Dear Timekeepers,

Our industry is navigating some rough seas right now. In the midst of the tempest, it’s easy to lose sense of direction, or worse still, faith.

We at Analog however are committed to forging ahead in the quest to build a better future. As our Chief Architect Victor Young says, "We stay the course whether through choppy or serene waters. There's only one way to go, and that's forward."

It’s our hope that everyone in the crypto space feels the same way. This isn’t the time to walk away, it’s the time to double down and build.

As Web3 breaks the horizon, there’s plenty to be excited about and numerous visions to be realized. Analog, for one, is tirelessly progressing towards becoming the tool for developers to build the apps of a truly decentralized future.

It’s this vision that drives us through storms as we build innovations such as the Timechain, which will be key to taking decentralized applications to the next level.

We want this industry to grow and thrive. We want you to be there with us all the way, through thick and thin.