DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
WT Army Icon
Gaming | Military
🔴 WT Army (-WTAY-) sucht Verstärkung! 🔴 🔥 „Stirbt es auch bei Tage, stirbt es auch bei Nacht!“ 🔥 Suchst du eine aktive und entschlossene Kampfgruppe in War Thunder? Dann bist du bei WT Army (-WTAY-) genau richtig! Wir kämpfen mit Herz, Stahl und Feuer – Tag und Nacht, bis der Feind fällt! 📅Gegründet am:18.02.2025 👥Aktive Mitglieder in der Kampfgruppe: 10 💬Mitglieder auf unserem Discord: 17 🔹 Was wir bieten: ✅ Aktive & engagierte Spieler für epische Schlachten ✅ Taktische Gefechte zu Land, in der Luft und auf See ✅ Teamplay & Spaß stehen an erster Stelle ✅ Keine Pflichtveranstaltungen – aber Einsatz zahlt sich aus! 🎯 Ereignisse, die vom Server veranstaltet werden: 🔥 Eigenerstellte Schlachten ⚔️ Spezielle Spielmodi wie Alt gegen Neu (Luft & Boden) 🏆 Übungsturniere zur Verbesserung eurer Skills 🔹 Was wir suchen: 🔹 Spieler aller Erfahrungsstufen – ob Neuling oder Veteran 🔹 Lust auf gemeinsames Kämpfen und Siegen 🔹 Teamgeist, Fairplay & Leidenschaft für War Thunder
War Thunder Bulgaria 💪 Icon
Gaming | Just Chatting
Здравейте! Това е War Thunder Bulgaria! Сървърът за Българи War Thunder играчи. При нас можете да намерите хора, с които да играете, да се научите да играете, да задавате въпроси, да си помагате взаимно. Заповядайте при нас ако търсите най-добрата общност за war thunder в България.
Strafe's Air Base Icon
Community | Gaming
Ez a szerver a magyar, War Thunderel játszó, kikapcsolódó fanoknak jött létre, melyet Én, Strafe, egy kis Youtuber készítettem. Gyertek és hozzunk létre egy Nagy, összetartó Magyar WT Közösséget.
Gaming | YouTuber
⭐?️The place where you can make friends and play games with others from all around the globe! ?️⭐
Jagdente und =1EPB= Servererver Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Discordserver der Ente und =1EPB= Clanserver
BR Devils Icon
Clan BR Devils
VPH Szerver Icon
Gaming | Community
Ez a szerver, egy Magyar War Thunder Squad közösségi szervere. Ha csatlakoznál hozzánk, jelentkezz a játékban, vagy a vezetőinknél! Gyertek és hozzunk létre egy Nagy, összetartó Magyar WT Közösséget.
Panzer Girls Icon
Gaming | Anime
Tworzymy Polską społeczność zrzeszającą fanów militariów i bojowych anime! Naszym głównym kierunkiem są anime pokroju Girls und Panzer oraz High School Fleet, naszą flotę anime w przyszłości mamy też zamiar powiększyć o tematykę Kantai Collection. Poza sferą anime, nasza społeczność składa się z aktywnych graczy gier takich jak, War Thunder, World of Tanks, World of Warships, Enlisted, Azur Lane i Genshin Impact. Z tego powodu co tydzień w sobotę robimy duży event bitewny w War Thunder, o którym więcej możecie się dowiedzieć w samym centrum naszej społeczności! Poza tym na co dzień prowadzimy ciekawe RP w świecie Girls und Panzer, na etapie tworzenia jest również RP dla własnych postaci, którego świat i fabuła będzie tworzona w 100% przez społeczność. Zapraszamy serdecznie!
Forças Armadas Portuguesas Icon
Gaming | Community
Comunidade de jogadores divertida e dinâmica, foco em jogos de equipa e cooperação. Temos transmissão de eventos despotivos como Futebol, Fórmula 1, Biatlo de Tanques, e muito mais! Equipa competitiva de War Thunder e servidor próprio de SCUM.
