Some new players were surprised by the way we roleplay, and said we should post it so people know it's not only 'one sentence RP'. So here we go, have two sample outputs. Our Dottore Harbinger having a conversation with Pantalone: (please note that it was two outputs. We try to show this here, out of discord, by having the corresponding player as headline)

Dottore Omega - The Doctor: Of course he has noticed how Pantalone was startled, almost jumping and falling off his chair. He also saw the anger that most would miss out behind his friendly fake smile. But he has known the other Harbinger for too long to miss out on that. And it always brings him pleasure to see something like that. To put others in there place or command them around. His sadistic side just takes over in such moments, even if it's about his colleagues.

He doesn't care about the falling woman as he approached the other Harbinger with slow and steady steps.

"You should be glad that I delivered her in once piece. She disturbed my important work and you know I don't like that. So next time make sure your subordinates don't interrupt me or I won't grand them there life's every time." he said with a threatening voice as he glared at the lower ranked Harbinger from behind his mask. His hands still hidden in his coat now got out and he placed them on Pantalones desk to lean over. "I hope I made myself clear, Regrator."

— Pantalone - The Regrator: Oh those games again ... he loved and despised them alike. But Omega always managed to keep him on his toes, and only very few were able to accomplish this. And so he gladly joined in. He walked around his table behind Dottore, gently placing his hands on the heavy harbinger coat of the Doctor, taking it off his shoulders.

"My dear Dottore," The Regrator began, his voice smooth and almost purring, "Your point is duly noted. Rest assured, I'll have a word with my subordinates about respecting your ... sacred workspace." He slightly leaned forward, meeting Dottore's masked face with an unruffled gaze.

"After all, we wouldn't want to hinder the progress of your experiments I so exhaustively fund, now would we?"

With a graceful motion, Pantalone reached for a crystal decanter on his shelf, pouring a glass of amber liquid and sliding it towards Dottore on his desk. He then looked at the blonde woman for a brief moment. Now knowing the girl probably was the job interview candidate, he decided to already give her a little test. He placed the coat on a chair and gave her an expectant look, followed by a wink.

He then poured himself a glass, and looked towards Dottore again. "A token of my appreciation for your... patience." He said, his words dripping with a mix of sincerity and cynism, for he very well knew that patience was none of his collegue's strengths. "Please, indulge yourself. This whiskey is distilled from the tears of our enemies."

Pantalone smirked. His voice betraying no hint about the truth of his words about the whiskey. He gestured to the nearby couch, an invitation to sit.

Join us in! We can't have those two bicker all the time ...