Public Discord Servers tagged with Viajes

Momentum Trades Icon
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Best Discord Trading Server for Stocks, Options, Forex and Crypto! Top analysts on Discord giving you daily trade ideas, insights and education helping you succeed.
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Momentum Trades Discord Server Banner
Momentum Trades Icon
Investing | Financial | Community
Best Discord Trading Server for Stocks, Options, Forex and Crypto! Top analysts on Discord giving you daily trade ideas, insights and education helping you succeed.
World Travelers-Viajeros Icon
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Share your personal travel experience,anecdotes and reviews (Photography are welcome) Best Travel server where you can talk about any locations you have ever visited or would like to go, and their characteristics.I will be uploading photos of Argentina mainly and telling their story in order you can know about our culture, traditions, our passion, what we love. I hope I can create a nice community for the project. Please do not spam and insult as a main rule. Let us respect each other. Enjoy. Spanish Below Comparti tu experiencia de viaje, anecdotas y fotos Hola viajeros como estan? A quien no le gusta viajar y conocer lugares. Este es mi servidor de viajes donde se podra hablar de sitios que visitaste alguna vez o te gustaria ir, y sus caracteristicas. Estaré subiendo fotos de Argentina principalmente y contando su historia, creando así una linda comunidad para el proyecto y conozcas un poco de la cultura del país. Por favor les pido, no spamear e insultar como regla principal.