Requent (Stellar) Icon
Gaming | Art
A small server for gaming, art, memes and chatting! Hope you all enjoy it! XD
Донской Казачий Полк | DCR Icon
Gaming | Community
Донской Казачий Полк - вольное дружеское русскоязычное общество по многим военным играм (шутеры, стратегии, исторические и т.п.). Основной игрой у нас является Holdfast, где мы активно участвуем в полковых мероприятиях (Linebattle) и совместном покорении топов паблик серверов. Также имеем направления по: Hell Let Loose, Verdun, Tannenberg, Hearts of Iron, ROBLOX, War Thunder и другому. Мы отыгрываем роль и пытаемся с максимально-возможной для нас точностью, интегрировать Казачью культуру 19 века, в современное общество и игры в которые мы играем. В нашем полку проводится Казачий круг, где все участники полка принимают важные решения, высказывают своё мнение, а также со временем избирают Офицеров. Ну а мы всегда рады новым Казакам в нашем составе! Заходите в наш дискорд.
werewolf_999s comunity Icon
Community | Gaming
a server with giveaways and stuff like that and made by werewolf_999 on twitch name is werewolf_919 i hope youl try it out but yeah please join server
AI Minds Icon
Community | Hobbies | Entertainment
Welcome to AI Minds – Where Curiosity Meets Expertise! AI Minds is a community designed for everyone, whether you’re just starting to explore the world of AI or you’re a seasoned pro. 🌐 • New to AI? Ask questions, learn tips, and discover creative ways to use tools like ChatGPT, Gemini, and Claude. • Experienced user? Share your expertise, discuss advanced use cases, and inspire others with your knowledge. ✨ What we offer: • Friendly discussions and creative collaboration 🤝 • Prompt crafting advice and troubleshooting help 💡 • Updates and insights about the latest in AI technology 🚀 • A supportive community for all skill levels 🌟 Whether you’re here to learn, share, or just chat, AI Minds is the perfect place to connect and grow. Join us today and start exploring the endless possibilities of AI!
AI Minds Discord Server Banner
AI Minds Icon
Community | Hobbies | Entertainment
Welcome to AI Minds – Where Curiosity Meets Expertise! AI Minds is a community designed for everyone, whether you’re just starting to explore the world of AI or you’re a seasoned pro. 🌐 • New to AI? Ask questions, learn tips, and discover creative ways to use tools like ChatGPT, Gemini, and Claude. • Experienced user? Share your expertise, discuss advanced use cases, and inspire others with your knowledge. ✨ What we offer: • Friendly discussions and creative collaboration 🤝 • Prompt crafting advice and troubleshooting help 💡 • Updates and insights about the latest in AI technology 🚀 • A supportive community for all skill levels 🌟 Whether you’re here to learn, share, or just chat, AI Minds is the perfect place to connect and grow. Join us today and start exploring the endless possibilities of AI!
N4T0 Clan Icon
Gaming | YouTube
Auf diesem Server ist jeder herzlich eingeladen, der World of Tanks spielt und neue Mitstreiter sucht. Es wird in Zukunft auch die Möglichkeit geben, Teil des N4T0 Clans zu werden, welcher sich gerade noch im Aufbau befindet. Wenn du Interesse hast, kann ich dir nur empfehlen, einfach mal zu joinen! :)
68MKH Icon
Gaming | Community
68MKH egy összetartó 🤝 és barátságos 🎭 közösség, amely 2022-ben alakult. Célunk a jó hangulat 🎉 és az aktív társaság. Nálunk mindenki megtalálja a helyét 🏠, legyen szó játékról 🎮, beszélgetésről 💬 vagy közös programokról 🎯.Csatlakozz hozzánk! ⚔
Aviators Anonymous Icon
Technology | Community
Welcome to Aviators Anonymous! Aviators Anonymous is a new and awesome server built for aviation enthusiasts, real world pilots, flight simulator pilots, and even aviation historians. We welcome all people here no matter your level of knowledge. We are dedicated to providing the best, most professional, and non-toxic environment for all aviation enthusiasts alike. We hope you enjoy our server.
Mattopia Icon
Gaming | Streaming
A friendly gaming server welcoming anyone. Home of the Legendary YouTube, Twitch, Mixer, and also DLive streamer "matthew36829". Plz clap
KimmyMinx Icon
Gaming | Hobbies
A server part of my Kimmunity where a variety of different games are spoken of great if your looking for new gamers to play with.
