The official server of Romania on
The server is used for organized attacks on Pixel Planet.
You can still chat with other members or talk with staff for improving the template or give other ideas to them to make Romania a great community once again.
we are a group of people who play pixelgames. we attack and make nice edits, and have fun in our dc server. Pixelplanet is a Rp game. you can get Rank and we hope you have fun here !
--------{ Bun venit in Parlamentul Rebublici Sovietica Romnia (PRSR)}---------
Servus Tovaras ACesta este un server deciat Communistilor si celor care sunt interesanti in domeniul rus etc.. . Cautam staf si membri seriosi care le place Communisnul . Ce mai astepti Da-io o Incercare Nu mai sta!