In 2029, over 20% of the population bear some kind of superhuman ability. These people, known as Variants, are faced with discrimination around the world for their potent abilities- a partial byproduct of powers showcased during and after the world wars. Out of the entire world, there are only a handful of 'safe havens' for Variants. Arcadia is the largest and most prominent, a bustling metropolis that sits between the US and Canada while the surrounding world watches this living experiment unfold. With the recent employment of government-sanctioned 'heroes' criminal activity has steadily declined, but whispers from the slums and shadows suggest that the various gangs and organizations of the land are up to something.
We offer:
Orignal lore
┕ Carefully crafted lore meant to shake up the oversaturated parts of the superhero genre.
18+ Community
┕ Due to the gritty and dark themes, we want to explore, this was a must. If you want dark, we've got it! Within reason