# ***☆|Mochizuki Studios - AUDITIONS|☆***
☆: Hello there! My name is Director Kinsei!
☆: Now, you must be wondering, what is the meaning of Mochizuki Studios? Well, Mochizuki Studios is a universe that is built with many stories, dimensions, histories, lore, creativity, and much more!
# ***What Is Mochizuki Studios Looking For?***
☆: Here is the following of what we are looking for!
***Writing Department***
☆Script Writers☆ ☆Beta Script Readers☆ ☆Story Plot Writer☆
***Acting Department***
☆Voice Actors☆
***Artist Department***
☆Background Artist☆ ☆Artist☆ ☆Prop Artist☆ ☆Custom Characters Designers☆
***Editing Department***
☆Audio Creators/Editors☆ ☆Editing Crew☆
***Animating Department***
☆Background Animators☆ ☆Animator☆
***Music Department***
☆Music Team☆
**☆: The rest of the info is in the server! -Gacha based.**
**All these projects are unpaid! Just for fun!**
Must be 14+!!