Green Potion Icon
Gaming | Anime
General gaming server that started with a focus on Dark Souls, but there are many other games we play around here, like Smash, For Honor, Minecraft, you name it. We also have an anime chat cuz we like that too.
Gaming | Military
Join War and Order today if you like War Thunder! This is a nation based server where you join a country and then battle it out on War Thunder if there is a war on between two nations! Join today!
Girls und Panzer Sunrise Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
Girls und Panzer Sensha-Do Sunrise! Our project is focusing on creating user-friendly international server that centers around Girls und Panzer universe. In here you can find roleplaying elements with all the schools included in the anime and manga alike. In the future as community will grow we planning to add support and events for various games: - War Thunder - World of Tanks - Battlefield series - Call of Duty series - Hearts of Iron IV Also we like to read, learn and share our knowledge about military throughout history, modern and world war alike. Roleplay here as your favourite character or create your own unique original character and attend to school of your choosing. We accept all the people, the only thing we ask in return is to follow the rules of the server. And most importantly: Enjoy your stay!
Underground Misfits Icon
Gaming | Military
War thunder star citizen world of tanks world of warships star citizen world of Warcraft
Jdyl's Official Discord Icon
Community | Gaming
A small community-based Discord dedicated to gaming. The main game that the server focuses on is War Thunder but we welcome everyone. We aim to do huge custom battles and customs games. We also aim to make a squadron in the near future.
NSFWT USSR Server Icon
Gaming | Community
A bunch of War Thunder, some simpulation/egineering/physics games, squadron battles, a bit of weeb, and that's just about it
☭ The Northern Parliament ☭ Icon
Anime | Gaming
We are a collection of pilots, tankers and sailors from different games such as War Thunder, World of Tanks, and World of Warships! We have an Azur Lane-based community with an interest in Russian culture and history... Enlist today comrade!
Shupogaki Cafe⌈™⌋ Icon
Community | Gaming
Just a server full of degens, anime addicts and 0 filters. Aswell as many channels to fulfill your fetishes from guns, to kantai or gacha games channels. Pick your poison.
Shupogaki Cafe⌈™⌋ Discord Server Banner
Shupogaki Cafe⌈™⌋ Icon
Community | Gaming
Just a server full of degens, anime addicts and 0 filters. Aswell as many channels to fulfill your fetishes from guns, to kantai or gacha games channels. Pick your poison.
NSFWT Pizza Service Icon
Gaming | Community
We are a growing community of players, and we have members from all over the world. Our main focus is on War Thunder, but we also play other games, such as World of Warships, Sea of Thieves, Elite Dangerous and many others. Our server is a nice place where you can relax and talk with other people, play some games together and, sometimes, also take part in small events (once or twice a month, usually); we're part of the NSFWT squadron, but it's not compulsory to apply if you want to be in the server. That's all, feel free to join, we'd be very happy to see you guys there! And... Free pizza for everyone, of course!
Nicl Bicl Yt Community Icon
Military | Gaming
Taktischer Server - Hell let loose - Squad - Arma - Warthunder - und sonstiges
A-Team Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Отряд по игре Arma 3. Основан 2.09.2013 бойцами играющими одним составом на проекте "Воскресные игры" в далёкой alpha версии Arma 3. Взрослый, дружный коллектив 20+ Участвуем в TvT проекте "Red Bear" .
War chad Icon
Gaming | Military
? War chad ? Are you looking for more FREE ADVERTISING servers? War chad has over 30+ (1 server) channels for you to advertise on! What do we have in our server? We have: ? Friendly Staff Team to help you direct ? 1 advertising channel to help you promote for your server ? Partner channel to help you find more members to partner with you ? NO NSFW CHANNELS ? Mini Games category to play with amazing bots What are we looking for?: ? We are looking for professional moderators who has experiences about advertising servers + Must be 13 years or older + You will have access to premium channels to advertise your own server and media ? We are looking for Partner Managements who has experiences about partnering servers + Must be 13 years or older + Not paid + You will have access to premium channels to advertise your own server and media "This is the Emergency Broadcast System announci
War Thunder Nederland Icon
Gaming | Community
Join deze opkomende community om mensen te vinden om samen war thunder mee te spelen! deze community is gemaakt door een kleine groep vrienden.
herní server Teritorium CZ Icon
Gaming | Community
rainbow six siege dead by daylight age of empires 2 war thunder phasmophobia league of legends dread hunger rust battlefield cz cz/sk czsk
WTTR.net Icon
Gaming | Community
WTTR.Net War Thunder oyununa dair Türkçe içerik üretmeyi ve War Thunder hakkında en zengin Türkçe içeriği sunan platform olmayı amaçlar.
