ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Investing | Trading
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 41,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Investing | Trading
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 41,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
Helldivers II: Alianza Hispana Icon
Gaming | Social
¡Saludos, Helldivers! Esta es la comunidad hispanohablante no oficial dedicada a Helldivers 2, un lugar donde podrás encontrar compañeros de juego, compartir estrategias, y mantenerte al día con las últimas noticias y actualizaciones del juego. Nos esforzamos por crear un ambiente amigable y respetuoso para todos. Asegúrate de leer y seguir nuestras normas para contribuir a una comunidad positiva y divertida. Encuentra: 🔔 Noticias, parches y órdenes supremas traducidas 🎮 Encuentra jugadores apasionados como tú 🎨 Comparte tu arte y videos épicos
Super Earth Command DE Icon
Military | Community
🌍 Ruf an alle Helldivers! 🌍 Die Supererde braucht dich! In unserem ultimativen Helldivers 2-Discord findest du: ⚔ Squads für jede Mission – Kein Matchmaking-Frust mehr! 🎖 Tipps & Loadouts – Werde zum ultimativen Supererden-Krieger! 🔥 Events & Turniere – Zeig, dass du der beste Helldiver bist! 📢 Live-News & Updates – Bleib immer auf dem neuesten Stand! 💬 Memes & Chaos – Demokratie mit einer Prise Spaß! ✉ Tritt jetzt bei und kämpfe für die Supererde! DEATH TO THE ENEMIES OF MANAGED DEMOCRACY! 🔗 https://discord.gg/GZFzPnVBdb
Helldivers [PT-BR] Icon
Community | Gaming
Servidor publico para a comunidade brasileira de Helldivers 1 e 2. Com intuito de melhorar o LFG Brasileiro e auxiliar nos problemas de comunicações enfrentados em sessões de partida rápida ou na falta de companheiros de equipe.
awesome Icon
Gaming | Social
a server where you can meet people and play steam games, (helldivers, dead by daylight, lethalcompany), no requirements, just have fun
Helldivers II - Español Icon
Gaming | Community
Tenemos que poner de nuestra parte y servir con honor, fervor y coraje a nuestros ideales, a nuestro estilo de vida, únete y reparte democracia con tus hermanos y hermanas de guerra. - Ministerio de la verdad
Helldivers 2 Latinoamérica Icon
Gaming | Community
En este espacio podrás encontrar a los miembros de tu futuro escuadrón para que puedan repartir democracia en toda la galaxia!! Sientete libre de entrar a los canales de audio !! Nos vemos en el frente de batalla!!
Helldivers 2 Latam Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Server comunitario para jugar, divertirse, avanzar en las ordenes de Super Tierra liberando la galaxia y llevando democracia gestionada a los enemigos en helldivers 2
The White Clover Icon
Gaming | Memes
Faisant office de discord officiel du clan/guilde The White Clover majoritairement basé sur Helldivers 2, cet endroit est un recueil de paix où vous pourrez vous amuser en jouant à ce qui vous plaira avec les autres membres ou bien seul si vous êtes du genre loup solitaire, vous pourrez notamment aussi parler, débattre, partager vos vies comme vos talents ou bien vos passions, tout est aménagé ici afin que vous vous sentiez comme chez vous ! Nous acceptons tout profil et serons ravi de vous accueillir dans nos rangs afin de faire briller notre blason pour la Super-Terre !
Gaming | Playstation
Attention, Helldivers! Sweet Liberty, also known as Liberty Company, is a formidable battalion of Helldivers dedicated to the noble cause of combating the scourge of autocracy and tyranny. We were forged in the crucible of the PS Network, but now we extend our ranks to all warriors, regardless of origin, who share our unyielding commitment to freedom. Our directive is clear: we engage the enemy with valor, never retreating from the fiercest battles. We stand resolute until the mission is accomplished or we fall in the line of duty. Join us, fight with honor, and let the guiding light of Super Earth lead us to victory!
