You exit the character creation interface. The new shape of your body is disorienting at first, but you’re quickly distracted by the feeling of a gentle breeze on your skin. The sun is not quite at its peak, but it’s bright enough to make you squint as your eyes adjust.

“Hello!” A bright voice greets. To your right, beneath the shade of a young tree, is an androgynous Eldar. They look just as ambiguous as they were present in the character creator, like the night sky had been cut into the shape of a person. You can’t even see their mouth as they speak.

“Welcome to your home city, where your new life begins,” the Eldar bowed, various trinkets on their wrists tinkling. “I’m Omniel, a guide when you need me.” One glowing eye winked cheerfully. “We’re so excited to have you in Ithala! As part of our opening month, all players will get a special present to share with the first friend they make. So don’t be shy; go forth and find others like you!”

Omniel swept their arms out widely to the world at large. “Your adventure awaits!” They declared and promptly burst into a sparkling display, disappearing.

[CHALLENGE: Make a friend! Omniel wants you to explore and find another player to befriend. When you do, use your interface to request a friendship with that player. The two of you will receive a unique present as each other’s first friend in Ithala.]