Acesta este un server de Discord destinat pentru marirea Comunitatii Clanului ⟐CD CountryDons (CS:GO) Sper sa va Simtiti bine!O sa fie organizate concursuri, batalii, GIVEAWAY-uri, Sper sa avem o comunitate foarte mare dar cel mai important e sa va simtiti voi bine pe server si in Clan.PENTRU A ACCESA TOATE CANALELE FA CLICK PE REGULAMENT SI APOI PE BIFA!
We worship nuggets and spread the word of The Nugget Cult as we play FPS games such as Rainbow Six Siege and Call Of Duty. We host events and challenges for the community to partake in where they can win money and other prizes.
A Rede Focus é um Servidor de Minecraft que dispõe de diversos minigames, sendo sua principal atração o Factions.
Acesse o discord de Youtubers da Rede Focus para fazer uma parceria entre a Rede e seu canal.
It's a New server
I'm looking for :
I have experience in handling servers
The server will be active
Has some cool bots and some more bots are to be added
Based on a youtube channel
We are an online gaming community based for new players on games to get together and expand your knowledge on specific games. We are mostly focused on games such as Destiny 2, Call of Duty and Single-Player Games, along with Indie Games like 7 Days To Die & Minecraft.
Everyone and anyone is welcome as we post guides and answer any questions you have on Destiny 2 as we help new and returning players. Our primary focus is currently aimed at new Destiny 2 players.