Gamer's Hub SEA Icon
Hello, all gamers, I create this server mainly for Southeast Asia Players but all of the worlds are welcome. My objective is to bring all players that want to gather and play games together. Come join and play together. Let make more friends and so you won't be bored while playing alone. Those playing single-player gamers are also welcome as we can share tips and tricks to create a better gaming experience. Lastest game to play Palworld
Helldivers 2 Deutsch Icon
Gaming | Community
Erlebe den Helldivers 2 Deutsch Discord Server für Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz. Auf unserer deutschen Helldivers 2 Discord Community findest du alle aktuellen News, Updates, Antworten auf Fragen und Leute zum gemeinsamen Zocken. Unsere professionelle Leitung und kompetenten Moderatoren stehen dir jederzeit mit Rat und Tat zur Seite, um deine Helldivers 2-Erfahrung zu verbessern. Sei Teil unserer engagierten Community und erlebe alles, was das Herz begehrt. Melde dich noch heute bei unserem deutschen Helldivers 2 Deutsch Discord Server an und tauche ein in die Welt von Helldivers 2, powered by Zenial Network. https://discord.me/Helldivers
Helldivers HQ Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Find your Helldiver Squad at the Helldivers HQ. The more players join, the faster you'll find your firing squad!
Infinity | 18+ Icon
Social | Community | Gaming
Welcome to Infinity – The Ultimate 18+ Social Hub! Ready to unwind, meet new friends, and dive into endless conversations? Infinity is the perfect place for you! Our inclusive 18+ community is all about fun, gaming, exciting giveaways, exclusive events, and streaming movies.
Infinity | 18+ Discord Server Banner
Infinity | 18+ Icon
Social | Community | Gaming
Welcome to Infinity – The Ultimate 18+ Social Hub! Ready to unwind, meet new friends, and dive into endless conversations? Infinity is the perfect place for you! Our inclusive 18+ community is all about fun, gaming, exciting giveaways, exclusive events, and streaming movies.
Super Earth Headquarters Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Welcome to our vibrant community-run Discord server dedicated to Helldivers, the thrilling cooperative third-person shooter game set in a dystopian future. Within our Discord, we've fostered a tight-knit community of passionate Helldivers enthusiasts who come together to strategize, coordinate missions, share tips and tricks, and forge new friendships amidst the chaos of intergalactic warfare. Upon joining our server, you'll find yourself immersed in a welcoming atmosphere where players of all skill levels gather to engage in lively discussions about their favorite aspects of the game. Whether you're a seasoned veteran with hundreds of hours logged in the field or a fresh recruit eager to learn the ropes, there's a place for you here among fellow fans. Our Discord features a variety of channels tailored to different aspects of the Helldivers experience. From general discussions where you can chat about anything and everything related to the game, to dedicated channels for coordinatin
Australian Helldivers OCE Icon
Gaming | Community
Hello and a warm welcome to all of our new Helldivers! 👋 We're thrilled to have you join the fight ❤️ 🤝 Please, take some time to introduce yourself to the community – share a bit about yourself, your interests, and what brings you here. 📜 Before you dive in, please take a moment to read through our server rules. We want everyone to have a great time here, and following the guidelines helps create a positive environment for everyone. We're excited to have you Helldiver, and we can't wait to get to know you better. See you on the front lines! 🎉
HellDivers 2 Español Icon
Community | Gaming
BUENAS CIUDADANO!!! UNETE A LA CAUSA - DEFIENDE LA LIBERTAD - PROTEGE LA DEMOCRACIA - LUCHA POR SUPERTIERRA Forma parte de la lucha por tu hogar, conociendo a nuevos reclutas igual de comprometidos que tu para liberar a la humanidad de los enemigos de la democracia. Descubre tu escuadron y aniquila tanto a la plaga terminida como a los automatas carentes de sentido existencial: Unete... a los HELLDIVERS! Servidor en crecimiento con staff amable y acogedor donde pasarlo bien disfrutando de buena compañia es imperativo.
