Hey spooky villiagers, I hope everyone is well! With autumn in full swing we thought we'd celebrate the changing of the colours with a seasonal array of contests and events.

Photography / Art contest

  • Contest is open from now until 03/11 (02/11 for you time travelling Australien babies)
  • Can be any photo, whether it's pumpkin carving, candy, some cooking to selfies and costumes, even a spooky landscape, as long as you've taken the photo or drawn the picture, you can enter it.
  • Xear would like to beg for costume entries from egirls.
  • Entries go in #halloween-contest-entries

Prizes: First prize: $15 amazon gift card + 1 month nitro + 3500 berries (server currency) Second prize: 1 month nitro + 3500 berries (server currency) Third prize: 3500 berries (server currency) Participation prize: 1500 berries (server currency)

Halloween Movie Night:

  • Halloween movie marathon on 31st and 1st (according to AEST time, but for two time zones at around 4-6pm for a couple of hours - probably 3 movies).
  • More info to come.
  • Will have prizes and participation berries.