There is an Arcane sickness ripping through the city of Waterdeep!

Whirring to life the announcement box for the Waterdhavian begins its emergency proclamation A sober looking presenter dressed all in black, his sombre expression showing just how serious the affair is. "Updated numbers has tallied deaths within the city now to within the thousands. Researchers are tirelessly working to end this devastating illness that is ravaging the city. the only thing that we do know so far is that it is transmitted through spellcasting. Showing similar reactions to aether as Wild magic, the effects are unpredictable and potentially harmful." He takes a moments pause "As such, the council has deemed that until this sickness is resolved, all spell casting shall be quarantined. You cannot cast any magic in public spaces, please ensure if you must cast a spell you are at least ten feet from anyone else. Please remain a good social distance from any magic and if possible, refrain from casting all together."

Server wide Spell Sickness event is live! This is a TEMPORARY optional event, Spell casters will not be penalised, it is simply a RP hook for plot progression.