The No Dip League (or NDL) is an international friendly war competition hosting clans from all over the globe of varying sizes, skill levels and time zones. Clans accepted into the NDL will be assigned a schedule of opponents separated by divisions, and will compete in one match per week during the regular season. At the end of the regular season, the highest ranked clans will participate in a playoff to determine a season champion.
NDL is run by a team of staff who facilitate making the league happen. Rules are developed with feedback from clan leaders (called Ambassadors), and the league is run with an emphasis on transparency and collaboration.
Age of Empires Italia è la community italiana dedicata ad Age of Empires 2 DE ed ora pure al Age of Empires IV!
L'obiettivo della community è quello di creare un ambiente tranquillo dove giocare divertendosi con altri appassionati senza comunque trascurare la possibilità di approfondire il lato competitivo del gioco.
Oceania AFPS
This server is for discussion of any Arena FPS games, including Diabotical, Quake Live, CPMA, QuakeWorld, Quake Live. Chat, play and link up with gamers of all skill levels! Invite anyone you know from Australia, New Zealand and South-East Asia and join in for some fun events and competitions!
Wir sind eine Orga namens Ascendancy Alliance Organisation,
Wir sind noch im aufbau!
Wir vertreten die Spiele:
-Rainbow six
-Rocket league
Wir wollen das ihr unter unserer Orga Turniere ectr spielt, dafür habt ihr unseren Support, wir helfen euch sogut wie wir es können mit coachen ectr,
Wichtig ist das man ahnung vom spiel haben muss, erfahrung haben sollte, familienfreundlich mit anderen umgehen kann
Joint einfach drauf und wir werden sehen!