The Skeld is the default map for Among Us. It also has 14 great vents to crawl through! These can be your greatest weapon as an imposter as long as you know how to use them!
The vent map on Skeld is laid out fairly symmetrically. There's a set of vents on the left that connect Reactor to each engine room, and a vent triangle between Security, Electrical, and Medbay. This setup is mirrored on the right with Navigation being connected to both Weapons and Shields, and a vent triangle between Admin, Cafeteria, and the hallway between Nav and Shields.
Vent triangles are very useful, as they allow you to quickly move between three different rooms on the map. When lights are off, an imposter can make a quick kill in Electrical and hop in the vent for a quick getaway. One thing to keep in mind with this vent is that a crewmate on Admin Table will be able to see a vent between rooms, so be careful when exiting the room you vent to! A comms sabotage will also render Admin Table useless.
The vent triangle on the right is a little different as one of the vents is not located in a room. If you want to avoid being detected venting on the Admin Table, you can switch to the hallway vent before going to the room of your choice. However, we don't recommend hopping out of the hallway vent unless you know cameras are off (look out for the red light)! The hallway vent is the only one visible on cameras. Much like Admin Table, a quick comms sabotage will take care of this.
The vents from Nav to Weapons and Shields are quite useful. Even though they're visible on Admin Table, it's not hard to avoid detection on the right side of the map; just run to O2 or Communications.
On the left, we have the Reactor to Upper Engine and the Reactor to Lower Engine vents. If you kill in Reactor, try to vent away using the upper vent as the visibility is better and it's less likely you'll be spotted hopping out. The vent in Lower Engine has poor visibility and it's easy to get caught by someone running left from Electrical (traditionally a very busy location on the map). This is probably the most risky vent to use on Skeld; the hallway vent is also dangerous, but as long as you watch out for cameras, you shouldn't get caught.
Most imposters only utilize the left vent triangle, however, all of these vents can be handy if used in the right situation. One more thing to keep in mind is that you can see a vent pop through walls. This means that a person in Storage could see the Admin vent open and run up to catch the imposter coming out.
Now that you're a venting master, join us at Phoenix Rising Gaming Lounge for Among Us and a variety of other fun games!