Liberty Lounge Icon
Gaming | Social
Greetings, brave Helldiver! Are you tirelessly battling the alien threats and safeguarding humanity’s freedom across the galaxy? Do you feel the thrill of diving into hostile environments, with only your wits and your squad to rely on? If the answer is a resounding YES, then Liberty Lounge is calling for you! We are the heart of the Helldivers 2 community — a dedicated Discord haven where strategy meets camaraderie, and every mission is an opportunity for glory. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran looking to share your battlefield wisdom or a fresh recruit eager to take your first dive, Liberty Lounge is your home.
Helldivers 2 DE/CH/AT Icon
Gaming | Community
Du willst schnell die Helldiver-Kollegen finden, mit denen du zocken willst? Dann bist du hier richtig. Unser Serverteam spart keine Kosten und Mühen, um dir das beste Communityerlebnis zu bieten. - Sehr viele aktive Spieler - Aktivität und Engagement auf dem Server wird belohnt - Kompetentes, aktives Serverteam - Entspannter Umgang, kein Hass. - Alle Altersgruppen sind vertreten - Streamer sind am Start und werden gefördert - Besondere Auszeichnungen und Errungenschaften, die du verdienen kannst - Viele animierte Emojis und GIFs, die es nur bei uns gibt! - Tipps & Tricks - Alle wichtigen Infos über Updates von Helldivers 2 - Tonnenweise Demokratie und Freiheit - Spaß und Zocken! Neugierig? Dann überzeuge dich selbst!
Gaming | Community
We are Helldivers 2 players, aiming to liberate planets as effectively as possible when Joel isn't looking! We mount operations to liberate a planet a week. Each operation is meant to last 2 to 3 hours, with each member following a procedure of ours to x40 the effectiveness of our contributions.
Zbugowany | Polskie Community Ga Icon
Gaming | Community
Zapraszamy do wspólnej gry na Zbugowany | Polskie Community Gamingowe ∙ Helldivers 2 ∙ Sea of Thieves ∙ Minecraft ∙ Apex Legends Aktualnie głownie szukamy osób do obrony demokracji w Helldivers 2. Inne gry takie jak: Sea of Thieves, Valheim, Nightingale, Apex Legends też nie są nam obce. Jesteśmy otwarci, gramy również w inne gry zarówno stare jak i te nowe. Pozdrawiamy i do zobaczenia na Zbugowany.
HELLDIVERS 2 Türkiye Güvertesi Icon
Community | Gaming
Türkiye adına açılmış HELLDIVERS 2 sunucusudur. Sizi'de güvertede görmekten mutluluk duyarız. Demokrasiyi korumak için daha fazla askere ihtiyacımız var... Sizlerde cephemize katılarak bu savaşımıza ortak olun. Aynı zamanda haberler ve duyuruları takip edebilirsiniz. Sizi aramızda görmekten ONUR DUYARIZ!!!
Pride Divers Icon
Gaming | LGBT
Pride Divers is a quickly growing Helldivers 2 LGBTQ+ community dedicated to creating a gaming/social hub for gaymers and their allies! We know public lobbies or official game servers can be toxic or uncomfortable. Queer people deserve to game (and spread democracy) in peace!
Dutch Helldivers Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Een server voor Nederlands talig Helldivers, zoek hier je nieuwe squad, zie het laatste nieuws van de game en hang gewoon lekker rond met andere divers
Gaming | PC
Československý server pro každého HellDivers hráče! Pojďme šířit demokracii společně! Nabízíme příjemnou komunitu, spolupráci a přehledný discord server, který se Vám bude líbit. Aktuálně na serveru nabízíme: 🟠 Příběh ohledně světa, v kterém se odehrává Helldivers 2 🟠 Aktuálně kompletní bestiář ohledně nepřátel v Helldivers 2 🟠 Tier-List zbraní 🟠 Válečný deník - Tato sekce bude upozorňovat na důležité bitvy a konflikty galaktické války a bude podle toho aktualizována v průběhu války. 🟠 CZ&SK hráči, kteří pravidelně hrají u nás na serveru 🟠 Vlastní Voice-Roomky! A mnohem více se chystá a přidává, doufáme, že si to u nás užiješ!