GreyTree Icon
Gaming | Community
⊹ ❥ GreyTree Communityˊ˗ ₊˚꒰꒰✿ ɞ Are you looking for a server that is for general chatting and games? ₊˚꒰꒰✿ ɞ GreyTree community server is about Gaming, General chatting, Memes, Emojis, War thunder, Roblox, Minecraft, Goose Goose Duck and all of the games! You can chat about music, games, lofi, anime, memes, questions, tower of helli, art, pets, phone and everything else here! ₊˚꒰꒰✿ We always post memes of the day and questions of the day every day. We do cinema nights sometimes. ₊˚꒰꒰✿ We have many funny bots such as Pepe, Phonebot, MidJourney, Koya, Growatree, Dyno, Mee6, PhoneBot and Amari bot. ₊˚꒰꒰✿ We also have useful bots like epicgamesfree bot. It notices you when there is a free game. You can get the roles from the reaction roles channel in the server If you want to get noticed if there is a free game. ₊˚꒰꒰✿ There is also a level system here. When you chat a lot you get more rank and you will have more perms. So there is a level system here. When you chat you get exp. ₊˚
The House of Shenanigans Icon
Gaming | Community
We are a new community, just looking for more gamers to come make this a server they want to be in. We are pretty chill so bring friends and make it your home.
The Potato Lounge Icon
Gaming | Military
Safe space for people who wanna chill in VC, play games, talk about random things in any of our many text channels. We have lots of channels with fun bots and many other sources of entertainment. Most of us her play War Thunder. Occasionally playing other games while in voice chat. So what are you waiting for? Join us now and have a great time here.
Horizon Squadron Icon
Gaming | Military
Welcome to Horizon Squadron, a multi-game pilot crew for all your aerial stunting, dogfighting, tutorial and training needs.
Community Of Hort Icon
Community | Gaming
Overall a chill server. Used to talk about tanks n shit but yeah. Rules shouldn't be too difficult to follow, or too restricting, have fun!
Chat Lounge 18+ · Social · Chill Icon
Social | Community | Gaming
Addicting SFW Adult 18+ Community With Over 30,000 Members - Welcome to Chat Lounge! We offer active chats & members, voice chat lobbies, games, events, giveaways, and more!
Chat Lounge 18+ · Social · Chill Discord Server Banner
Chat Lounge 18+ · Social · Chill Icon
Social | Community | Gaming
Addicting SFW Adult 18+ Community With Over 30,000 Members - Welcome to Chat Lounge! We offer active chats & members, voice chat lobbies, games, events, giveaways, and more!
Class Act (War Thunder clan) Icon
Gaming | Military
A War Thunder community. Class Act: 3 sqns (CLAS, CLAS2 & CLANS) 300+ mbrs, 1 Discord. Join us there at: https://discord.me/class-act. Tips, strats, lolz
Wargaming Lounge Icon
Gaming | Community
A small fan-made Wargaming server where players can join, talk, and post about the matches they played.
War Thunder Barátságos Közösség Icon
Community | Gaming
Üdvözletem! A közösségi szerver nemrég indult de folyamatosan fejlődünk és igyekszünk minél több érdeklődőt bevonzani. Hogy mit is találsz nálunk? 1.Egy jól kidolgozott szabályzatot ami a ti védelmeteket szolgálja 2.11 információs csatornát 3.21 szöveges csevegőt 4.12 hang csatornát Hogy mit is kínálunk nektek? 1.Biztonságos környezetet a kikapcsolódásra ahol garantáltan nem fog beléd kötni senki mert kérdezel vagy más a véleményed. 2.Értesülhetsz a játék legfrissebb híreiről és az aktuális információkról részletesen. 3.Részletes oktató anyagokat találhatsz mind írott mind videós formában. 4.Játékos társakat,századot,barátokat találhatsz. 5.A közösség fő célja egy jól működő baráti társaság létrehozása valamit egymás segítése. Amennyiben felkeltettük az érdeklődésed gyere és csatlakozz! Discord meghívó: https://discord.gg/4hW47aMyjp
Warplane Cult Icon
Anime | Military
We are a community of Azur Lane fans who've grouped together to discuss history, gaming, naval, and aviation. We want all people who are interested in naval aviation to join and be a part of us.
