?️Dewdrop Update?️

**?️Dewdrop Update?️ **


+channel #?・server-ideas !

/suggest in #?・commands

Go there to make suggestions for the server and have people vote for it!

+channel #?・lfg

Type something with lfg in it

Go find a group to play games with :)


+new level/social system @Tatsu#8792

t!rank & t!help <- to know the rest in #?・commands

+music bot(s) @Jockie Music#8158 & @Jockie Music (1)#6951 (for @mmbrs )

m!play in #?・jockie-music


?updates will subscribe to updates.

?noupdates will unsubscribe.

don't forget to vote for dewdrop on top.gg