For Liberty Icon
Gaming | Just Chatting
A safe place to meet fellow Helldivers as well as discuss Helldivers 2. We provide regular updates both for the game and server, on top of an LFG channel that allows you to connect with others. Anyone is welcome here, For Liberty! We are a small-scale server at this point of time, and we ask you kindly to bare this in mind and be the first in an ever growing community.
Stock Masters Trading Icon
Trading | Community | Financial
The best place for stock trading - day trading, swing trading, ETFs, dividends or long term investing!! Join experience team of analysts and start your journey to financial freedom today!
Stock Masters Trading Discord Server Banner
Stock Masters Trading Icon
Trading | Community | Financial
The best place for stock trading - day trading, swing trading, ETFs, dividends or long term investing!! Join experience team of analysts and start your journey to financial freedom today!
The Drum Circle Icon
Gaming | Social
21+ ○ Gaming ○ Youtube/Movies ○ Host community events ○ Giveaways ○ LGBTQ friendly ○ No racism ○ 420 Friendly CO-OP: Helldivers 2, Baldur's Gate 3, Lethal Company, Remnant 2, Darktide, Deep Rock Galactic, Vermintide 2, Back 4 Blood, L4D2, Remnant: From the Ashes, WWZ, etc FPS: BattleBit, The Finals, XDefiant, Friends Vs Friends, Apex, Shatterline, Fortnite, Overwatch 2, Hunt: Showdown, Valorant, The Finals, etc Roguelites: Roboquest, Gunfire Reborn, Risk of Rain 2, Crab Champions, Ravenswatch, Hyper Light Breaker(looking for more coop ones) Party Games: Jackbox, Just Act Natural, Project Playtime, Fall Guys, Human Fall Flat, Pummel Party, Rubber Bandits, Gang Beasts, U.N.O, Mad Adventures, Crab Game, Gartic Phone, Plate Up, Unrailed, Turbo Golf Racing, Bloons TD6, Discord Activities``` Survival: Palworld, Raft, Corekeeper, Grounded, V Rising, Sons of the Forest, Minecraft, Valheim, No Man's Sky, Satisfactory, etc
915th Covert Brigade Icon
Gaming | Military
Summary: 915th Covert Brigade Recruitment Mission: The 915th Covert Brigade invites individuals to join their elite ranks for covert operations in the universe of Helldivers 2 to protect Super Earth. Identity: They are a secretive force specializing in deep-cover missions, intelligence gathering.
Gaming | Community
HELLDIVERS 2 [GER], deine GoTo Helldivers 2 Community für Deutschland, Österreich und Schweiz! 1800+ Helldiver warten auf dich!
Grind Squad Icon
Gaming | Community
Welcome to Grind Squad! We are an HD2 community dedicated to Super Credit, Medal, and Sample grinding, and we take pride in building a group of fun, active, and skilled gamers capable of efficiently grinding everything the game has to offer. Benefits: ★ Efficient Mission, Super Credit, Medal, and Sample group squads ★ Active LFG voice channels and text chat ★ Non-toxic community ★ Fun, relaxed and friendly atmosphere Come and join us!
Helldivers Command Icon
Gaming | Community
Helldivers2lfg.com Are you looking for a friendly & active Helldivers 2 discord server that will help you find other Helldivers to play the game with? Whether you are looking for casual coop play, resource farming, or even difficulty 9 Helldive missions with a practised squad, we have you covered!
Helldivers' 2 Elite Icon
Gaming | PC | Playstation
An independent command hub for Helldivers 2 players, striving for order amidst the turmoil often found within the official discord servers. Our sectors are dedicated to strategizing the ongoing conflict, sharing battlefield maneuvers, and appreciating the principles of managed democracy.
Helldivers 2 102nd Simian Star C Icon
Gaming | Playstation
The 102nd Simian Star Corps is a Helldivers 2 based community in which we host public tournaments for worth while prizes. We have an immersive ranking system to bring you right into the spirit of Helldivers. We'd love to see new members and we welcome anyone as an inclusive community.
Helldivers 2 - Germany Icon
Tritt uns noch heute bei, und sei bereit den Reihen beizutreten sobald der Krieg beginnt.
