Olá, humanos, (ou não, rs)! Prazer em te conhecer, eu sou o Snott, um novo bot no discord. Tenho muitas funções, como moderação, música e utilidade, mas eu gosto mesmo é de divertir vocês humanos! 😁
Desenvolvedor: Heitor.xp#9062
Meu nome: Snott
Prefixo padrão: s! (customizável)
Use s!help
✅ 24/7 online;
✅ Sem erros;
✅ Sem bugs;
✅ Totalmente configurável;
✅ Ping bom.
The official discord server for Excalibur. Excalibur is a WIP bot, which aims to do pretty much everything and then some. We've come up with wacky features (we haven't made em yet tho) that have never been thought of before in a bot. The Excalibur community is pretty laid-back.
Carder is a discord bot focused on Canvas Images like /simpcard <user> or /jail <user>! It has CURRENTLY over 30 Commands (There will be more) and has no Ads or functions you have to Buy!
CyberCat Bot is a multi-purpose bot for your discord server. It has moderation commands and so many fun commands that will never make your server players bored.
There are some sample commands listed below. To know more about all commands you should use this bot or visit our website https://cybercatdiscordbot.github.io/pages/commands.html
/say - This will make the bot repeat what you say.
/gemini - Ask anything and get your answer from fully powered Google's Gemini AI.
/weather - Get the weather information of the provided city or state.
/fun catimage - Get a random cat image from all over the world.
/fun quote - Get a funny quote of the day.
/lovepercentage - Find the love percentage of the provided couple.
/bomb - Plant a bomb on a user in discord server. The user will be punished by a randomly selected punishment, for the last 30 minutes.
/rolldice - Roll a dice and try your luck.