Recently added #partnerships, #rules and #our-ad.

We thought to help grow our server and help other servers out in the process we'd introduce partnerships. We only accept and review servers that are in line with our servers themes (more of that in #rules) and more.

We also introduce our first #partnership, INK! Ran by Otis.

We're now looking on introducing other things too such as a shop and more colour roles; maybes even a special event 😼. I'm incredibly happy of the servers state so far. Despite the lack of support from disboard we've managed to keep the server active by discussing writing and other things in #general. I love a good small community and the server so far is a good example of it!

If you wish to suggest items for the shop or other things please leave them in #suggestions! I will greatly benefit from it.

Hope you're all having a good day ❤️.