular Events & Tournaments
🤝 Partnership Opportunities
🙌 Staff Appreciation & Recognition
Join our amazing community, share memories, and make new friends while reliving the best of PS3 gaming!
Bienvenue sur le serveur battlefield : Francophone ou se regroupe une communauté active de joueurs battlefield , Serveur discord crée le 06/12/2024 par un groupe d'amis passionnée de la licence battlefield .
Entre agora no Discord oficial dos VANDERLINDES!
Temos servidores nos seguintes jogos:
Este servidor está enfocado en crear una comunidad de jugadores de diversos juegos y categorías tanto para hispano hablantes como para anglohablantes.
El objetivo es pasárselo bien y conocer a gente con la que viciar a lo que sea.
This server is focused on creating a community of gamers of different games and cathegories for english speakers as well as spanish speakers.
The objective is to have fun and meet new people to play with.
The Discord server for all of the Console Gaming League's (CGL) Battlefield related events, announcements, and community.
We host 6v6 pick up scrims, community tournaments and ones featuring prize pools.
Welcome to Infinity – The Ultimate 18+ Social Hub!
Ready to unwind, meet new friends, and dive into endless conversations? Infinity is the perfect place for you! Our inclusive 18+ community is all about fun, gaming, exciting giveaways, exclusive events, and streaming movies.
Welcome to Infinity – The Ultimate 18+ Social Hub!
Ready to unwind, meet new friends, and dive into endless conversations? Infinity is the perfect place for you! Our inclusive 18+ community is all about fun, gaming, exciting giveaways, exclusive events, and streaming movies.
Der Beschte! The best!
Ein deutsch- und englischsprachiger Server zum zusammen zocken und labern. A german and english speaking server to gamble and chat together.
Wir sind ein Verbund aus Menschen welche Hauptsächlich BF4& Squad spielen und dazu jeweils Server hosten. Bei uns steht im Vordergrund der Spaß alles andere ist erstmal zweitrangig
Band of Brothers (BoB in short), is a gaming community mainly focussed on Battlefield 1. Join us for info about our In-game servers, Clan-wars, and more. We have an active administration for all your needs, be it reporting hackers, to rule-breakers in-game.
A server for Phoenix Network, a company dedicated to the revival of online multiplayer games. Currently provides service for
-Battlefield Heroes
-Battlefield Play4Free
-Battlefield 2
Join our Battlefield Discord for the latest news, leaks and discussion relating to the upcoming Battlefield game. We’re a growing community and will in the long term be committed to becoming a dedicated Battlefield LFG server.
Herzlich willkommen in der OpenMindGaming Community?
Hier bist du genau richtig mit deiner offenen Mentalität!
Nimm dir die Zeit dich zu öffnen, wir bieten den Raum❤
unser Ziel ist es, eine feste Gruppe aus netten Leuten aufzubauen um eine angenehme und vor allem konstante Spielergruppe zu haben. Unser aktuelles Hauptspiel ist Battlefield 2042. Solltet Ihr Ü18 sein und ein paar angenehme und beständige Leute zum daddeln suchen, seit Ihr hier genau richtig.
fr0st & Grimm
We are a community of gamers who value character, honour, and professionalism—BF2042 Community Hub was established in October 2021. Having a Hub server where teams can meet and exchange contact details match-up recruitment and self-promotin if you are a BF2042 player any platform your welcome Here.
Lucky Ace Gaming
Hey there!
We're Lucky Ace Gaming a close-knit group of gamers who like to joke around and pop heads.
Come on over if you want a great group to play games like:
Rainbow Six Siege
Call of Duty
Escape From Tarkov
and more....
We're a primarily 18+ server and we look forward to seeing you soon!
- Eine entspannte und freundliche Gemeinschaft
- Immer die neuesten News, Videos und Streams rund um Battlefield V
- Spielersuche für diverse Spielmodi
- Selbst gestaltbare Räume
- Cat-content!!!
- Nur Spieler über 18 Jahren
? Hazard Zone Community ?
About Us
A community mainly focused on Battlefield 2042 Hazard Zone but also includes FPS games in general!
We Offer
?┊In-House Gaming Tournaments
?┊Active Community with over 200 Members
?┊Clean Layout and Open Gaming Voice Channels to Chill and Vibe with friends
⚔️┊Community Gaming Events
?┊Giveaways every Week
We are Looking to/for
?┊Active Community Members
?┊Partners (150+ members)
?️┊Team Leaders, Content Creators, Streamers etc
Server Invite: https://discord.gg/REx26aCFZM
AUS / NZ gaming community focused on first person shooters such as Battlefield, Call of Duty, Valorant and others. Come join us if you live in Australia and/or New Zealand for team focused gameplay and good laughs. We don't take ourselves too seriously and just looking for a great bunch of like minded people for gaming fun.
A relaxed and chill server to meet fellow gamers and have some fun. We are a nice bunch and usually play every evening. We may be on the smaller side, but the server is very well put together, supported by active members that care. We also do holiday giveaways!
Right now, our most popular games are:
Back 4 Blood
Deep Rock
Want to add your own favorite game to play? Just let us know and we will make a channel.
Hope to see you soon!
Server de Discord dedicat jocului Battlefield. Avem camere de voice dedicate fiecarui joc: Battlefield 2042, Battlefield V, Battlefield 1, Battlefield Hardline, Battlefield 4 etc. Fiind un server nou se vor face giveaway-uri si se vor oferii roluri pe server. Avem nevoie de staff. Te asteptam ✌?
Fight solo or team up with friends in this action-packed magic fighting game! To earn diamonds and shards, use your magic and level up! You can also find them around the map in Drop Zones and buy them in the in-game shop. Spend them on learning any new element you choose!
This is Swift's, my Battlefield Discord Server, but you can really talk about whatever you wish. The rules are self explainable but I do need mods cause I don't care about modding myself. Everything is chill and you can make suggestions if you want. That's all lol.