Helldivers Smoking Terminids Icon
Gaming | Community
Searching for Helldivers International We also kill bots btw Friendly Community Tips for newer Players Looking for active/friendly players Players that want to play constantly We play on every day
Social-Hub Icon
Community | Gaming
This server is a Social Gaming Hub where you can find all kinds of like-minded people to play video games with.
Gaming | Community
👾 Calling all gamers! Have you been searching for like-minded players from around the world? Join our dynamic Discord server and dive into a world of excitement, camaraderie, and endless possibilities!
Galactic Liberation Front Icon
Gaming | Community
Are you ready to defend Super Earth and bring democracy to the galaxy? ENLIST Today! Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a new recruit, our community is here to support you. Dive into the chaos, earn your stripes, and help us spread managed democracy across the stars!
ʀᴇᴀʟ ɪsʟᴀᴍ Icon
Beliefs | Just Chatting | Social
Real Islam is a welcoming and active community for Muslims and those curious about Islam. Discuss the Quran, Hadith, Fiqh, and more. Join Quran recitations, Islamic reminders, and engaging discussions. Open to everyone—Muslim or not. Strengthen your deen and join today!
ʀᴇᴀʟ ɪsʟᴀᴍ Discord Server Banner
ʀᴇᴀʟ ɪsʟᴀᴍ Icon
Beliefs | Just Chatting | Social
Real Islam is a welcoming and active community for Muslims and those curious about Islam. Discuss the Quran, Hadith, Fiqh, and more. Join Quran recitations, Islamic reminders, and engaging discussions. Open to everyone—Muslim or not. Strengthen your deen and join today!
The E.N.D Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
: Join The E.N.D (Enemy Neutralization Division) - Helldivers 2’s Elite Space Pirates! Do you wish to be apart of an organization that aims to add to the lore of Helldivers 2? We are E.N.D, a unique, professional organization with a Space Pirate twist, where abandoned Helldivers come together to fight, survive, and thrive in the name of Super Earth… even if it means bending the rules! What We Offer: - Light Roleplay – Immerse yourself in the world of Helldivers, where every mission has a story. - Tactical Elements – Plan your strikes, execute with precision, and outsmart your enemies. - Professional Organization – Clear ranks, structure, and leadership to keep things organized and fun. - Squad System – Team up with like-minded players in well-coordinated squads. - Giveaways & Events – Win exclusive rewards and participate in thrilling events that test your
4GameSpain Icon
Community | Gaming
4GameSpain.com Nace para unir a las comunidades de VideoJuegos y dar así un mayor impulso a éstas! Actualmente contamos con comunidades de - Call Of Duty > CODSpain.com (Web + RRSS + Discord) - XDefiant > XDefiantSpain.com (Web + RRSS + Discord) - HellDivers > HellDivers Spain (Discord) Sponsor principal https://www.accesoriosgamer.com
Gaming | Streaming
🌟 Witaj w CEBULA Team! 🌟 [SHD.COM.PL] 𝐏𝐎𝐋𝐒𝐊𝐀 Szukasz miejsca, gdzie pasja do The Division 2 & HELLDIVERS 2 spotyka się z przyjaźnią i współpracą? Dobrze trafiłeś! CEBULA Team to serwer Discord stworzony z myślą o graczach takich jak Ty - niezależnie od tego, czy dopiero zaczynasz swoją przygodę, czy jesteś weteranem szukającym nowych wyzwań. Dlaczego warto do nas dołączyć? 👥 Zgrana Społeczność [The Division 2 & HELLDIVERS 2] 🎮 Regularne Eventy i Raidy 🤝 Wsparcie i Doradztwo 💬 Aktywne Kanały Społecznościowe 🎉 Przyjazna Atmosfera: Stawiamy na przyjazną i otwartą atmosferę, gdzie każdy czuje się jak w domu. Niezależnie od tego, czy grasz dla zabawy, czy na poważnie, znajdziesz tu miejsce dla siebie. 🧰┇ʙᴜɪʟᴅs 🧰┇ᴛᴇᴄʜᴳᴬᴹᴱᴿʜᴜʙ 💡 ┇🅵🅰🆀 Dołącz do naszego serwera CEBULA Team POLSKA już dziś i stań się częścią wyjątkowej społeczności The Division 2 & HELLDIVERS 2! 🎮
HELLDIVERS 2 Spain! Icon
Gaming | Community
⭐️ Discord de HELLDIVERS en Español, despliega tu nave y reparte democracia allí donde vayas! 🚀 ÚNETE AHORA MISMO 🚀
The Lion Brigade Icon
Gaming | Playstation
Do you like Helldivers/Helldivers 2? Do you like tournaments with prizes? Do you like custom artwork and lore? Do you like the idea of rising through the ranks and founding your own Squad or eventually something even bigger? Do you love Super Earth? EARN YOUR CLAWS, JOIN THE LION BRIGADE TODAY! We are a clan/community, made of clans! Rise through the ranks, prove yourself, and destroy enemies of Super Earth! Want a Helldivers clan that focuses on blowing things up? Find or make one! Want a Helldivers clan that focuses on stealth? Find or make one! Want a Helldivers clan for you and your casual or serious friends? Find or make one! The possibilities are nearly endless!
