Dreamy Ghost Café Rules
  1. No hate speech or discrimination against any fellow server members or their guests based on sex, gender, orientation, relationship status, disabilities or neurodivergencies, race, religion, or anything else is permitted here. This includes no discrimination against mspec lesbians, endogenic systems, xenogenders and neopronouns, etc.

  2. Sensitive topics must be spoilered except in appropriate channels.

  3. The content warning channels do not require any spoilers, trigger warnings or content warnings, though if members wish to spoiler and give warnings, they may. Access to them is restricted and seeking access is consent to see potentially upsetting content.

  4. Syscourse is strictly prohibited. Mentioning it will result in a warning (except in vent channels when it pertains explicitly to yourself) and engaging or attempting to engage in it will result in a ban for all parties involved. We accept non-traumagenic systems, mixed orgin systems, etc.

  5. POLITE disagreement is always allowed and encouraged. If it gets to the point of name calling, pointless aggression, and/or making others uncomfortable/distressed however, warnings and potentially temporary mutes will be issued.

  6. Swearing is allowed, slurs are not. If you can reclaim a slur (with the exception of r||etar||d, which we do not allow usage of), you may use it on yourself in a non derogatory way, but you may not use it on others.

  7. Politics of all kinds are banned, except in the vent channel when it specifically pertains to you.

  8. Please try to keep channels on topic (such as no casual discussions in the venting channels, no asking for art advice in the memes channel, etc)

  9. Do not out others as queer, a system, or any other identity. If you see someone's content in a public forum do not out them unless you have their express permission that it is okay to do so

  10. Please refrain from bringing off site drama or arguments to this server

  11. Please provide translations of typing quirks whenever you are physically able to do so. If you cannot, ping @Typing Quirk Translator and a volunteer translator will provide those for you. Image descriptions are not mandatory, as this server is image based, but if you’d like to give them for your drawings, that is very appreciated

  12. Please censor flashing gifs and bright images.

  13. Age regressors and members of systems who are under 13 (the system’s body must be over 13) are allowed to interact, but they cannot go into any venting channels, nsfw channels, content warning channels, or read anything censored that someone has labeled with ‘littles don’t look’. (example: littles don’t look, content warning for [triggering topic] ||text goes here||)

  14. Do not criticize art unless the artist has requested it

  15. Do not steal the art of others, or repost it without permission. If you are found to be posting art that isn’t yours within this server, or stealing the art of others in this server and posting it on other websites as yours, you will be banned.

  16. This server is against NFTs and is a proud right clicker. NFT bros, please go elsewhere.

While this is not a rule, staff requests that if you are not a person of color, that you do not use AAVE (african american vernacular english) in this server. Simp, fleek, we been knew, sus, and snatched are all examples of AAVE. This is not a rule, but is highly encouraged