Civalia Information

❓ So what is Civalia, anyways? ❓

Civalia the game is a play-to-earn, text-based strategy RPG that is playable in all modern web browsers. Complete Quests, Raids, daily and weekly Bounties, and PvP to earn experience, Gold, and Gear. Leveling up your Knight increases your stats and Skills permanently, even through buying and selling on Immutable X. Completing these in-game activities also has a chance to drop Treasure Chest NFTs that when opened drop powerful NFT Gear, all of which can be bought and sold on Immutable X.

Civalia is influenced by games like D&D, Mafia Wars, and Dwarf Fortress, as well as stories like Lord of the Rings and Attack on Titan.

? What is the story of Civalia? ?

Civalia takes place in a high-fantasy, post-apocalyptic world where the beasts of the land tower over trees, forcing the people of the Kingdom Civalia to toil away, trapped within its mighty walls. The once soft and fair King Leon Civalia XII - now a fierce and unforgiving tyrant - has conscripted every able-bodied person in his Kingdom to arms, hellbent on reclaiming the Land of Tarníer no matter the cost. Read Chapter One:

The gameplay will be influenced by the story which evolves as the community plays the game. We've intentionally created the story to be very open-ended so that players influence its direction through their in-game activity and community voting. The story will unfold in two main areas: exploring beyond the wall of the Kingdom, and Civalian politics.

The Land of Tarníer, where the Kindom is located, is an expansive land. The Quests and Raids players embark on will influence which areas are discovered next, shaping future questlines and unlocking more Gear to acquire. Players that regularly complete difficult Raids and lead important weekly Bounties will have their uniquely named Knight written into the storyline, choosing how the politics of the Kingdom unfold.

You tell the story. It's your Kingdom, after all. ?