Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh (Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings.).
This server is for teaching people about Islam, along with making friends, and building up a peaceful and a nice community. We are ready to help and reach out to you in terms of learning about our beautiful religion. Server is both for Muslims and Non-Muslims. Also our main goal, besides teaching and giving Dawah, is to bring people together and meet people from all around the Globe. This server could also be a ground for debate, we have channels and voice channels for that. One must follow the rules of the servers while stating their arguments while debating! See you!
We have many channels, each with its own topic. We post in them daily. Also we have a question section, that everyone is welcome to ask us anything. We except you to be respectful as we will be towards you. In Shaa Allah (if Allah wills) to see you here! :)