We are proud to announce that we have finished setting up most of the social media accounts.

We now have a subreddit; make sure to join the community (if you'd like) over there because it will be one of our server's priorities. We spent the most time setting it up! Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/WuWaves/

We also made sure to create a Twitter account because Twitter is widely used among other options! Twitter:  https://twitter.com/wu_waves

Of course, we also have TikTok, and we are planning to create all kinds of fun videos. If you have suggestions for video ideas, please let us know on the server's suggestion channel.  Tiktok (3.4K): https://www.tiktok.com/@wutheringwaves_

Guess what else we have! 

I hope you said YouTube because you are right; we, in fact, do have a YouTube channel. Youtube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcuvoGw9w2yoIHEs-HT5Fxw

And if you said Facebook, we only have a Facebook page. Our Facebook group is still under construction. Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/WuWavesUnofficial/

We have a lot more incoming, so stay tuned for more updates. Thank you guys for being such awesome Rovers for this small but growing community!