Dishonored Icon
Gaming | Military
Dishonored merupakan komunitas gaming indonesia. disini kami memainkan banyak game antara lain ; dayz,squad,project zomboid, war thunder dll. kami juga ingin membuat sebuah komunitas dimana gamer dapat menemukan teman untuk bermain :)
War Thunder Romania Icon
Gaming | Sports
Bine ați venit pe War Thunder România! 🎖️ Cel mai mare server de Discord din România dedicat War Thunder! 🎖️ Bun venit, piloți, comandanți și marinari! 🌍 Dacă ești pasionat de War Thunder și vrei să te alături unei comunități active de jucători români, ai ajuns în locul potrivit. Fie că ești un începător dornic să învețe tactici noi sau un veteran cu experiență, aici vei găsi o echipă pregătită să te susțină! 🔥 Ce oferim? • Comunitate activă – Fii parte din cele mai mari bătălii aeriene, terestre și navale! • Evenimente regulate – Competitii, provocări și premii pentru cei mai buni jucători! • Sfaturi și ghiduri – Ajutăm jucătorii de toate nivelurile să își îmbunătățească abilitățile. • Echipă prietenoasă – Admini și moderatori dedicați, gata să te ajute în orice moment. • Camere voice si text – Comunică eficient cu echipa ta în timpul jocului. Alătură-te acum și luptă alături de noi pentru dominare totală în War Thunder! 🚀
Impero Multigaming ITA|RP Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
**Ciao sei in cerca di un server che porta Mc, Erlc e anche altri giochi allora ti presentiamo La Community di Impero Multigaming** ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Qui giochiamo a Minecraft, Erlc, rise of nation e war thunder. Noi vi offriamo questi servizi: -Staff Attivo dalle 9:00 di mattina alle 22:00 di sera🤩 -Membri simpatici e sempre pronti ad accogliervi🤗 -Giochi con il minimo lag se avete una connessione decente🛜 -Tantissimi ruoli per l'rp😎 -Siamo il primo server in Italia ad aver inventato l'rp su minecraft con il sistema di paesi e nazioni al massimo realismo possibile grazie alle regole del nostro Founder e alle migliori mod di minecraft scelte per avere il meglio possibile di realismo e per i pc più vecchi un massimo registrato di 65 fps🤯 -Si gioca praticamente tutti i giorni😍 -Abbiamo anche un server secondario di Erlc con tutti i pacchetti e delle livree italiane e americane in fase di creazione dal nostro Founder👑 -Portiamo anche SCP site roleplay
Sirius Zone Icon
Community | Gaming
Join Sirius Zone today! A SFW War Thunder based server! Sirius Zone is gaming community based on the game, War Thunder! We are looking to expand our gaming network into other games as well! We have leaderboards, movie nights, server economy, giveaways, custom roles, bots, and much more! Join the community today!
Panzer lounge Icon
Anime | Military
Cool Polish/English server about Girls und Panzer, World of Tanks, War Thunder and other games. Also we have GuP based wt events but we need more ppl.
AvSquad Icon
Community | Gaming
Welcome to the AvSquad, the ultimate hangar for aviation enthusiasts! Whether you're a seasoned pilot, an aviation student, or simply fascinated by the world of flight, this server has a place for you. ✈️ What We Offer: Flight Simulations: Share tips, tricks, and flight plans for your favorite simulators like MSFS, X-Plane, and DCS. Pilot's Lounge: Chat about real-world flying, pilot licenses, and air traffic control. Plane Spotters' Hub: Share stunning photos and discuss aircraft sightings from around the globe. Aviation News: Stay updated on the latest industry developments, technology, and events. 🌍 Join a Global Crew: Connect with aviation fans from all over the world and share your passion for the skies. So buckle up, set your altimeter, and prepare for takeoff—welcome aboard! Fly high with us!