I did a mini server revamp! In this I just did some simple things (Changing server name and icon)

I did this because the old Name, Blue's Hut is like it is mine. Although it is of course my server I don't want it to look like this. That is because when I made this server it was for my YouTube channel, I don't really upload or stream anymore so it doesn't make sense for this server to still be named like I did.

The new name for the server, as you may have noticed, is Blue Universe! This was the name voted for in #public-polls! The new icon is also along that space theme with a ringed planet! This was also voted for in #public-polls!

New Emojis

Just to keep the old design going, and to embrace the new one, I have added 3 new emojis! :blueuniverse:, :oldservericon: & :oldservericonanim:

Hope you like the changes!