Politicists is a server for people both new and old to the trade, its for people who are looking to learn more about politics and debate and for those who are entirely educated looking to debate, we have public and private channels for sharing materials (Key terms, videos, statistics & more) that we find relevant to keeping up with the field.
Marketplace of Ideas is a debate server for people of all ideologies to discuss anything they like, politics, religion, philosophy, etc. LGBT friendly.
Welcome to the Orient! A server based around passionate discussions with a lovely set of members, you will feel right at home here with the elegant Ottoman theme. Join today!
Up for a discussion? Want to debate on a wide range of topics? Want to learn more and engage with members of your community? Come check us out! We are a middle ground for a wide range of topics and offer more niche servers a platform to promote themselves. Partner with us today!
The central conceptual theme here at Nameless Debates is an overwhelming focus on the free exchange of ideas, opinions, critiques and compliments that emerges from the sort of open dialogue that we love to promote on this platform.