ETSIVÄ NUORISOTYÖ HELSINKI ohjaa, auttaa vaikeuksissa ja kulkee rinnalla, koskipa kysymyksesi opiskelu- tai työmahdollisuuksia, toimeentuloa tai tukipalveluja (esim. Kela, sosiaalitoimisto, TE-palvelut), asunnonhakua, kehon tai mielen terveyttä, tai vapaa-aikaa. Tukea kaikille 16-28 -vuotiaille
Allair ♡ is a Friendly and Support focused Bot, here to help others out and support them along the way.
❀ - Anonymous Venting
❀ - Suggestions
❀ - Support Commands
⤹♡ - Friend Finder
And More to use and to come!
At Beryl Advertising you can advertise as many servers as you want every 6 hours! We also have active and dedicated staff to help you along the journey of growing your server!