Super Earth Quick Reaction Force Icon
Gaming | Community
The Super Earth Quick Reaction Force is an elite unit of Helldivers dedicated to answering the call of any and all Helldivers in need. Our unit consists of a war room with up to date information on the war effort, and internal ranking system, and group of operators dedicated to providing assistance to Super Earth's finest.
301st "Abyssal" Legion Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
A light rp Helldivers 2 focused server to find people to play with! Our theme is fighting against the Illuminate!
Super Earth Assault Group (SEAG) Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Super Earth Assault Group (SEAG) is an up-and-coming Hd2 milsim looking for the best and brightest Super Earth has to offer! Our mission is to foster excellent leadership and communication through milsim as a medium. Led by experts in military and law-enforcement tactics, if you are looking for a more tactical experience, you've found the right place! Those who join will be put through a selection process to determine their ability to shoot, move, and communicate effectively. If you pass, you will have access to a tight teamwork-oriented community who's strength lies in our excellence. Join now and take your Helldivers experience to the next level! https://discord.gg/CvmYMUvUT7
Helldivers 2 Brasil Icon
Gaming | PC
Comunidade Brasileira de Helldivers 2, procure grupos, converse sobre Helldivers e mais |🙋 Encontrar pessoas e grupos para jogar |🎮 Completar operações nas dificuldades mais altas | 📖 Aprender dicas e estratégias | 🖥️ Compartilhar conteúdo
ICARO | Helldivers 2 rolplay Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Clan hispanohablante de Helldivers II con rolplay semanal, escuadrones cerrados y progresión de rangos. Misiones personalizadas con desafíos únicos que mantienen la acción fresca. Únete a la élite y vive la democracia gestionada. ¡Lidera, combate y haz historia con nosotros!
Helldivers Icon
Gaming | PC | Playstation
Do you play Helldivers 2? Are you looking for Helldivers to join your cause for DEMOCRACY?!?!? Look no further, here we have other fellow helldivers you can party up with in VC and spill bug guts with FREEDOM!!!
NP2H Gaming Icon
Gaming | Community
NP2H Gaming is a gaming community that plays all kind of games. If you play a game, we probably have members that plays it also. Click the join button now!
Furry Legion Icon
Furry | Art | LGBT
Furry Legion is an active and fast growing furry server aimed to create a positive and accepting place on Discord for furs, and non furs alike!
Furry Legion Discord Server Banner
Furry Legion Icon
Furry | Art | LGBT
Furry Legion is an active and fast growing furry server aimed to create a positive and accepting place on Discord for furs, and non furs alike!
Toxic Tyrants Icon
Gaming | Community
Toxic Tyrants is one of the fastest growing and largest FPS LFG communities on Discord. With 2,000+ active members we have voice chat channels that are active around the clock from every part of the world. Bonus points for all players that like to add a little or lot of toxicity to their gameplay.